Boating and Cannabis

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I worked for a company HQd out of Denver. They had a zero tolerance policy for drug use. Fail a drug test for Marijuana and you were fired or not hired if during pre-employment. It was apparently quite legal to do so. Caused difficulties as many of the IT candidates did not pass.

I worked for a company HQd out of Denver. They had a zero tolerance policy for drug use. Fail a drug test for Marijuana and you were fired or not hired if during pre-employment. It was apparently quite legal to do so. Caused difficulties as many of the IT candidates did not pass.

Toronto has been recruiting enormous talent out of the US in recent years. It's multifaceted, of course. But illiberal drug policies in the US have certainly motivated some to make the move.
International treaties are the main obstacle in legalizing weed in the US and far as I have read.

Roll over on them and other treaty dominoes fall that may have significant impacts. Making it easier to let the states to ignore but the feds can't (sorta).
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Like the COVID stats, the numbers are raw with no way of separating the true stats once in a "system".
But you said this:
The US was attributing alcohol related accidents if a person in the back seat asleep that had a BAC of .08 or more as an alcohol related accident even if the driver was stone cold sober.....
So what is the factual basis for your statement?

It is also not uncommon for a BAC test to be delayed long enough for the % to
drop below .08 or even to avoid testing altogether after an accident, thus skewing
results in the other direction.
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But you said this:

So what is the factual basis for your statement?

Was stationed in Wash, DC in a USCG safety program and talking to other DOT safety professionals whom I had no reason to doubt.

I had the ability to acquire and document and publish US Govt. stats. as did many colleagues working in US DOD safety programs.

There were many irregularities that we studied within the safety statistics documented through the years. United,estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above.

Alcohol-related traffic crashes are defined by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as alcohol-related if either a driver or a non-motorist had a measurable or estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above.

This statistic includes any and all vehicular (including bicycle and motorcycle) accidents in which any alcohol has been consumed, or believed to have been consumed, by the driver, a passenger or a pedestrian associated with the accident.

Another well believed theory when I was there was that even though a lot of accidents were labeled as "alcohol related" the true cause of the accident was fatigues as they typically happened between midnight and dawn. I am very wary of "safety statistic" as most come with agendas.
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Was stationed in Wash, DC in a USCG safety program and talking to other DOT safety professionals whom I had no reason to doubt.

I had the ability to acquire and document and publish US Govt. stats. as did many colleagues working in US DOD safety programs.

There were many irregularities that we studied within the safety statistics documented through the years. United,estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above.

Alcohol-related traffic crashes are defined by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as alcohol-related if either a driver or a non-motorist had a measurable or estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above.

This statistic includes any and all vehicular (including bicycle and motorcycle) accidents in which any alcohol has been consumed, or believed to have been consumed, by the driver, a passenger or a pedestrian associated with the accident.

Another well believed theory when I was there was that even though a lot of accidents were labeled as "alcohol related" the true cause of the accident was fatigues as they typically happened between midnight and dawn. I am very wary of "safety statistic" as most come with agendas.
I appreciate the elucidation, thank you.
I met a traveler on our dock, really nice boat, Eastbay I think. Anyway he hands me his boat card. It noted his USCG captains license, I asked him about it later on, he said he gave up his captains license once he got into the legal cannabis business-opening a couple dispensaries. He didn't think it was wise to be involved in both businesses, and chose the one that made him more money and gave him more freedom.
Just like the whole cannabis vs alcohol each their own. One has not been proven to be better or worse unless you start discussing extremes.

I never got into the boating industry to make money and while that guy switched, I doubt any amount of money could have caused me to switch from either of my careers. Then again not having regrets of what you do is key, as one will never know which path was better in the end.
Once again....going to extremes... stoners versus drunks (2 useless groups in my book)

Lots of relevant stories on the extremes of the groups.

How about for once we discuss light/moderate social drinkers and imbibers?
Once again....going to extremes... stoners versus drunks (2 useless groups in my book)

Lots of relevant stories on the extremes of the groups.

How about for once we discuss light/moderate social drinkers and imbibers?

Or which anchor is best. :dance:

Moderate use of either is not much of a problem in my eyes. However, when one passes from moderate use into the extreme use as you put it, the results are drastically different as far as I have witnessed. My family has a long history of alcoholics, fortunately the gene missed me. I argue that alcohol has ruined more lives and family's than marijuana. I don't have facts, just personal experience and observation. I also am not a fan of edibles. It is nearly impossible to overdose while smoking weed, while you could eat an incredibly large amount of edibles with dire consequences.
Once again....going to extremes... stoners versus drunks (2 useless groups in my book)

Lots of relevant stories on the extremes of the groups.

How about for once we discuss light/moderate social drinkers and imbibers?

In the context of light use, a responsible person can do just fine with either, I think. Although some people definitely prefer the effects of one vs the other.
Discussing extremes of ANYTHING I have found in general to be useless.

Because once in that range, it is personal and whether alcohol, weed or anything else in life is now under the control of a person who isnt under control of themselves.

I just get tired of being lumped in with drunks all the time, especially by some crowds.

I currently live with 2 recovering alcoholics who came from a problem family who are amazed that I can drink around them and they really can't tell when I am or not.No, I dont try to hide or flaunt it.
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Moderate use of either is not much of a problem in my eyes. However, when one passes from moderate use into the extreme use as you put it, the results are drastically different as far as I have witnessed. My family has a long history of alcoholics, fortunately the gene missed me. I argue that alcohol has ruined more lives and family's than marijuana. I don't have facts, just personal experience and observation. I also am not a fan of edibles. It is nearly impossible to overdose while smoking weed, while you could eat an incredibly large amount of edibles with dire consequences.

Agree about edibles. The other 2 problems with edibles are that they take a while to kick in, so you might be tempted to take more before they have reached full effect. They also last a lot longer before wearing off. When drinking or smoking, you might get to a point of intoxication where you stop because you know you've had enough, you can't do that with edibles unless you have a lot of personal experience with them. Much easier to take more than you may have wanted to.
There are risks involved with each on board. Know the risks and be prepared to deal with them. THC is not Federally legal. If boarded by the CG you could have a serious problem. Use of either while under way ( obviously by passengers) and not moored is not advised. ANY accident while either being used will be a horrible experience. Not worth it to me. We have dock tails after the trip is through, not during. While under way, the scenery and the water is my drug.
Just as an aside, I've met numerous nasty drunks but never a nasty "stoner".

One of the more terrible people I met in my life was a professional hit man, street name Little Howard, in Baltimore, Maryland. He was responsible for at least a couple of dozen of murders. When I was debriefing him, I asked him, “How can you kill that many people.” He told me, “First, I get high as f*** on weed, and it calms me down where I can do what I need to do.”

I always remember that interview whenever I hear someone talk about harmless stoners.
Marijuana prohibition was created by the efforts of Harry Anslinger. He was a real piece of work.

Dyed in the wool racist.
I always remember that interview whenever I hear someone talk about harmless stoners.

I recently rewatched Breaking Bad. It's interesting to see how pot was used in the narrative. And accurate, I think.
Marijuana prohibition was created by the efforts of Harry Anslinger. He was a real piece of work.

Dyed in the wool racist.

Not saying he wasn't, but your source of info may also have a little bias.

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Like all wars, the Drug War had/has many fronts. It also changes dramatically and quickly sometimes.

I was in one of them in the early days of the 1980s.
Horrible despicable people who drink are still horrible despicable people. Nice people who drink are still nice people. I’ve met both types and speak from wisdom!

Horrible despicable people who smoke weed are still horrible despicable people. Nice people who smoke weed are still nice people. I’ve met both types and speak from wisdom!

I don’t smoke weed or use edibles. Not my thing. But I’d did take a good friend aboard and didn’t restrict his weed use while aboard. We were away 9 days. He was a very capable crewman and I was very happy to have him aboard. He was never impaired while with me and at no time was I concerned. And we were catching fish. A good thing as I’m not a very good fisherman, but he was. He was my fishing guide. I enjoyed a drink while at anchor and so did he. For the record, we were in Canada. It was a time I will treasure for ever and possibly never to repeat again.

And then there’s another individual who I won’t identify, who’s a horrible despicable individual, who smokes a lot of weed. It makes no difference if they are stoned or sober. Still a horrible despicable individual. Impaired or otherwise.

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As far as I'm aware, no one has ever conducted a double blind study to try to measure the relative behavioural effects of different drugs (including alcohol), and no one is likely to get approval to conduct one.

At an individual level, effects are just that- individual. A moderate person, without addictive personality traits will be just that- generally moderate. And a habitual user of any drug will ordinarily less prone to show its outward effects. But it would be an error to think that cannabis cannot be addictive or habituating for some people.

So far as the consequences of all of this at a societal level, it is informative to speak to front line police and others in the justice system. The relative amount of alcohol related crime , especially violence, dwarfs simple cannabis use. But then, of course, you get into the confounding matters of poly drug use, relative availability and social acceptability of either drug, and it becomes who tf knows.

If only everyone was as reasonable as us, none of this would be a problem. *

Schedule I drugs have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.
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