Travels of "Emma B" (JD powered Helmsman)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I’ve been to a couple of those but obviously way more to see. Thanks. Should be a good winter!
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That’s odd.
I assume you didn’t see any WN registered boats.
Perhaps Canadians are flocking to Desolation Sound thinking it wouldn’t be crowded with all the Americans missing.
I’ve never been there mostly because of the tales of crowding. The only real reason to go there is because of the warm water .. or is there some other attraction. But perhaps the attraction actually is other people. “It’s a party .. everyone’s going there” mindset.

It truly is a beautiful area. It is very crowded during the high season, but even with the crowds, my experience was very pleasant. The warm water is a plus, but the scenery just can't be beat.
Anchorages? We have enjoyed the very skinny water between Musgrave Island and Saltspring. Otter, Troll hull #2, had no trouble but check that tide table. Low water is about equal to the Troll"s draught. Current changes 180 degrees.
Nice trails on shore in the park.

Newcastle Island at Nanaimo is really very good. Great walks on the island and ferry to town from docks at the park or a different ferry from the Dingy Dock Pub on Entrance Island. Personally I prefer to use the one from the pub because it takes you right to a shopping mall for groceries.

Another great little anchorage is Annette Cove on Prevost Island. You might call it a hurricane hole. Watch for the shallows at the entrance.

If I check my list of favorites, top one is probably Cabbage Island. Kind of a maze of reefs getting in there but easy enough to do with GPS. Even enjoy it in snotty weather. NOT protected by much of anything.

Greg S
Orca, Coaster 23
Maple Bay
Thanks for the advice lads. Some I’ve been to, many I’ve not. Will be fun checking out new spots.
I’m typically there about now but with Covid so widespread in the south and our borders closed, I’ll be landing west October 16th this year but staying over winter. Will head north first, then slowly work southward to the Gulf Islands.
Covid travel isn’t the easiest. On top of the stress of being in a tube with 200+ other people during the 2nd wave of a pandemic, the airline in their effort to fill seats keeps changing flights. Welcome to travel 2020... Even withoyour own country it’s a different reality..
Looking forward to seeing you Frank! Pop by I dock and say hi (from a distance of course...). There a couple of boats heading north to Cameleon on Friday for the weekend if you're splashed and ready to go by the weekend.
Covid travel isn’t the easiest. On top of the stress of being in a tube with 200+ other people during the 2nd wave of a pandemic, the airline in their effort to fill seats keeps changing flights. Welcome to travel 2020... Even withoyour own country it’s a different reality..
I get it. I'm on two or three flights every week.

Be sure to PM if you make it to Powell River.
Hope to splash around the 22nd or so, then provision etc.
I’ll track you down on the dock Conrad for a “social distant” rum��
Will give a PM when I’m headed PR way too
After several rescheduled flights...I’m at Emma B
3 airports and 3 flights ....all of which were eerily quiet. Social distancing was no issue and one has to wonder how long the industry can survive...
Emma B is the first boat I’ve stored inside and I have to confess it’s a treat returning to a boat looking just as you left her. No dirt, stains, mould or sun fade. Honestly.... even the dust on her is minimal.
Weather has been awesome yesterday afternoon and today.
Charging batteries, provisioning, bottom paint touch up, new since and getting close to launch ready. Once in, will get a full engine service (over 500 hrs now) and alignment checked. It’s been 3 active seasons and she’s do for a once over.
Hope to be underway by the weekend if all goes well.

* Conrad.... walked to the end of I dock and there you were...gone ?
See ya next CR stop


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There appears to be, by law, a Campion Toba 26 with burgundy canvas in every marina on the BC coast.
Busy day yesterday. Launched, filled fuel and water, did an oil change, launched the dingy, put radar arch up and put a coat of varnish on the deck chairs.
The big guy was looking out for me as it was a simply beautiful, warm, sunny calm day.
I awoke today to strong winds and driving rain.
Sometimes things go good.


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Random notes:
-The fuel dock here at Didcovery Harbour Marina not only has the lowest fuel prices, but the service is excellent and they have an oil extraction pump that allows you to tie up out back and do an oil change while there. Added bonus us they always have jube jubes
-although I do my own normal maintenance, the local John Deer mechanic will be here in the morning for the 500 hour service. Will feel better up in the remote Broughtons having had a “once over” and I’ll be having the alignment checked as well. If he is done in the morning, I’ll be underway.
-had a real nice dinner and evening with Conrad off the big Blue Nordic Tug last night. Good food, drinks and conversation!
-frost on the docks this morning. The pay off will be the snow capped mountains and anchorages to yourself once gone.
-getting back into the groove so to speak. Did a once over to refamilierize myself with the plotter and radar. It’s always a bit of relearning after being away for an extended period.
-the gypsy in me looks forward to getting some water passing under the keel.
-final note is a shout out to Helmsman Trawlers and Scott specifically. It’s about 4 yrs since I first started asking questions and he still responds quickly with whatever info I ask. Thanks Scott! (Picked up the varnish today)
-while not a big boat, the forward view feels like a proper little ship :)


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I’m in the same boat. Just a few more little chores to do and I’m off to the races. Not a moment too soon either, it’s getting chilly ‘round these parts as well.
Service inspection done.
Learned a few things which is always great!
2 hours well spent!
Off northward tomorrow
Johnstone Strait was calm but the SE sure identified what was loose rounding the bottom of Quadra Island. Tucked into Heriot Bay Inn and if it’s not blowing too hard tomorrow, will head to Octopus Islands.

It’s a dull day today at the Inn

Look close at the last picture.
Truly “Canadian”....
Can you see it?


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You got it!
Both oars are goalie sticks,
Chuckled out loud when I saw that here!
Golie Stick Oar

“Goalie Stick Oar”
I’ve known since I was a young man that Canadians are goofy about hockey but now there’s surely no one in the world that can deny it.
Ha! Glad you got away safely today Frank! Enjoy your travels - may head out in the next few days so let's keep connected. (Could you please text me as my loaner phone doesn't have your number.)
“Goalie Stick Oar”
I’ve known since I was a young man that Canadians are goofy about hockey but now there’s surely no one in the world that can deny it.

Just wait till we get out our lacrosse sticks to bring in the salmon....
After Heriot Bay Inn, headed to Octopus Islands for a few rainy quiet nights at anchor, although Thursday night had me doing anchor watch with high wind gusts for a few hours. Always seems to happen on the darkest nights doesn’t it!
Friday morning was dull and the forecasts weren’t good. A look at the tides wasn’t favourable to head N as well. I considered going to Desolation Sound but in the end thought I’d head N and if need be, spend several days at Shoal Bay. Well... I kept going. Did Greenpoint Rapids at 4 against and played the back eddies as best I could. The last stretch to the turn to Whirlpool Rapids had quite the wind on the nose but it wasn’t terrible. Hit Whirlpool right at slack and anchored near the abandoned tug at the entrance to Forward Harbour knowing I’d need an easy out in the dark with a very early start today to make not just the tide, but the Strait as the wind was forecast to come up in the afternoon.
I was treated to an amazing dawn sky and favourable tides the entire way to Lagoon. Cove. With my 5:30am departure and those tides, I was tied up to the dock by 10:30 am. Tired...but so happy to be back to the Broughtons. Felt great as only 24 hours before I was considering not coming up.


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Oh ya... the dawn sky


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Thanks Durant for the input .. especially the pictures. I refuse to call such wonderful images “pics”. We love Heriot Bay and would probably be there if the border was’nt so shut. We usually make a road trip up the inside of Vancouver Is. But one good thing is that I’m getting stuff done at home and on the boat. Things need to be done on the boat like coolant changing and developing a good anchor changing system. I want to start using my SARCA anchor regularly soon.

Here's a similar pic I took early in the morning from Ire Inlet on Anger Is. Definitely not as good a pic as yours but re the old saying "red sunrise in the morning sailors warning". The gale came and not far from Ire Inlet that night we had the worst gale I've ever been in. You must carry more luck in your keel.


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Halloween bonfire chat at Lagoon Cove. Next morning headed to Qwatsi Bay. Not a soul around. From there to Joe Cove. The old float is pretty bad and for the first time I chose to anchor instead of tieing to it. Very secure there in the blow last night. Today was off to Port Mcneil. A few provisions and fuel/water and I’ll be off again in a few days to Polk around the Broughtons more.


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Crappy weather until Saturday so quite happy tinkering here in Port McNeil for a few extra days. Off season rates are only 50 cents/ft so it doesn’t get much better! Nice to get off and walk about too!
Picture of the harbour headed back after a stroll


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