Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Personally, Hendo, seeing you're asking. I would never recommend a fly bridge only helm in a non- planing boat. In a displacement boat the seas only have to be moderate for it to be a horrible place to be, as roll and pitching is magnified, but also it becomes damn dangerous even vacating it to a downstairs helm like I have. Yes, I know there are folk on here that almost exclusively drive from up top, but they usually own semi- planing hulled boats, so the increased speed smooths things out quite a bit, or much bigger craft than Yours and mine. Look, the number of times I drive from up top is minimal, and I could do without the fly bridge quite happily, and I'm in Queensland.
For another example of why, if I didn't have it, I would not be faced with installing not one but two new sonars, because the flyBridge unit and my main have both gone AWOL at once. I'd hate however to have no choice but to drive from up there, so duplication is the name of the game if you have a fly bridge.
As the the hull shape. Sory, but I'm with Bruce here. I still think you I 380 approach was the better one for your size, construction method, and speed. Leave the plastic fantastics to those who love to zoom around at 200 litres per hour.
Just think of all that neat space up top for solar cells, dink stowage etc, not to mention less wind age and simpler construction, and far better environment inside for expensive instruments. If you enclose a flybridge in our latitude to provide all that, as FF would say, you've created a hothouse.
You did ask...
Personally, Hendo, seeing you're asking. I would never recommend a fly bridge only helm in a non- planing boat. In a displacement boat the seas only have to be moderate for it to be a horrible place to be, as roll and pitching is magnified, but also it becomes damn dangerous even vacating it to a downstairs helm like I have. Yes, I know there are folk on here that almost exclusively drive from up top, but they usually own semi- planing hulled boats, so the increased speed smooths things out quite a bit, or much bigger craft than Yours and mine. Look, the number of times I drive from up top is minimal, and I could do without the fly bridge quite happily, and I'm in Queensland.
For another example of why, if I didn't have it, I would not be faced with installing not one but two new sonars, because the flyBridge unit and my main have both gone AWOL at once. I'd hate however to have no choice but to drive from up there, so duplication is the name of the game if you have a fly bridge.
As the the hull shape. Sory, but I'm with Bruce here. I still think you I 380 approach was the better one for your size, construction method, and speed. Leave the plastic fantastics to those who love to zoom around at 200 litres per hour.
Just think of all that neat space up top for solar cells, dink stowage etc, not to mention less wind age and simpler construction, and far better environment inside for expensive instruments. If you enclose a flybridge in our latitude to provide all that, as FF would say, you've created a hothouse.
You did ask...

Heya mate. Yeah gonna stay with the sedan type. I just remembered why i ruled out flybridges in the first place. Bridges are low over here.
Anyhoo it was fun while it lasted :)
I asked a friend that owns lots of commercial and residential properties about the use of cameras and his reply was: Yes, they definitely lower the rate of vandalism but I only install dummy cameras anymore because I have found them as effective as working ones and lots cheaper.
Hi loyal supporters of MV AXE.

Not much being done ATM due to work and family commitments.

The engine is almost ready to fire up. Just waiting on a dipstick.

Had a new damper plate made and will take that down with the tranny and bolt it all up so its all ready for painting with the motor.

I brushed on a coat of killrust enamel paint on the damper plate. I also gave it a coat of killrust fish oil and greased up the mounting faces between the damper plate and the damper spacer plate so when the 2000hrs comes up, it won't be all rusted and fused together again making it almost impossible to replace.

That's all. Hopefully get back into it soon.



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Welcome and what a great story!
Ok not much done but managed to get the tranny down to the boat and plan on bolting it up, clean everything with degreaser and a pressure cleaner then paint in the next week.

Pretty stoked that the motor is fully rebuilt and the transmission is also fully rebuilt (despite me pulling it apart by mistake) haha

Ah well, to fully understand something, you need to build it :) and I know the engine and transmission inside and out lol



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Go Hendo, Go Hendo, GOOOOOO!!!! Successfully complete what ever meaningful task you decide upon... mechanical - or - personal!! :thumb: ;)

Ah well, to fully understand something, you need to build it :) and I know the engine and transmission inside and out lol


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]yes sir, I am only ever comfortable, I mean truly comfortable in a motor vehicle, boat that I haven't torn apart and built back up the proper way. Everything else when I use it its like I am always waiting for it to fail. Hendo, I know you understand that feeling?
When I buy something new like a boat or car I am always waiting for it to break. After tear down and bild I know she is gonna run for thousands of hours without issue. I like that feeling especially on the water.
yes sir, I am only ever comfortable, I mean truly comfortable in a motor vehicle, boat that I haven't torn apart and built back up the proper way. Everything else when I use it its like I am always waiting for it to fail. Hendo, I know you understand that feeling?
When I buy something new like a boat or car I am always waiting for it to break. After tear down and bild I know she is gonna run for thousands of hours without issue. I like that feeling especially on the water.

Yep I feel ya Brother! Glad it's not just me that is like that. I was starting to worry haha ;-)
Go Hendo, Go Hendo, GOOOOOO!!!! Successfully complete what ever meaningful task you decide upon... mechanical - or - personal!! :thumb: ;)


Lol my own personal cheerleader? In saying that tho, Please don't post a pic of you in a skirt and pom poms hahaha

Lets just leave it at comments. Lmao :-D
Hey Hendo...I saw the dipstick...so what keepin' yah from firing her up..?
Hey Hendo...I saw the dipstick...so what keepin' yah from firing her up..?

Hey Pete.
Yeah dipstick all sorted. Am aiming to fire her up next week.

The below schedule is what will be happening If all goes to plan:

1.) Degrease the engine, chuck a wire wheel on it to strip it back to bare metal, pressure clean it, bolt the tranny on (Tuesday)
2.) Spray two coats of 2pak primer (Wednesday and Thursday with sanding in between)
3.) Apply three coats of colour (Friday, Saturday, Sunday with sanding in between)
4.) Bolt the starter motor on, install new hoses, fit the three fuel filters (Monday)

Then and only then will she be good to go...

I can start her now I guess but I want her looking schmick for her movie debut.

You only ever get one "first start" so I want her looking good :)

Yes I'm a bit of a perfectionist with OCD I know but meh, but this my game so i make the rules lol.

I'm so exited about starting her up tho. Been watching videos on YouTube of the 6354.4's and sticking my head out of my car window when I'm behind a truck to get a wiff of the diesel exhaust lol.

Well now that I have made myself sound like a right crack head I might choof off.

Stayed tuned for some painting pics this week and thanks again for your support. The comments mean a lot and give me the dive when all I want to do is lay on the lounge.

Thanks again.

Hey gang!

Well the motor and tranny are all painted now and I'm really happy with how it has come up.

I wasn't happy how the injector tubes would have looked being painted so I thought outside of the box and put some heat shrink on them. Was a PITA getting the heat shrink small enough to have a snug fit around the injector tubes and big enough to fit over the nut heads. It Took a lot of manipulating and swearing and i almost chucked in the towel and put it in the to hard basket but the results speak for themselves I think.

Obviously its not what the heat shrink was designed for but I think they came up great and will look great for many years to come.

Tomorrow I plan on putting on all of the filters, the injector tubes and hoses, put ATF in the tranny then she's all done ( minus the alternator and starter which I am trying to find new ones for ATM )

What's your thoughts on the paint job and injector tubes?


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Looking good Hendo. That dog seems to be ready for a boat ride too.

Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
Mr. Hendo. Impressive! The only potential problem I can imagine is regards the heat shrink (HS) on the inj' tubes. Any salt water/corrosive that gets under the HS via the open ends will be trapped there possibly causing rust and the "clips" that hold the tubes rigid may not fit properly.
OK, now where's that vroom, vroom video? You fully realize the accompanying audio HAS to start with the phrase "Here mate, hold my beer and watch this..."
Mr. Hendo. Impressive! The only potential problem I can imagine is regards the heat shrink (HS) on the inj' tubes. Any salt water/corrosive that gets under the HS via the open ends will be trapped there possibly causing rust and the "clips" that hold the tubes rigid may not fit properly.
OK, now where's that vroom, vroom video? You fully realize the accompanying audio HAS to start with the phrase "Here mate, hold my beer and watch this..."

Hello Mate!
Hmmm corrosion. Didn't really think about that being an issue. The paint had all but disappeared and was looking scabby and tatty with bits of paint missing but no corrosion or rust. They are alloy tubes but now I'm thinking my clever idea is not so clever after all :-/.

The clips won't be an issue. There's only two tubes that run through two clips and they can be manipulated to fit.

Hahaha no video yet. The Solenoid on the starter is chattering and not engaging the drive pinion. On the hunt for a new one atm.

When it rains, it pours!
Oh. Arrrrhhhh. She's a wonder to behold, to be shure, to be shure....
Matt - Me Mate!!

0, YES - She's a Beauty to Behold! :D

Glad you have a ferocious guard dog protecting it so no one shoulders that engine (like you did in a picture of months ago when removed from boat) and absconds with her right off your property. :eek:

VROOOOOOM - - > VROOOOOOOOOM - My ears ate piqued! :thumb:
Matt - Me Mate!!

0, YES - She's a Beauty to Behold! :D

Glad you have a ferocious guard dog protecting it so no one shoulders that engine (like you did in a picture of months ago when removed from boat) and absconds with her right off your property. :eek:

VROOOOOOM - - > VROOOOOOOOOM - My ears ate piqued! :thumb:

Thanks mate!
Yeah she's a vicious old Girl that'll lick you to death lol

Oh FYI Thanks heaps for your email, its been 5 days now!
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absolutely fabulous. Beautiful job, looking forward to the video with SOUND. Vroom vroom.
absolutely fabulous. Beautiful job, looking forward to the video with SOUND. Vroom vroom.

Thanks PG. I fear the wrath of the supporters and followers on TF of AXE will banish me to the realm of silence should I not post a video of her running hehe

Once I get a new starter motor there will be noise .... Oh yessss ... There will be noise Ba ha haaaaaa *queue evil laugh*
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Thanks mate!

Oh FYI been 5 days now! Thanks heaps for your email ;-)

GET IT On and NEVER LOOK BACK! Keep that pict in yer mind's eye forever. Use everytime needed. Many fine years to ya!! Your friend, Art
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