Travels of "Emma B" (JD powered Helmsman)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Frank - thank you so much for having us along for the ride. Taking pics and posting details can sometimes be a PITA, especially with iffy wifi. We sure appreciate (and enjoy) your efforts!
Thanks for all the comments. Appreciate them...
Im up doing boat laundry prepping to haul out to storage.
“So this is Christmas “ comes on the radio.
This beautiful ketch is two boats down from me.
Figured an appropriate time to share


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Thanks for all the comments. Appreciate them...
So, doing boat laundry prepping to haul out to storage.
“So this is Christmas “ comes on the radio.
This beautiful ketch is two boats down from me.
Figured an appropriate time to share

I share the others' gratitude for your efforts to share your late season trips with the rest of us. Yours is such a well found plan to cruise this area at this time of the year and it seems you are rewarded handsomely for this plan.

The ketch is indeed beautiful lit up like this, but what caught my eye in that photo was the very interesting MV Pacific Song in the background. Other than vesselfinder, I could not find out much about her.
All I know is it’s an immaculate steel hulled vessel and it’s owner is a very nice gentleman. Spoke with him earlier on in the season. Currently not aboard.
PM me with any questions or comments on Pacific Song


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Emma B is ready.
Cleaned in and out, laundry done, fridge defrosted and cleaned, radar arch down and dingy up.., ready for the trailer ride to inside storage.


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Will miss your “en voyage” posts until next year. Hoping to do Octopus islands area this are an inspiration!

Must be bittersweet to put such a fine vessel away until next year....


- Chris
I must say that’s a pretty awesome vessel you have as well!
Yes...kind of bittersweet. It’s been a good fall.... not much rain, lots of sun and not too cold. Can’t complain at all.
Had everything pretty well ready...
Met Chuck at the ramp at 9:30, by 10:30 it was bottom sprayed and tucked in, by 11:30 I had everything switched off, a final once over and waved goodbye.
Funny how your world changes so quickly in just 2 hours...
After 3 months afloat I’m driving a car again..

You’ll enjoy Octopus Islands late.. Crabbing is always good and take that inlet hike on a sunny day. Post a few pictures as well.
Enjoy yourselves.


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For anyone that’s interested...
Here’s the “fall cruise 2019” numbers.
Realize I’m a lifelong sailor and going 6 knots in a straight line is awesome!
Most often I was in the 6-6.25knot range unless playing or fighting tide. I always tried to play it...
As well, there was warm ups, the odd “quick charge” on a dull day, idling in looking for an anchorage in new places, all included in engine hours and the diesel heater at night included in fuel burn.
Cruise was:
1263 nm
231 engine hours including the above
1031 litres of fuel
Approx 1.23 miles per litre including warm ups etc
Approx 5.5 nmpg imperial
Approx 4.5 nmpg USA
“All in” numbers including warm ups, idling, anchoring, the odd charge and diesel heater.
A final note is I’m in no hurry...
To go 15% faster costs me over 50% more fuel

Pic is “view from the helm”


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Thanks so much for sharing your trip again, it was a highlight of the day to read your post (s).

Safe travels. Hopefully we can meet next season.
Thanks and Yes, it would be great to meet you along the way!
Frank: You have again proven that slow and steady will get you there quickly enough. Think of all of the places in your 1263 nm trip that you wouldn't have stopped had you been in more of a hurry. Not to mention all of the sights along the way that you had time to appreciate.
Thanks and yes, it is the journey isn’t it.
My “to do” list log for 2020 amung maintenance items states “poke around more, find new anchorages”
I’m looking forward to explore the Broughtons more that way...
Speed not required ?
Talk about “alternate reality”
Just 2 mornings ago I was floating.
For the 3 previous months I had spent the majority of the time in remote destinations surrounded by water and mountains...
Now, just 2 days later, this is driving a “vehicle “ home from the airport.
Buildings, fast moving cars, people everywhere...
Almost seems surreal...


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Just looking over pictures from this season...
I know several of these are posted but thought I’d do a “best of”
The PNW is so picturesque!
Here’s a few of my favourites


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Merry Christmas to everyone here!
Hope you all have a nice time with family and friends!
Happy cruising in 2020
Down in the Abacos and although I sail here, was just day dreaming how nice a Camano would be in these waters.
Depths are often single digit so the 3ft draft would open up so many areas.
Views from the bridge deck would be awesome in these clear waters and would make piloting the shallows easier as well.
Although the low islands and thin waters are literally a polar opposite of the PNW, the Camano would work well in both.
Lonnnng story very short..... wow...what’s happening?
My world has has been a bit upside down since Sept 1/19 when hurricane Dorian devastated my long time winter cruising grounds and damaged so many friends homes, businesses and boats. In the process, dissmasted my sailboat stored on Green Turtle Cay and inflicted deck damage as well. I was lucky... it was expensive but repairable. So many weren’t. So many lost dreams. So many homes and businesses wiped out too. From arriving there in mid December after putting Emma B away until now has been an upside down whirl wind of boat repair, volunteering on the island and then...barely making it out to get home with covid 19 exploding.
I just turned 63 and have lived through multiple crisis in my lifetime but have honestly never witnessed a period of such drastic, life altering events as Sept 1st to now. Sadly, I think this is far from over...
As I look ahead, I find peace in thinking of heading north to the remote Broughtons once Emma B is launched again mid August.
Until then, I’m laying low and being safe.
It’s a very different world right now...
Thank goodness for boats?
Although a couple of months away, my thoughts are starting to go to the PNW cruise again...
I anchor out a lot and one issue that I’m sure many that don’t own or want a watermaker have is water use. While alone I have no problem and the 100 gallons can last a long time. Low pressure rinse doing dish’s, showers are quick wet-water off-lather-quick rinse and so on. Throw another person aboard not versed in water conservation and the range changes.
While watching a sailing video posted by folks cruising around the world I picked up this tip and will install on Emma B this season.
I added a small accumulator tank last year and this season will ad this valve just after it. The pressure will be reduced to “minimum to shower” level with taps on full. This will reduce the high pressure waste considerably when using water for so many things.
Cheap n easy too.
Will report back once it’s on and tested.


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With Canada-USA borders closed and Covid running wild in the southern states, this will probably be th first time since 2002 I didn’t sail in southern waters.
Nothing set in stone, but As is, I’m thinking, once Emma B is launched, I’ll spend a longer period of time gunk holing in the Broughtons and then winter in the Gulf Islands. While is not Florida or the Abacos, but the temps are a lot warmer than here in NE Ontario, seldom even freezes at night, little snow that doesn’t last and decent sun.
Nanaimo and Sidney are nice towns to hang out in with good marinas. Lots of places to anchor out as well. I’m sure everyone’s reality is a bit different with Covid ... just gotta make the best of it and stay safe.
While nothing in stone, certainly looks like I’ll be wintering aboard in the Gulf Islands. I’ve passed through multiple times and stopped at various marinas but curious if any of you have favourite anchorages? I enjoy gunk holing and am fine unplugged for several days.
Montague, either anchor or tie to buoy depending on direction of wind. There is a dock to take the dinghy to for walking.

Wallace Island would be lovely during the off season. Again, opportunity to get off the boat for a bit of exercise.

Never anchored in Tod Inlet but understand that it is nice during the winter.

Winter Cove is nice as well. Watch your depths and wind direction.

We just got back from the Broughtons. Very quiet up there even in July with no US boats. We anchor mostly but did notice the marinas were almost vacant. Sullivan had 4 boats tied up when we went by.
Although a couple of months away, my thoughts are starting to go to the PNW cruise again...
I anchor out a lot and one issue that I’m sure many that don’t own or want a watermaker have is water use. While alone I have no problem and the 100 gallons can last a long time. Low pressure rinse doing dish’s, showers are quick wet-water off-lather-quick rinse and so on. Throw another person aboard not versed in water conservation and the range changes.
While watching a sailing video posted by folks cruising around the world I picked up this tip and will install on Emma B this season.
I added a small accumulator tank last year and this season will ad this valve just after it. The pressure will be reduced to “minimum to shower” level with taps on full. This will reduce the high pressure waste considerably when using water for so many things.
Cheap n easy too.
Will report back once it’s on and tested.

In the PNW why not collect rain water like we did before Watermakers? Can’t imagine not having one anymore though.
Ncomfort... I’ve never anchored at Wallace island or Tod inlet. Will check them out. Thanks.
No water maker for me... ever.
I have collected rain water. The helmsman has nice aft roof drain extensions that make it easy.
Prevost Island has some great protected anchorages...

We too were in the Broughtons a couple of weeks ago...turned south as the weather was poor.

Desolation was surprisingly crowded! I’ve not been in peak season before and cannot imagine what it must be like when the border is open.
That’s odd.
I assume you didn’t see any WN registered boats.
Perhaps Canadians are flocking to Desolation Sound thinking it wouldn’t be crowded with all the Americans missing.
I’ve never been there mostly because of the tales of crowding. The only real reason to go there is because of the warm water .. or is there some other attraction. But perhaps the attraction actually is other people. “It’s a party .. everyone’s going there” mindset.

So Caphenning say you collect several hundred gallons of rain water. Where would one store the tank on a 35’ trawler. Capsize the boat, crush the deck or roof. Rec trawlers aren’t water tank carriers.
But perhaps you were thinking of 10 gal jugs or similar. One would need to consider decks or cabin roofs to be contaminated. So would need the Clorox treatment. But it could be done. In small quantities. Of course if one was rafted to Elmore ...... ?
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Desolation is a pretty special place when not crowded and yes the warm water is an added warm as 76f on our trip. May and September are way less busy, the times I have visited.

We also went into Princess Louisa which was busy but not excessively so.

Did not see a lot of partying but I suspect lots of Canadian boaters are using boating as an ideal self isolation technique and many may be away from work for Covid reasons.

Interestingly the RCMP and Coast Guard were pretty prevalent and seemed to be particularly on the look out for American boats.
That’s odd.
I assume you didn’t see any WN registered boats.
Perhaps Canadians are flocking to Desolation Sound thinking it wouldn’t be crowded with all the Americans missing.
I’ve never been there mostly because of the tales of crowding. The only real reason to go there is because of the warm water .. or is there some other attraction. But perhaps the attraction actually is other people. “It’s a party .. everyone’s going there” mindset. ?

Seriously? .....”it’s a party”..... that’s the attraction.....

I go in the off season but can assure you it’s not for company....

My question was if “anyone had good anchorages in the Gulf islands”?

Pics are why I go to Desolation Sound...

Now... back to Gulf Island anchorages....


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Pics are why I go to Desolation Sound...

Now... back to Gulf Island anchorages....

Pictures like these are why I got an estimate to ship Sylphide cross country. Someday I might just do it.
While nothing in stone, certainly looks like I’ll be wintering aboard in the Gulf Islands. I’ve passed through multiple times and stopped at various marinas but curious if any of you have favourite anchorages? I enjoy gunk holing and am fine unplugged for several days.

Favourite gunkholes:
Princess (Wallace)
Clam Bay
Ruxton Passage (De Courcey)
Winter Cove
Sidney Spit
Tod Inlet

Docking spots:
Maple Bay
Silva Bay (Page's)
Port Browning
Telegraph (either marina)
Ladysmith (Maritime Society)

You won't be bored.

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