What's in a name?

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You are allowed to change it. Maybe Linda Lovelace or John Holmes would better suit.
When I met my husband, he and his brother owned a sailboat named "Pizote."* he had been told it was a Disney character.* As best as we ever found out, it is a raccoon like creature from central America and there has never been a Disney character called Pizote.

When his brother decided to sell that, we bought a bright yellow Lido 14 named Chiquita.* No explanation needed there!* We didn't last long with such a small boat and soon bought a Catalina 320.**We*named*it*Pineapple Girl because my husband wanted to name it after me but I wouldn't let him, so he thinks Pineapple Girl describes me.* There is pineapple stuff all over our house (but not in a kitschy, tacky way, at least IMO).* Plus we were*able to come up with a "Pineapple Girl"*drink (actually a Meyer's*Sunset).
Our next boat was with boat partners and after much alcohol and discussion we decided to name it "Boat Drinks".* Turned out there were several boats named that in the area so we went with "Tiki J."* It was a J boat and we bought it to sail it to Hawaii so it seemed to fit.*

Now that we have our own boat again, we went with Pineapple Girl 2.* We will be putting the new name on this weekend and I'll add a photo later.* We are the third owners and this is the third name.* The PO was named Don White and he called the boat Blanca.* He was very supportive / understanding of us changing the name.
Coot = designer's & builder's model name for the boat

Carquinez = after "Carquinez Strait" where the boat will spend most of its time.
DELTA SWIZZLER, comes from the Califonia delta where we spent most of our time, and Swizzler is from a rum drink and bar in Bermuda. The bar was called the Swizzler Inn and the shirts all said " Swizzle Inn & Swagger Out "* The kids and wife all voted for Swagger Out as a name for the new boat.

But Delta Swizzler, was the name of our last boat for 19 years and everyone knows us by that. the boat is presently named Chardoney*located in*Alameda. We are working on cleaning up the boat and changing the name.
There is a boat in the harbor owned by a fellow up Fairbanks way.**About half way between North Pole and Fairbanks. It's called Skinny Dicks Half Way Inn.

Same as his boat.

Our last boat of 22 years of stewardship we named "Res Ipsa". It was a 1939 "one-off" and people were always asking us what she was and what the name meant. We are both lawyers. "Res Ipsa" is short hand for "Res Ipsa Loquitur", a Latin legal tag essentially meaning "the thing itself speaks" or "the thing speaks for itself". Or in a paraphrase of the immortal Popeye and a change of tense: "I yam what I yam". We thought of naming the dink, "Loquitur" but never did. The new owner is a Doctor (with a lawyer son) who asked us if he could keep the name, to which we were pleased to agree.

Our current boat's name, after weeks of agonizing deliberation, was to be "Bufflehead": a small, stocky duck. However, the ladies of our boating social set loudly vetoed that as being "yuck". So, our imagination then being exhausted, I suggested that we name her in honor of my wife, who supplied most of the funds to buy her.


Yet she didn't object.

And, I think that she may even have been, and is, pleased.

I'm pleased with the boat (as well as with my wife), no matter what her name may be.

-- Edited by dwhatty on Thursday 2nd of December 2010 04:58:23 PM
"Reef Drifter" here. I SCUBA dive in Cozumel from time to time and that is mostly drift diving over the reefs. Our e-mail address is reefdrifter2004@yahoo.com so we thought it sounded like a good boat name. The original name was Esoteric. That name seemed so dark and stuffy and needed to go away. I think the boat likes its new name much better and so do we. I am thinking of naming the dhingy "Reefer" but my wife thinks that when the kids hear of that name they might raise an eyebrow.


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Seven years ago the Admiral said I was wound too tight and needed to back away from the job a bit. She suggested buying the boat as a solution. Our last name is Budd, the stress level is down and we live on Budd Inlet in southern Puget Sound.

So we settled on BUDDS OUTLET
** Mr. reefdrifter.* Reefer might not only raise the kids' eyebrows but the local constabulary's as well.* What about Coral Queen?
reefdrifter wrote:

"Reef Drifter" here. I SCUBA dive in Cozumel from time to time and that is mostly drift diving over the reefs. Our e-mail address is reefdrifter2004@yahoo.com so we thought it sounded like a good boat name. The original name was Esoteric. That name seemed so dark and stuffy and needed to go away. I think the boat likes its new name much better and so do we. I am thinking of naming the dhingy "Reefer" but my wife thinks that when the kids hear of that name they might raise an eyebrow.
How about naming the dinghy Reef Drifter Jr.


-- Edited by markpierce on Thursday 2nd of December 2010 11:21:16 PM
reefdrifter wrote:

I am thinking of naming the dhingy "Reefer" but my wife thinks that when the kids hear of that name they might raise an eyebrow.

How about "Coral Reefer" as in Jimmy Buffet's Coral Reefer Band.* I think it has a definite 2 meanings.*
Present boat is called 'Sarawana', came with the boat .It is either named after a Pakistani opeaning batsmen circa 1962, or a mythical Indian lake. Meant to change it but too late now, the previous boat was called 'Amadeus', which I really liked, the dingy the dingy we named 'Wolfgang'.
These dinghy names are almost as cool as the boat names! When our boats were named "Sunshine Daydream" we carried a 10' snark sailboat on our swim platform that we would launch and tool around the coves with the kids. They named that little sail boat "Little Sunshine."

I need to think up a name for our RIB to go with Living Light!
The Dinghy for "Flyin' Low" is "Flyin' Lower"....

The Same Dinghy for Prairie Dog did service as "The Puppy"!

I didn't reread this whole thread but a boat name I always thought was clever was a family of four on a Catalina 30. The named it "Wefouria"....thought that was cute!
Our dinghy does not have a cute name, but one that is very meaningful to us.* We bought Pineapple Girl II on Sept 1 of this year and took it to our yacht club cruise out for labor day weekend.* Mike,*a dear friend of ours showed up at the cruise out unexpectedly.**Mike was dying of pancreatic cancer but he really wanted to see our new boat and that is why he came by for a few hours.* We showed him the boat and he told us he wanted us to have his dinghy.*His sailboat was called Spirit and his wife said they did not realize they were naming the boat for Mike until she saw his spirited fight with cancer and the way he lived his last months with so much joy.* We named the dinghy Spirit after Mike, his boat*and his indomitable Spirit that stayed with him until the end, October 28, 2010.***
Incredible story Jennifer!!! The human spirit is amazing!!!
Baker wrote:

The Dinghy for "Flyin' Low" is "Flyin' Lower"....

The Same Dinghy for Prairie Dog did service as "The Puppy"!

I didn't reread this whole thread but a boat name I always thought was clever was a family of four on a Catalina 30. The named it "Wefouria"....thought that was cute!
Saw a large sail boat in Bayou Chico near Pensacola named "Le Poulet de Mar" (French or chicken of the sea).* Saw an obviously live aboard single handler going under the Wrightsville Beach bridge named "Sail Bad the Sinner".

A pediatrician named his sail*boat "Baby Doc" and his tender on a painter "Little Tender Behind".

Good one RT. I was thinking Little Light or Flashlight. :) I'll have to get some ideas from the kids- they love thinking up boat names. I'll report back.
Pineapple Girl wrote:

We named the dinghy Spirit after Mike, his boat*and his indomitable Spirit that stayed with him until the end, October 28, 2010.
Great, great story, Jennifer. *

But if you want to know "what's in a name", read this one. *I have a similar, but more comical reason for naming our boat "Bucky". *The Boat we have is an odd Krogen Manatee 36 with a North Sea style pilot house. *Krogen tells us that there are about six of them out there, and we fell in love with one in Hong Kong, but couldn't substantiate the cost of shipping back to Germany (where we were at the time) or Miami (where we are now). *The shallow draft, space, "cult" re-sale and economy made it the only Mono-hull we were considering. *The chances to find another one were unlikely, and we thought we'd probably end up with on of the trawler catamarans.

One night my German born Admiral awoke, sat-up *and shouted "Bucky". * I said "What"? She repeated "Bucky....it's what we have to name our boat". *What boat, I said. *"The one we're going to have", she replied, and then collapsed into her pillow and went back to sleep. *The next morning I asked her about it, and she said: *What is a Bucky? *She didn't know it was a name, and especially, she didn't know (and no one knew) that it was my special unspoken name for my dearest Uncle, Dewey Eberts. *Recently, my dear Aunt Winnie (his wife) had also died very angry with me, and I was looking for a sign that she was OK now, and knew the truth about things. *The sign came with the name Bucky, the only word that could have been said to indicate who it was coming from, and the friendly, affectionate specialness that was in my heart for my Aunt Winnie and Uncle Bucky. *But the sign was far from over. *There was more.

About a month before we left German for Miami, Bang, there it was. *A rare North-Sea Krogen Manatee. *And where did it turn out to be? *I knew of the one in Hong Kong. *I had a photo of one in Iceland, and another in Nova Scotia, but this one turned out to be in Daytona Beach, FL in the closest possible harbor to my Uncle Bucky's home. *The boat was advertised at 30K less than we ever figured it would be, and before I could even get to the US, the price dropped another 25K. *We were not only concerned, we were suspicious. *There were many other things that happened, but the survey and sea-trial were nearly perfect, and now we have it. *When we asked the broker what would make a win-win situation for the owner, it ended up being even less. *Then, another strange event. * Mom had also died this year, and I was surprised to be left part of her estate. *That estate consisted of money left by my good ole Aunt Winnie and Uncle Bucky for her private care. *So in a way, it became not only a gift from her, but a gift from my dear Aunt and Uncle too. *It paid for half the boat.

So what's in a name? *It's our dream boat at an incredible discount, half-bought by ethereal money, but if it was a destiny to find the dearest and warmest cockle in my heart to come up with a boat name, it would say "Bucky".

ok...super cool stories. I think you two win the story award!
"Polly P"
Mother in-law's maiden name.* In death she helped finance the boat, so we figgered..
Always On My Mind was originally named Royal Salute, and upon purchase the Admirable (intentionally misspelled) and I thought about the jestures we might receive so we decided to change*the name. We found out from the previous owner at the closing that Royal Salute is actually a very expensive scotch.*
I wanted to*name our first trawler after my wife, she wasn't real receptive to that idea and she said just name it Always On My Mind, because she and*having a*boat had indeed been always on my mind. I also sing Willie Nelson's version of that song at Karaoke venues, and while my wife and I were dating I would occasionnally get on her badside; I would phone and she being mad at me would let it go to the answering machine. I would start singing that song to her, and then ask her to pick up the phone....Thankfully it worked (several times actually)*
Our 46 Grand Banks Classic is called "Grande Jete`". My wife was a dance teacher for 30+ years, and she*named the boat. We also owned dance studios for over 30 years. Grande Jete` is a french term for a ballet move, meaning Big Leap. Buying a 46' Grand Banks was indeed a Big leap for us. We have enjoyed the info, and opinions on this Forum as we*work on*our latest* project.
Chuck Smith
Seaisleman wrote:

Our 46 Grand Banks Classic is called "Grande Jete`"

*Sounds really cool to if you say it in French.*

Wish I had some clever little story to tell on how we came up with our boat name, but alas, my brain just wasn't working, SO....I came to all of you (you guys and gals probably don't even remember) last July, and asked you 'all to help me come up with a name for our new old 34' CHB, and told you that it needed to be law enforcement related as my hubby is a retired deputy sheriff. One of the responses was "Wuzz-a-Fuzz; hubby and I both howled over it and decided it was perfect, so there ya have it.

On a side note, I've always thought a good name would be "Don't Panic", would be perfect for me as I'm the queen of panic.
*Don't Panic. *I like that one.
I think it was Hollywood who said panic early and avoid the rush.


-- Edited by skipperdude on Tuesday 7th of December 2010 02:49:08 PM
That is awesome! hahaha
** Not to hijack the thread or anything but "Don't Panic" brings back memories of a british comedy called Dad's Army.* Don't Panic was the first thing yelled out by one of the characters played by Clive Dunn.* Used to watch it on PBS.*

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