What's your drug of choice?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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We do have an ice maker onboard. :eek::nonono: Oops, wrong kind of "drug"?
Sharing a bottle of good Aussie wine, like a GSM,(grenache/shiraz/mouvedre blend preferably from D`Arenberg Winery), with good food, and good friends. I think the good friends are the best part.
An acquired taste; "Dark and Stormy" one part Gosling Black Seal rum (no other will do), three parts Reid's Ginger beer (not ale) and the juice of 1/2 a lime. Add some ice and you're done. When I visit another yacht club I'll ask first if they have Gosling Black Seal rum. Saves me from refusin' the drink and peein' off the bartender.:lol:
Wifey B: If I'm going to consume alcohol, it's going to be champagne. Fine champagne. :)

Then maybe two times a year we will go to a very fancy restaurant with a 5 to 7 course meal or something all accompanied by their wine choice. Like Commander's Palace or something.

I can't even remember the last time I had hard liquor. It's been a while for sure. And don't do beer. Reminds me too much of something else that most people don't drink. Smells bad. Tastes bad. ;)
If the topic is limited to food/drink-type 'drugs" as opposed to experience-type "drugs," the only beer I will drink is Guinness. The rest of them all taste to me like weak cow piss in comparison.

The only use we have found for Scotch or whiskey is to put it in our boat's batteries. As it tastes the same as what was in the batteries when we bought them we figure the Scotch and whiskey must function the same way, right?

I only drink red wine, and of them there are only three three that I believe are worth drinking: one from Spain, one from Australia, and one from south-central France.

Starbuck's coffee is absolutely hideous. If I limit the choice to what I've had in the US, the absolute best coffee either my wife and I have experienced is from a little drive-through stand in Clearview, Washington.

As for food, my all-time favorite meal is one that nobody on this forum will have ever heard of or experienced and that is the true terri-beef plate lunch as served by Rosie's lunch wagon in Honolulu. Very, very bad for you but absolutely wonderful to eat.

There is one Hawaiian restaurant in the Seattle area that knows how to make it properly. The temptation I have to fight is that it's at the north end of Boeing Field. Our studios are at the south end of Boeing Field.........
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Wifey B: Following up on drinking...we neither one drink coffee, tea or soft drinks. Outside of grapefruit juice very occasionally and lemonade about the same frequency, we're water drinkers. Lot's of water. Ton's of water.


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Fishing for sturgeon in the Delta!! Nothing calms my soul or excites my senses like a 6 ft+ sturgeon on the end of my line. What a hoot!!



Gotta get me another hit on Friday!!
My wife would tell you my drug of choice looks like this:

And I probably do overindulge. But fly fishing is what I self-identify.

Wifey B: Ok...me thinks some name changes in order. Loafs and fishes chooses Kit Kat. Angus chooses fish. Next thing Mr. Fish will choose hamburger.:confused:
Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts!
Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts!

Guess I'm the only one who sees the sign saying Hot Doughnuts and tell them I don't want the hot ones but some that have cooled. The hot off the oven ones give me a sugar rush headache.
Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts!
Regular consumption will surely lead to enlarging the cabin entry doors.
But, now I`m reminded of the beignets served hot at (I think) Cafe du Monde in New Orleans. Seriously addictive.
If the topic is limited to food/drink-type 'drugs" as opposed to experience-type "drugs," the only beer I will drink is Guinness....

Ever since they took that slug or punt or whatever they called it from the glass bottles, it's just not the same. I wrote a complaint letter to Dublin, but they just sent me a form letter reply.
We spend a fair amount of time in the UK and of course there we can get it on draught. But even a bottled/canned Guinness is better in my opinion than the pig-pee that's passed off as beer by everyone else.:)
Ever since they took that slug or punt or whatever they called it from the glass bottles, it's just not the same. I wrote a complaint letter to Dublin, but they just sent me a form letter reply.
Sounds like the famous English case, Donoghue v Stevenson, of the snail found in the bottle, only seen after consuming the contents. :eek:
The case established the "modern" law of negligence, duty of care, etc.
At the very least they could have sent you a jar of slugs to add to your drink.
I notice none of our southern hemisphere members have contributed yet so...


That's because we are sitting back and laughing as we now understand why Australians are still second to the US for the most overweight citizens. :D

Oh sorry, my favourite poison just has to be…anyone…?
Ah…damn…forgot the jar kinda gives it away...


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The sun rising out of the ocean as I head East out of Ocean City, MD at 6am. Do what you love and you will never work a day I your life.

Fresh caught scallops from a day at work.

Wifey B: Ok...me thinks some name changes in order. Loafs and fishes chooses Kit Kat. Angus chooses fish. Next thing Mr. Fish will choose hamburger.:confused:

In my case, loafs and fishes are verbs, not nouns.
An Autumn dawn on the Waihou Stream with my #4 Sage.
Hugging my sweetest dog on earth, burying my face in the fur on my dog's neck. (Whether dogs dislike hugs from humans or not, she puts up with me.)

old 4X4 trucks and fast bikes are my hook, been messin' with em for 40 years. I also still enjoy the occasional fatty on the back porch. :hide:
Mr. N. "Cialis". That's pretty expensive stuff. My brother uses the cheaper generic brand....Mycoxafloppin.

Watchit RT, or you'll have to go wash your mouth out… :D

Pete B
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Guess I'm the only one who sees the sign saying Hot Doughnuts and tell them I don't want the hot ones but some that have cooled. The hot off the oven ones give me a sugar rush headache.

Ha! I thought I was the only one. I hate them hot, they're all sticky mushy. I prefer the sugar hardened and kind of stiff when you take a bite out of them. Everyone else I know likes them melting in they're hands.

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