Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I am over in NZ at the moment but when I get home I will try and find the data on the supplier of the drive plates I hade made and supplied from the UK.
They were that cheap I got 2 and the guy made them and had them shipped to me within a week.
These were at the same price as 1 that would have taken longer to supply in Aus.

Wow cool. That would be awesome. Thanks mate!
I just looked up my old post on "Engine Transplant"
The makers were lancing marine in the UK
Welcome to Lancing Marine

I actuall rang them at one stage to confirm the number of splines and SAE requirement for my drive plates.

I just looked up my old post on "Engine Transplant"
The makers were lancing marine in the UK
Welcome to Lancing Marine

I actuall rang them at one stage to confirm the number of splines and SAE requirement for my drive plates.


Hi mate.
Thanks for the info and link. I sent my over to Wes at the beginning of the week. He said he'll see if he can help. I'll forward this link on to him incase he can't sort it locally.
Thanks again mate
Hahahaha Fosters!, Fosters is sh!t. I actually don't know anyone in Australia that's drinks it. It's a common misconception that us aussies drink that crap. I'm a Bundy rum and coke man ;-)

chuckle....thats funny!:rofl:...I was sure that would get a rise outa you..
crap is correct, each time i have tried it it always tasted the same, crappy.
Bundy rum? never tried that will have to give it a whirl
Bundy Rum commonly known in Queensland as "Cane Cutters Cordial"
It's nice with Ginger Ale as well, cuts out that Coke taste.
As mo old mane used to say id you won't fight with Bundy in you you are an absolute coward.
Many years ago a friend of mine returned from a visit to Australia with something called Dr. Jurd's Jungle Juice. I seem to remember a sweetish tasting brew which produced a formidable hangover. The label carried the wording "Makes me feel 3 years younger says 103 year old Mavis Wobbly".
Many years ago a friend of mine returned from a visit to Australia with something called Dr. Jurd's Jungle Juice. I seem to remember a sweetish tasting brew which produced a formidable hangover. The label carried the wording "Makes me feel 3 years younger says 103 year old Mavis Wobbly".

:rofl:...yep, thats been my experiance with rum and cactus juice, the wormy stuff.
About 15 years ago, my wife and I spent three weeks in eastern Australia and had a great time. I fell in love with Vitamin B but it apparently isn't imported into the US. Managed to get some from a guy who worked in the Aus embassy in Wash. DC once and haven't seen it since. We flew home to Virginia on my birthday which lasted 45 hours, thanks to the International Date Line. For those of you who haven't been there, Vitamin B is Victoria Bitters.

About 15 years ago, my wife and I spent three weeks in eastern Australia and had a great time. I fell in love with Vitamin B... For those of you who haven't been there, Vitamin B is Victoria Bitters.

Locally called "VB", short for Victoria Bitter (no "s"). Recently relaunched on the market, having lost favour and market share to numerous imports and local small producer "boutique" beers.
Locally called "VB", short for Victoria Bitter (no "s"). Recently relaunched on the market, having lost favour and market share to numerous imports and local small producer "boutique" beers.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Consumption of the big brands is way off in the US, too, and boutique breweries are growing. Was the relaunch just a marketing campaign or did they change the brew? I rarely drink the mass produced beers preferring instead the small local brews, usually ales but some beers. My son-in-law makes a kick-a$$ IPA and there is a new brewery near my office that makes a range of products, one near 9% alcohol. Two pints of that knocked me on my butt.

BruceK - I just noticed that you're in Sydney. We flew into Sydney and stayed several days in a Marriott hotel downtown. The day after arrival I went out for a run around the harbor. There was nothing foreign - it was like being in any other city in North America until I went to cross the street into the park by the harbor. Of course I looked the wrong way for traffic when I stepped off the curb. The screeching tires and honking horns nearly gave me a heart attack but I didn't make that mistake again. The other scare was when my wife drove the wrong way around 2 roundabouts up in Cairnes. I was amazed at how unperturbed the other drivers were and guessed it was a fairly common occurance.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Consumption of the big brands is way off in the US, too, and boutique breweries are growing. Was the relaunch just a marketing campaign or did they change the brew?
Just a relaunch I think, saw an advert on TV. I don`t drink it, usually have low alcohol beer about 2.7%, to be alert onboard, stay under.05, and allow for some decent Oz wine. Boring I guess, but hopefully safe, you never know when you`ll have to deal with something.
Our high $, especially against the Euro,brings lots of imports,and not just beer.
BruceK - I just noticed that you're in Sydney. We flew into Sydney - it was like being in any other city in North America until I went to cross the street into the park by the harbor. Of course I looked the wrong way for traffic when I stepped off the curb. The screeching tires and honking horns nearly gave me a heart attack but I didn't make that mistake again. The other scare was when my wife drove the wrong way around 2 roundabouts up in Cairnes. I was amazed at how unperturbed the other drivers were and guessed it was a fairly common occurance.
Hope you enjoyed your visit.Cairns drivers are more relaxed than Sydney ones.
Now and then, someone who drives on the right gets off a flight tired, picks up a rental car, drives out of an airport, and sadly something bad happens. Rental cars often have prominent warning stickers.
I`ve driven ok in USA/Canada/Europe, but I`d like to forget a near miss in France, so easy to revert to the habits of a lifetime.
VB (Vomit Brew) and other unsavoury names is on the decline in Aus as are the main stream brews all over the world.
the Craft Brewers are really doing well.
I am presently in NZ and some of the craft brews i have had over here are really good compared with the stuff that was brewed here years ago.
The same in Aus.

I took the vow years ago no low alcohol beer passes my lips.
I would rather drink one quality beeer than a couple of medicore low al beers.
They don't make low alcohol (quality) wines thank god.
Guys, you'll hopefully laugh at this, but my two sons are sort of beer connoisseurs, and often get me try an exotic, especially when we visited son number one in London two years ago. You can imagine their pitying looks when I try one they think is absolutely marvellous, only to put the glass down and say..." Yeah, not bad, but I'd still prefer a good old Hahn Premium Light".
I took the vow years ago no low alcohol beer passes my lips.
I would rather drink one quality beeer than a couple of medicore low al beers.
They don't make low alcohol (quality) wines..
Drinking low alcohol beer in Oz is almost heresy, but if it lets me enjoy a glass or 2 of great Aussie wine, and stay in control of the boat, it`s worth it.
Well what an interesting weekend I just had.

Saturday morning was fine. The Perkins is now rebuilt so I've moved it closer to the boat so I can now clean her up, paint it and add new wiring and hoses.

Came home, went to my neighbours sons 17th birthday party/bbq and That was where the good times stopped.

Upon walking back home at the end of the night, I was greater by a fully scratched ute and I mean fully scratched up. Every panel was done. Even the roof and headlights. To top it off the person or persons finished off by smashing my windscreen.

Then this afternoon someone went to my neighbours house, asked for jake (birthday boy) when jake went to the door the person smashed jake in the face with a skateboard and ran off, into a waiting car and fled the scene.

So we had ambulances, plain clothes detectives, uniformed police, forensic police and a windscreen guy all running around.

WTF is going on in my street ???? :-/


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It sort of makes you sound a bit like an old fart when you find yourself saying, " what the heck is the world coming to?" but I'll say it anyway, because that is a fair question. What happened shouldn't have Hendo, and we really sympathise...
We can only hope they catch the b******ds...
Matt – I’m very sorry for you and your neighbors’ predicament of aggression and wish you all the best as repercussions unfold. At first blush it seems to me that your auto may have simply become mistakenly caught up in the process of mindless aggression toward others -at least I hope that is the case.

There too often becomes neither rhyme nor reason for the mutant growth of blatant mindless aggression that can revolve/evolve around a specific point of action which becomes a non plus in the long scene of ongoing and no longer relevant reactions. Luckily, usually, and eventually the emotional energies that propel the aggression subside and calm resumes. Unfortunately the resulting negative-accomplishments derived from the mindless aggressions become carved in stone... in that the aggressions’ negative-accomplishments really happened and therefore must be rectified best as possible. Mutilation or death to humans or other living entities as one or more of the negative-accomplishments become non rectifiable and the price of justice is sought to be paid by the aggressors.

Now... I’m going to say something that may Piss-Off some on this forum. And, I ask is that those that do become P-Offed look deeply inside themselves as to what actually empowers their personal P-Off. You may find the enemy.

Some of us (considerably on the side of the male gender) may carry a deeply personal emotional problem that can release nearly uncontrollable aggressive actions or reactions that create potentials for forms of mutant growths of aggressive violence. The younger in years (from approx 10 years to 60 years old) humans tends to be the most pronounced time span in life when this emotional problem can release mindless aggressive actions.

There are “mind” tools that can be learned to compel any person’s thoughtless aggressive tendencies to be stopped in their tracks. However, the aggressor must admit to their own problem and then they need to have learned the tools and they also need to use these tools when necessary to circumvent violence. The tools are easy to learn and can be employed inside one’s mind in nearly an instant. The person’s aggression tendency regarding a specific point of action that previously occurred may return... the tools can repeatedly be used again and again to decommission the aggression tendency that boils up. Each repeat aggression tendency will be lengthened between occurrences with its power of feeling diminished until it becomes completely under control regarding any reactions toward the previous specific point of action.

Good luck Matt – That things mellow-down and that in the end items come out OK for all concerned. - Art
I don't believe in coincidences and I don't think this was mindless aggression. You are at your neighbor's B'day party and your car gets vandalized. Subsequently, the B'day boy is attacked. This is too focused to be random. Someone has it in for the boy maybe because they weren't invited to the party. They couldn't get to him during the party so maybe took it out on you for being there. I bet the person who attacked the B'day boy was in on the attack on your car and is acting at the direction of the person with the grudge. When the guilty parties are found, I'm sure it'll be someone the B'boy knows and you might, also.

Matt – I’m very sorry for you and your neighbors’ predicament of aggression and wish you all the best as repercussions unfold. At first blush it seems to me that your auto may have simply become mistakenly caught up in the process of mindless aggression toward others -at least I hope that is the case.

There too often becomes neither rhyme nor reason for the mutant growth of blatant mindless aggression that can revolve/evolve around a specific point of action which becomes a non plus in the long scene of ongoing and no longer relevant reactions. Luckily, usually, and eventually the emotional energies that propel the aggression subside and calm resumes. Unfortunately the resulting negative-accomplishments derived from the mindless aggressions become carved in stone... in that the aggressions’ negative-accomplishments really happened and therefore must be rectified best as possible. Mutilation or death to humans or other living entities as one or more of the negative-accomplishments become non rectifiable and the price of justice is sought to be paid by the aggressors.

Now... I’m going to say something that may Piss-Off some on this forum. And, I ask is that those that do become P-Offed look deeply inside themselves as to what actually empowers their personal P-Off. You may find the enemy.

Some of us (considerably on the side of the male gender) may carry a deeply personal emotional problem that can release nearly uncontrollable aggressive actions or reactions that create potentials for forms of mutant growths of aggressive violence. The younger in years (from approx 10 years to 60 years old) humans tends to be the most pronounced time span in life when this emotional problem can release mindless aggressive actions.

There are “mind” tools that can be learned to compel any person’s thoughtless aggressive tendencies to be stopped in their tracks. However, the aggressor must admit to their own problem and then they need to have learned the tools and they also need to use these tools when necessary to circumvent violence. The tools are easy to learn and can be employed inside one’s mind in nearly an instant. The person’s aggression tendency regarding a specific point of action that previously occurred may return... the tools can repeatedly be used again and again to decommission the aggression tendency that boils up. Each repeat aggression tendency will be lengthened between occurrences with its power of feeling diminished until it becomes completely under control regarding any reactions toward the previous specific point of action.

Good luck Matt – That things mellow-down and that in the end items come out OK for all concerned. - Art

The only people i have ever known like you describe above were women. Men were I live can't aford the luxury of that kind of behaviour but women get away with it all the time.
Gee Hendo, that`s bad. Sorry for your young neighbor, and your ute.
There is a history here of young age parties going bad. People don`t get invited and want revenge, something private gets publicised on social media, gatecrashers turn up with nasty intentions, a young guy here got hit with an iron bar by a gatecrasher and needed cranial surgery. I`ve seen news reports of similar party incidents in WA. Your ute damage could be unrelated, but balance of probabilities suggests not, especially as yours is a quiet semi rural area. I just hope that is the end of it.
Howdy doody all
Cheers for y'all concern and support. I'm more shocked than angry so yes Pete, the wild old country boy in me must be fading as the older chilled out Hendo comes to the surface lol. This revelation would be supported by the small amounts of grey starting to shine through, and I'm only 34 :-( haha

I think it's related but can't know for sure. If it was related, I'm sure it wasn't directed at me and may be a case of mistaken identity. The young fella drives a silver ute that he parks out the front also but moved it to the rear of the property as it had the firewood in it for the party. My fiancé thinks it may have been a case of someone not being invited and having been told its the house with the silver ute out the front. Who knows what the go was. I'm just glad it's insured. The ute will need a full bare metal re spray. I'm more annoyed that they didn't attack the tyres cause I need new rubber haha.

Well she's booked in tomorrow to go to the assessors and then the repairers so that will put a dampener on the boat building schedule. Well actually I don't have a schedule but you get my drift lol :-(

Might have to suck up to the misses and ask to use her car to go to the boat cause riding my motorbike there will be funny. Especially with a sheet of ply strapped to my back lol

Thanks again for your support guys.

Well before my car was attacked by the savages, I was thinking about my boat design. I like the Integrity 380 but was going to widen the cab so it only had about a 200mm walkway around the cabin area going forward but this meant removing the controversial angled roof support panels.

I have since been looking around and after spending time on my mates 40ft flybridge I fell in love with the single steering station up stairs.

Now I can't flex the ply to make the shape similar to most of these 40 footers now days and I want to try and avoid the square "houseboat" look also. I was reading a post of a bloke that was looking to buy a woodie and well someone posted up a link to a 2001 Carvel 350. I love the look of those. Especially the radar arch. I'd have to make some slight changes like a hardtop roof to support the radar arch and some other things but I reckon I've found my ladies new look.

What's everyone's thoughts on this models shape? I think it's either you love it or you hate it. I was a bit " iffy " at the beginning but I really love it. I always had a deep seated want for a flybridge on M/V AXE but couldn't find a look I liked. This has heaps of curves that I need to mirror and or remove which may give me the houseboat look I'm trying to avoid but I reckon I might give it a good crack. It's kinda like the look between my Bayliner 3055 and a 40ft flybridge. I also love that bow seat area. I could make the seat fold up and that could be where our tender will rest.

Anyone got one of these?
Anyone like the shape?
Anyone have tips on improving the design?
Anyone know where I can get this anyone from?
Anyone seems to know a lot cause someone is always asking for anyone! Lol

Cheers everyone


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Enjoyed your article

I have enjoyed reading your boat building article and am impressed with all the work you have put into your boat, it sure is a bigger project than most of us would ever attempt so good-on-ya.

As an expat Kiwi living stateside for the past 26 years and also as a retired Colorado County Sheriff I am not surprised by the actions of those who damaged your vehicle and beat up your neighbor. Unfortunately these crimes are all too common everywhere in the world.

One word of advice is to put up some signs in a very visible area that state "home under video surveillance" you can buy them on line or elsewhere and they work great for just a couple of bucks. Obvioulsy the real camera system is much better and has come down in price of late but that would just take away money from your great boat project.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to following your progress.
I have enjoyed reading your boat building article and am impressed with all the work you have put into your boat, it sure is a bigger project than most of us would ever attempt so good-on-ya.

As an expat Kiwi living stateside for the past 26 years and also as a retired Colorado County Sheriff I am not surprised by the actions of those who damaged your vehicle and beat up your neighbor. Unfortunately these crimes are all too common everywhere in the world.

One word of advice is to put up some signs in a very visible area that state "home under video surveillance" you can buy them on line or elsewhere and they work great for just a couple of bucks. Obvioulsy the real camera system is much better and has come down in price of late but that would just take away money from your great boat project.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to following your progress.

Hey mate! Thanks for your reply and your support. It's a big project alright. Bigger than I first expected but hey, bit by bit and she'll be done.

Re your comment about cameras. It's funny you should mention that cause I've got two installed already. One on either end of the house. I was given a couple of cameras by a mate as the actual camera internals were broken so I just chucked them up as a deterrent. They don't work but you'd never know. I got some big signs made up, stuck them on some acrylic and fixed them to the outside of the house.

They have been up for some time now. I put them up when I bought the ski boat.

The fact that this happened makes me think that the person or persons that did this aren't from this area which points back to the boys birthday party.

Also goes to show how dumb crims are!

Perhaps I should stick some lights up pointing at the camera with some big flashing LED arrows pointing at them also haha

Thanks anyway for your tip! Great minds think alike ay! Lol

Thanks again for your support mate.



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Well before my car was attacked by the savages, I was thinking about my boat design. I like the Integrity 380 but...
What's everyone's thoughts on this models shape? I think it's either you love it or you hate it.
I`m in the second group, it is a personal thing, I respect that, but you asked.
Sunny (?stormy) Queensland has many boats with only flybridge helm, less so in Sydney, where winter is cool enough to not use the flybridge. If well enclosed, would it be usable all year round in WA? It will yield you more saloon space.
I`m in the second group, it is a personal thing, I respect that, but you asked.
Sunny (?stormy) Queensland has many boats with only flybridge helm, less so in Sydney, where winter is cool enough to not use the flybridge. If well enclosed, would it be usable all year round in WA? It will yield you more saloon space.

Thanks for your reply Bruce. Appreciate it mate. The weather here is suitable all year round for a non enclosed FB but as I'd have to put up a hardtop then fully enclosing it wouldn't be an issue, should I end up going for the new design.
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