What you do in real life?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Left school at 13 due to dyslexia which was somewhat an unknown at the time I was said to be lazy and could do better.

Wifey B: With reading as my field of concentration and expertise, this is a topic I hold as very important. Even in today's world, so many know so little. I didn't feel adequate in solutions and assistance even with my PhD, so set out for more training. I started to love the chance to teach kids and their parents and other teachers about "The Gift of Dyslexia." There is something that accompanies it in terms of creativity and higher level thinking that is amazing. Computer programs have sure eased assisting Dyslexics. Most people don't realize the famous talented Dyslexics from Albert Einstein to Leonardo da Vinci.

I'd ask that each of you reading this, just look briefly at the page I'm linking to as if you've not been close to Dyslexia, you'll see it in a whole new spectacular way. I found every person I worked with who had it proved to have some very special skills. I'm happy you persevered and found yours in spite of the lack of knowledge when you were young.

List of Dyslexic Achievers – Dyslexia the Gift
I'm Late.
Grew up boating on south shore of Long Island-small outboards bought used on their last legs. First job of many at 12 (not counting lawns) a 120 customer paper route. Still remember when Kennedy shot--had to go and deliver an extra.

4 years in Army then for some reason school in Texas. After 7 years of school...finished veterinary medicine degree at Texas A&M then 2 more years in Army to pay back for the scholarship I had after the GI Bill ran out.

Bought, started and sold a few veterinary hospitals over the years with majority of time spent in Galveston. Just sold my last veterinary hospital January 2016. Got on boat end of April 2016 in Anacortes, Wa and headed north. I just returned from Anacortes to Galveston about 2 weeks ago.

I guess I'm retired but since returned I've done a few surgeries to help out and I'm not totally comfortable with the word "retired" yet....but I'm working on it.
Boated in South Florida with my father and always had a boat of some sort. Went into the Navy ,got hurt,took g.i. bill for a trade school in a/ c refrigeration and appliances. Work 15 years in the service side and then 30 years with the school system as a a/c refrigeration tech. Retired 4years ago along with the wife ,who I met at a boat ramp. We had several boats thru our life together and downsized our big house on the water and brought a slip at harbor cay club in the keys and live aboard full time aboard our 45' Jefferson. Very comfortable and something I can maintain with out to much trouble. No kids but a exciting life and have travelled the world as well as many waterways around Florida and the Bahamas. Slow and steady and looking forward to the future,.
Janice142 may be the most amazing, creative, inventive and deserving trawler owner I have ever heard of. She is proof that angels live among us.
24 years as a General Contractor and Developer in Florida, now I am a tour boat Captain both on a 12 passenger air-boat on a nearby freshwater marsh and inshore saltwater sightseeing on the Indian River Lagoon on the boat you see in my avatar.

I did a stint as a Registered Nurse for 5 years for the experience, I keep all my licensees current and that seems like a job.
Ex boat builder and wife was a secretary.
We lived frugally, spent less than we earned, never kept up with the joneses, never had children and invested the remainder wisely.
Yearly holidays were always to lands where it was cheaper to visit and live than it was to stay at home.
We have both retired in our late 40's early 50's .

So yes Scott, it can be done.
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... never had children and invested the remainder wisely.

That way you saved about a half a million dollars, assuming you had decided your children needed a college education. :ermm:
Electronic circuit design engineer/engineering manager prior to retirement. After giving up the good life, built several houses with my business partner (sold) and purchased, rehabed many old apartment buildings which we own and rent.
Corporate Pilot for a Midwestern manufacturing company. Plan on retiring in a couple years. We owned/operated a cell phone business for one of the major carriers for twenty years. Sold that and looking forward to that retirement. Currently own a 29' SeaRay Sundancer, but the wife and I are seriously contemplating the Loop, and would move to a trawler.

Father died at 61 with a new motorhome in his driveway and one trip under his belt. Hoping we can enjoy some more time on the water soon. I do most of my own work on the SeaRay - except the heavy stuff.
I am probably younger than most here(38). I started out working on cars but after a while I figured out it was a dead industry and ended up at a local cat dealer in fl. That turned onto power generation field. I have been doing epg field service for a little over 10 years now and carry an epg analyst cert from cat and a egsa master cert in power generation. I can finally say i found a carrier that will continue to challenge me till i retire. Not to mention getting to travel and see places I normally wouldn't be able to. :)

I am probably younger than most here(38). I started out working on cars but after a while I figured out it was a dead industry and ended up at a local cat dealer in fl. That turned onto power generation field. I have been doing epg field service for a little over 10 years now and carry an epg analyst cert from cat and a egsa master cert in power generation.

Wifey B: I'm younger :dance: Just barely though. 37, but in my mind, still 21. However, the things you do, wow! Way over my head. :)
I've "locked down" to twelve years of age. That should add about six decades of life.:dance:
I'm eleven years holding at 59 years. :blush:

Am I so much older, or do other men dye their hair?

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Ray, happy birthday! And many more!
After four years in the USN, went to college and then graduate school. Finished with a PhD in physics and taught physics and astronomy at a university for a few years. Spent the last 26 years at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena CA working in microwave radiometry and a number of projects involving planetary exploration.

My first cruising boat was a partnership in a 50-year-old, 60 ft., wooden staysail schooner. The partnership upgraded to a 53 ft. Amel ketch and finally my wife of 56 years and I now own a 40 ft. Pacific trawler. We cruise the Channel Islands and southwest coast.

I always worked for a salary, adequate but not huge. We always lived within our means and saved regularly. I retired in 2001 and hope to live long enough to spend our retirement savings.

Wifey B: I'm younger :dance: Just barely though. 37, but in my mind, still 21. However, the things you do, wow! Way over my head. :)

lol. at least I'm not the only young'in here.:D

work wise. every one has there niche were they are truly great at what they do. for me it i thought it was cars and growing up and into my early 20's i never thought i would be doing what i do now. i am truly blessed to have started in a shop that had a lot of old school guys that loved to help others and shared knowledge they spent i lifetime acquiring. without that support it would have been a longer and much hard road to travel.
I'm eleven years holding at 59 years. :blush:

Am I so much older, or do other men dye their hair?

Mark, you are on to something here. They dye their hair then pull it into a tight bun to hide the winkles. They may be older that us. Oh my, is that possible?:eek:
What's that about Hair????!!

Never show your age!

BTW - Two of Five Grand Kids:

Coop turns 16 Christmas Day... he's 6'3"

Kylie, now 13... she's simply a beauty!



  • Linda, Art, Coop & Kyl - Full Size_100_1355.jpg
    Linda, Art, Coop & Kyl - Full Size_100_1355.jpg
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Ha! I just turned 33 a couple weeks ago :dance:

Of course, I have the gray hair of someone 10 years older :nonono:

Also 11 years as a draftsman at an engineering firm, a year ago promoted to manager. And currently in school for Engineering. Probably explains the gray

I think the biggest difference between someone like me and most on this board is just time. Dropping $10k on something that needs to be fix now would make my stomach turn. . .20 to 30 years from now after saving and investing that $10k should be easy.
Uh..hmm...to brag or not....hmm.....

Em and I are both 27! HA!

sorry, I couldn't resist...Immature I guess....

you all have much nicer boats though!
Just thought I'd resurrect this thread (during the COVID break from our normal routines) for some to re-read and remind us what a talented and diverse group of people there on on here, and others to read for the first time and perhaps add their stories, so as to enlighten us with their experiences and talents.

There are a lot of successful people here and I think acknowledgement of that would go a long way in returning to some more respectful dialogue in the discussions here.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, my story hasn't changed much, except that I am now in my 50s...

Interesting that the guy who started the thread (and hasn't been on in 2 years) has a fairly successful YouTube channel that my 22 year old son subscribes to and watches.
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We are 70 YO and retired.
And I am OLD and GRUMPY, or so I am told.
Retired but unless you actually know, you'd never guess what I did. Hint:

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You screwed in light bulbs backwards ??????????

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