Boating and Cannabis

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Schedule I drugs have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

That's the definition of Schedule I, yes. But that doesn't mean every drug on that list is perfectly classified. Some may have a medical use discovered later on (although fairly unlikely), or there may have been political pressure to make it Schedule I and not research it further (which is almost certainly the case with marijuana).
Think the statements made here aren’t pragmatic in many cases.
If the jerk who crosses the double yellow striking me head on and killing me is impaired I truly don’t give a rodents behind if it’s because of
Sleep deprivation.
Distraction from a conversation or texting
Superman complex from amphetamine
Suicidal ideation
Lack of vehicle maintenance.
Psychiatric disease

Believe in accidents first responders be they law enforcement or EMT should apply a functional test. Both of cognition and physical abilities. It should be recorded.
In lethal events mandatory forensics applied.
This should occur with all events be they land, sea or air. Standards should be national.
Two applications occur. Civil wrongful death. Criminal manslaughter or aggravated assault in non lethal events..
Above supplemented by breathalyzer, blood, hair sample or whatever forensics deemed appropriate by current science. Surrender of electronic devices be mandatory and usage of same discoverable allowing use in tort or criminal proceedings.
The impaired individual needs to be held responsible for their actions both civilly and criminally. To regain the privilege to own lease or rent a vehicle(boat or plane ) they must prove competency. Operating a vehicle is a privilege not a right.

In clinical practice I repetitively saw the human detritus of repeat offenders. Often with shallow pockets so judgement proof and claims against were meaningless and jail time not applied. Not infrequently they were without legal licensure.
Currently in my experience DWI proceedings are a joke. A experienced lawyer appealing to hardship to the purp from loss of license and skilled in chain of evidence get these death dealers back on the road. I don’t believe follow up to ensure compliance occurs nor remedial services to prevent reoccurrence at an adequate level. Totally support mothers against drunk driving MADD.
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I agree Hippo, although as a society, I don't think we really want to stop drunk driving since so many are guilty of it whether they get caught or not. The technology exists to prevent a drunk from driving, but society has not deemed it a big enough problem to tackle.

Another issue is that a first time offender generally gets a free pass as long as they nhave not injured someone. All they have to do (at least in my state) is show up and say they are applying for "accelerated rehabilitation" and go to some classes. Funny thing is that unless you are very young, your first arrest is hardly your first offence. Again, just not something we want to tackle. Just look at how often a politician, lawmaker, or law enforcer makes the news for drunk driving.

I do have a thought and not sure if it's true. If a person has an addiction problem where they feel the need to get drunk often, could marijuana replace some/all of that urge with potentially lesser social and health impacts?
I do have a thought and not sure if it's true. If a person has an addiction problem where they feel the need to get drunk often, could marijuana replace some/all of that urge with potentially lesser social and health impacts?

That's certainly my belief. As a parent of adult children I've been more tolerant and comfortable with their pot use, vs. alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. So far so good.
Perhaps having dealt with the tragic consequences I’m less tolerant. As said I don’t care why the impairment exists Feel the same about demented individuals as chemically impaired. Only difference is one is neurologically unable to judge their state of impairment so criminal negligence is not operative.
I continue to believe no one has the right to kill or injure another person due to his/hers voluntarily action of getting behind a wheel helm or flight controls while impaired .
Compare behavior in the UK or elsewhere to the US. The Dutch have a different attitude toward THC but nowhere near the poor statistics we have. The societal attitudes of Americans has changed in my lifetime with downgrading of the concept of personal responsibility. Have no issue with the libertarian view of do what you want as long as you don’t injury others and view addiction inside a medical model. But once you place others at risk you should lose the privilege until such time there’s reasonable expectation you won’t continue to do so.
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Most countries deal with the symptoms of criminality and addiction rather than addressing the cause(s). Until there is a shift to recognizing that it is a societal matter rather than an individual's problem, nothing will change. Addicts are NOT responsible for their addiction. They ARE responsible for their recovery but they can't recover without support.

Granted, I suspect, there IS a small percentage of people who are beyond help so I don't have any answers for that.:hide:.
Well said but there’s some science.
Most striking is there’s evidence of a genetic component. There’s. ~50% risk of addictive behavior in the offspring of addicted individuals. This continues to hold true even when the offspring aren’t raised by the index addicted person.
This not to support a Calvinistic view as addiction medicine has come a long way in recent decades with much clinical experience to support that a multi factorial treatment program as offering an avenue for control and remission.
However agree there’s a societal component. Look at life expectancy in Russia.
As crazy as our world is getting, I guess it’s not surprising that more and more people have decided to self-medicate their way through it.
Mr. G. Demons, DNA or both.
Lots of external pressures lately, for just about everyone. Lotta demons getting let loose that might have laid dormant in different times.
Government has their hand in it. But relatively speaking I don't think it's super expensive.
I rarely drink, and rarely buy pot. Beer passed $1/can a long time ago in Ontario.

I just went to my friendly neighborhood cannabis retail storefront and bought a pack of 10 pre-rolled joints, each 1/3 gram. High potency, licenced growers, tested, taxes paid etc. A little under $20.

My initial take is that a $2 joint is about the same kick as a Canadian six pack. Nice to share but maybe a bit heavy for one.

So it's pretty cheap vs alcohol.

Edit to add: I think cigarettes run about $20/pack. It's been a while.
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I worked in anti-drug operations for about 10 years in the Caribbean. I have never used drugs, nor do I feel the need to use drugs and I always say the following about drugs: I still have to meet the first person whose life improved by using drugs.
What I have seen is a lot of wasted lives because of drugs and that to me is more than enough motivation not to use drugs.
I know some people say alcohol and cigarettes are also drugs, but trust me, cocaine, heroine, crack, etc are devastating drugs. Weed is a bit different, but had a friend who smoked weed basically all day long and in the end he still became a plant. Lost his complete memory, lost a large part of his smell, his taste, so to say weed is harmless is a bit too optimistic.

As for alcohol ?
I like my wine, i like a limoncello or liquor after dinner, but when I am on the water and the boat or weather need my attention...............there is no alcohol.
I worked in anti-drug operations for about 10 years in the Caribbean. I have never used drugs, nor do I feel the need to use drugs and I always say the following about drugs: I still have to meet the first person whose life improved by using drugs.
What I have seen is a lot of wasted lives because of drugs and that to me is more than enough motivation not to use drugs.
I know some people say alcohol and cigarettes are also drugs, but trust me, cocaine, heroine, crack, etc are devastating drugs. Weed is a bit different, but had a friend who smoked weed basically all day long and in the end he still became a plant. Lost his complete memory, lost a large part of his smell, his taste, so to say weed is harmless is a bit too optimistic.

As for alcohol ?
I like my wine, i like a limoncello or liquor after dinner, but when I am on the water and the boat or weather need my attention...............there is no alcohol.

Weed is no different than coke, heroine, crack OR ALCOHOL. Use any of them "all day long" and in the end.......

If you use alcohol, you use drugs.

People create whatever narrative justifies their decisions. Saying alcohol is not a drug is just a narrative you choose.

p.s. - I use drugs, namely red wine and a very occasional glass of bourbon. And not "all day long."
according to Oxford - Drug: a medicine or substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

Alcohol fits the definition.
Personally I look at beer and wine as food to go with a meal.

Used that way for thousands of years globally, but am smart enough to know some abuse it.
I drank heavily for most of my life, used heavy drugs for many years, used cannabis for 40 yrs of my life. Never became a addict. Quit drinking 10 yrs ago, just didn’t like being sick the next day, didn’t have any problem doing it, just stopped. Heavy drugs, we’re coke and speed, usually at parties on the weekend. Dropped um when I tired of um.

Cannabis I used most everyday, for 50 yrs, sometimes in the military I quit, have grown for 27yrs, bred multiple cultivars that sell around the country. I quit growing using and anything to do with cannabis 18 months ago. Just got tired of it altogether. Heavy duty night sweats, and crazy vivid dreams for a few months, which I never experienced quitting alcohol or other drugs.

Cannabis does not replace the urge to drink, or use any other type of drug. If you toke a joint on a weekend you will not test positive Monday morning, you have not built up the drug in your system enough. If your a chronic user, aka daily, you need to abstain for 2 weeks to 30 days depending on your intake to clean up.

I’ve never had a dui, been arrested under the influence of any drug, I’ve never been to jail. I’ve had a job everyday of my life. Married and raised a family. I’m 65, have had back surgery, stroke with a stent in my neck, battled cancer twice now, all in the past 15 yrs.

My head is the clearest it’s ever been, I admit I wasted a lot of time under the influence of **** I wish I hadn’t, I’ve seen drugs and alcohol ruin many lives. I look forward to the rest of my life as a sober individual.

With all that said, I don’t think any of it, is any good for anyone, alters your thinking and well being, I don’t go around banging the drum telling others it’s bad for them, person is going to do what ever they want, I don’t avoid people for using anything. I just don’t partake in any of it anymore, and I thank god I had the DNA/genes that prevented me from becoming a addict.
When I was young, I drank a lot. I didn't get hangovers because I never sobered up. I had a "hair of the dog" every morning. It was probably much worse than any recreational drug habit. I tried pot once and didn't care for the high and the social environment compared to alcohol. But being a vet, I know many other vets that got off daily handfuls of prescription drugs by smoking pot. And they're better people now. I lost a lot of friends to suicide. Maybe if pot had been legal, they'd still be around.
And I'm not a teetotaler now, just a light drinker.
Reminds me of my college days - :)

We didn't buy ounces, we bought pounds. Uppers, downers, peyote, mushrooms, LSD, cocaine, opiates (pills, no needles) and beer was on tap at the frat 24/7 and half gallon pitchers were $1.25. Yeah Baby!, we partied hearty.

But when I started working for a living, paying rent, insurance, buying houses I stopped getting high anymore. Just didn't feel the same. I discovered that drugs and responsibility don't mix. Didn't screw up, get fired, get arrested or anything like that, just wasn't the same. Made me nervous and anxious. So I quit.

College is a wonderful thing. You learn a lot of stuff (electrical engineering), learn social skills, build deep friendships and have a lot of fun with little care. You don't even have to go to class. But you do have to pass the exams.

In short college gives you a break between high school and life - :)
When did potheads decide to start calling marijuana "cannabis"?

Is that part of some marketing strategy to make it more acceptable or something?

I guess alcohol drinkers could do the same thing.

"Do you drink alcohol?" "No I only drink ethyl. it's completely different."
When did potheads decide to start calling marijuana "cannabis"?

Is that part of some marketing strategy to make it more acceptable or something?

I guess alcohol drinkers could do the same thing.

"Do you drink alcohol?" "No I only drink ethyl. it's completely different."

Not sure your point. There are many names used for alcohol (booze, spirits, liquor, sauce, etc, etc). Also many terms for marijuana. Being that it is now being made recreationally legal in many states, the acceptable argument is essentially moot. You may or may not agree, but regardless of the name, it's becoming more acceptable. Personally I agree with the legalization although I'm not a regular user.
When did potheads decide to start calling marijuana "cannabis"?

Is that part of some marketing strategy to make it more acceptable or something?

I guess alcohol drinkers could do the same thing.

"Do you drink alcohol?" "No I only drink ethyl. it's completely different."
Marijuana, pot, weed, 420, dope. Whatever it's called comes from the plant cannabis sativa. Hence the name cannabis.
Seems to me the other names came about when it was illegal. Perhpas started as a lame attempt to hide what they were talking about.

In Washington State the word cannabis is in the laws regulating the sale.

No, I don't use. Yes, I supported legalization. Now I wonder if we've gotten more than we asked for.
The US was attributing alcohol related accidents if a person in the back seat asleep that had a BAC of .08 or more as an alcohol related accident even if the driver was stone cold sober.

Have to (rarely) disagree with you, ps - NTSB will register it as "alcohol related" if the snoozer in the back seat has "detectable" BAC. The practical quantitation limit (PQL) for these routine tests is about 0.01 BAC. So the 170 pound guy in the back seat will likely qualify if he had two beers at dinner 2-3 hours prior.
Oops - read further to your post 65, ps - disregard above.
Weed is no different than coke, heroine, crack OR ALCOHOL. Use any of them "all day long" and in the end.......

If you use alcohol, you use drugs.

I have to disagree with this statement. I won't argue that alcohol isn't a drug, but saying weed and alcohol is no different than heroin, crack and cocaine is incorrect. That said, I had 3 friends that died from alcohol abuse. I don't know of anyone that died from regular marijuana use even though I knew a lot of people who smoked daily. Not saying I'm pro-pot, just that in my experience, I've seen much more destruction from alcohol. I also think that the legal pot is not very expensive and you are getting a product that is lab tested and labeled so you know what you are buying. Better than buying something unknown from a stranger and you are not supporting an illegal activity and all that comes with that.
... I also think that the legal pot is not very expensive...
Unfortunately, at least in MA anyway, the street pot is cheaper than the legal pot. By the time a teen is old enough to go to a legal dispensary he already has developed a relationship with a dealer who offers a better product at a lower price more conveniently.
Unfortunately, at least in MA anyway, the street pot is cheaper than the legal pot. By the time a teen is old enough to go to a legal dispensary he already has developed a relationship with a dealer who offers a better product at a lower price more conveniently.

In the black market and in the legal dispensaries there is well grown and poorly grown marijuana. Many growers use some very bad chemicals to kill off bugs and molds so save there crop, even right up to the last weeks.

This practice is rampant among many growers, especially if you have a very large grow that you are counting on for income. If you believe all dispensary weed is tested and is free of harmful chemicals you are fooling yourself. So many dispensaries back door weed from private growers, also a common practice.

IMHO you have no idea what you are getting, legal or not, unless you grow your own. I have killed off many crops due to infestations over the years.
OK, I am not deep into the drug trade, legal or otherwise. Growing up in the 70's, pot was pretty common. There were periods of time where I'd get high everyday and times when I decided to take a break. It was not uncomon for workers on a 15 min break to pass a joint around standing in the parking lot.

When buying pot back then you never knew what you were getting. Everyone claimed it was Columbian or Mexican or Hawiian, etc, but it was always a crap shoot. Quality and quantity was all over the map. Usually looked like a bag of grass clippings with twigs and seeds mixed in. Weight was rarely questioned or verified.

I recently bought some legal pot. You pick the strain and potency in advance and get a container with nothing but whole flowers. For what I can buy today for ~$50 far exceeds what I bought 40 years ago, not even adjusting for inflation.

The legal system is new, and far from perfect, but in my limited experience, it's far superior than the illegal experience without all the negatives of supporting that industry.

It's possible to grow your own, but seeds are expensive and it's not a simple process if you want to duplicate a good modern strain. You can throw some seed in the ground and grow something (I also tried this as a teen) but results will vary w/o specific equipment, lighting schedules, etc.

For the little that I smoke, the newly legal dispensaries in CT are amazing. Also, I'd rather pay a tax to the state than a profit to the dealer.
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Unfortunately, at least in MA anyway, the street pot is cheaper than the legal pot. By the time a teen is old enough to go to a legal dispensary he already has developed a relationship with a dealer who offers a better product at a lower price more conveniently.

What is better and more convenient than shopping online, deciding exactly what you want from many (hundreds?) of options, placing an order and picking it up? Does the local drug dealer have the same? I'd be happy to see them disappear. Also, the dispensary is not offering anything else (coke, etc).
I like driving right up to the front door. Go in have a look see (just kidding it's the aroma that I love), usually you get a big discount for a whole ounce (and you can mix and match) just a great day.

Go to the pot store, buy an ounce of what you want, go have lunch at a new place on the way. Great way to spend a day.

And when you get home...Yeah Baby!
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