Would you shoot one down for invading your privacy ?

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I wouldn't shoot one down if it was buzzing around my boat. I might try to snag it if it was being super obnoxious. But around my house I might be temped to try running a few of these through the ol'12guage.


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We are seeing more and more abuse of these things....someone needs to build a focused frequency-jammer that they operate on.
Several NFL teams are being investigated by the FAA for using drones without getting a waiver allowing them to.
Heard on the radio news the other day (ABC) that a boy and his father have successfully flown a drone with a gun (I assume a handgun) attached to it and aimed and fired the gun. Law enforcement said there was nothing they could do about it because the gun had been fired in an area where it was legal to fire it.

I'm sure it's just a matter of time before this becomes more commonplace.
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My new philosophy if I have to sit on a jury or vote on it or get any say in the matter....if it is low enough to shoot down.....it is fair game as most people are lousy shots at moving targets....:thumb:

If you really need to spy....get a better camera lens like the CIA has on their satellites. :D
Funny, we talk about invasion of privacy and we think "government." Well, they are not the ones who bother me most. At one time people got disturbed by telescopes. The person in the next high rise in NYC having one and looking in your bedroom. Or by cameras. The neighbor taking photos of your house.

Now, it's drones. We build fences with the expectation of privacy. Then a drone flies over. Yes, helicopters or planes could always use high powered lenses and look but unless you were a movie star or politician it wasn't likely. And cameras. People always carried cameras but not everywhere they went. Now, every club, every gym, every gym locker room, every club restroom.

Do we need now to put roof's over our yards? Or do we just decide we don't care and if they get photos of us naked by our own pool, then so be it? Most of us don't worry too much about gym locker rooms as our photos really don't have any value. Still though there have been a lot of vindictive photos put online. Ex-girl friend vendetta photos. If a couple takes private photos and breaks up, is it ok for one of the two to publish them on a web site? What about video? Yes, you might tell your child not to sext, but if they do then is it fair game for the recipient to then send it to others after they break up?

What about all the information one can find online about anyone and using it maliciously in some way? Schools and businesses now requiring you to open your facebook and other social media accounts to them before admitting or hiring. Then you're held accountable for what you posted, even privately, as well as for what others posted to you or on your timeline. A lot of kids have been refused college admittance to the school of their choice over social media and young people turned down for employment. Even firings. Teachers especially fired over social media as all the kids find it. So, teacher Lisa goes to a party. Friend Amy is there. Amy posts, "dam. girl, you were so f....ed up between the booze and molly. but you sure know how to party and were an amazing stripper." How many young people have done video chats and had those surface? Many.

It's not just aviation laws, but all privacy laws. It's become increasingly difficult to protect one's privacy without sacrificing living. It was once paparazzi but now it's everyone, everywhere.

I'm about as anti-violence and anti-gun as you can be. But if I was a judge on the guy shooting the drone hovering over his backyard, I'd probably dismiss the case and say it was just a civil matter, or just negotiate and say, "pay for his drone, drop the charges." The 21 year old sun bathing nude that he photographs is one level of problem. Much greater is the 12 year old he photographed sunbathing in a bikini. Both of those photos are probably headed for the internet and that's just not right.
I saw a informal poll asking if people agreed with him shooting it down or not.. 98% agreed with him.

He should of used a hose .. easier to defend "watering the lawn" vs. skeet shooting in the back yard.

Airspace to 0-250agl within boundaries of private property should be considered trespassing.. public space no limits.

I'd be more concerned with one getting sucked into the engine of a passenger, or any other, jet.

Just this past weekend, local water bombers had to stand down from fighting a massive forest fire because of drones.
Just this past weekend, local water bombers had to stand down from fighting a massive forest fire because of drones.

Oh come on. Meanwhile since the Wright brothers' first flight, there are hundreds of thousands of 15 lb Canada geese flying through the air. (Which is not to say either one of them can't do damage, but if we're talking about comparative risk, they're not even in the same solar system.)
Oh come on. Meanwhile since the Wright brothers' first flight, there are hundreds of thousands of 15 lb Canada geese flying through the air. (Which is not to say either one of them can't do damage, but if we're talking about comparative risk, they're not even in the same solar system.)
Our water bombers expressed identical concerns last fire season. From recollection, it was indicated they would stand down if there were drones over the fire ground they were attacking. There must be something to it.
We don`t have your geese problem.
Just do a google search for "drone stops fire fighters" and you might be surprised. It is the last thing they need in the restricted air space over a forest fire.
Geese have brought down aircraft...usually more than one goose at a whack...but then, they are built of different components than a drone. Guess aircraft engine certification will have to include drone ingestion soon...:D

Flying is dangerous enough without worrying about drones....especially over a forest fire.
rochepoint;355367It is the last thing they need in the restricted air space over a forest fire.[/QUOTE said:
Right you are.
Big difference from Sioux Falls South Dakota where you could put water on a fire from any 7 story building.

This fire is in the rugged costal mountains, above a lake.
A very windy lake, fire caused updrafts, mountains, smoke so thick you can't see where to drop...now throw 4 drones into the mix.

200 families were chased away from their long weekend camping trip.
Idiots started the fire and more idiots flew drones into the battle zone. Anyone who thinks that's acceptable behavior, gets to wear the same name tag.


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Here is a report of an Australian wedgetail eagle dealing with a drone, see Wedge-tailed eagle destroys drone - Article - TSN.
Wedgetails are large strong birds with a massive wingspan, no surprise the drone came second in that contest.

Good stuff.
We need a few of those birds up here. Another forest fire mission was grounded on the weekend because of drones. A fire that tore up 30 homes.
There is something poetic about the drone filming its own demise.
You guys are going to hate me. I now sell these things.

I've been selling GoPro cameras to fishermen to film themselves catching big fish. It occurred to me that they would probably buy a drone to fly behind the boat and film themselves. I've had my eye out for a waterproof one that I could sell.

A couple of days ago I got an email asking if I was interested in trying to sell a waterproof drone. I talked to the guy and he suggested he leave one on consignment in my store to see what happens.

He dropped it off yesterday and I asked my guy Nelson to figure out how to display it. Nelson decided to hang it from the ceiling and while he was putting it up, customers started asking about it. Darned if a guy didn't buy it before Nelson got it up.

Guess I'll have to stock them.
...A couple of days ago I got an email asking if I was interested in trying to sell a waterproof drone. I talked to the guy and he suggested he leave one on consignment in my store to see what happens.....
Does the supplier warrant them as eagle proof? That little vid I posted was not the only eagle vs drone encounter I found online.
Not eagle or shotgun proof! I saw a couple of guys on TV who had put paintball guns on two drones and we're trying to shoot each other down. Might be handy fending off eagles.
Racing and laser battles with drones are already a thing!
Maybe there really IS a use for this laser shotgun.

Wonder if you could hold it on target long enough.

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