TF Gathering in SE Florida 2018

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It was GREAT meeting you all on Thursday eve. at Moonstruck! Thank you for your hospitality & enjoyable conversations.
& NO you didn't enmbarass Me :thumb:

If any of you get up North, I hope to get Moondance to Rockland, Maine this summer, let me know.

According to the cook there were 22 from the TF and one crasher. We are doing it again tonight for those that are still here of course the amount of booze that will be consumed will be quite a bit less now that the California contingent has left.
"Gotcha" handled 23 peeps easily! Old friends and new friends,it was a really good time! Thanx to Hosts/moderators and participants.
My last night in Ft Pierce for this year....

Thank you all and to all a good night!!!


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My last night in Ft Pierce for this year....

Thank you all and to all a good night!!!

Wifey B: Bye bye. So you leading all the snowbirds back north? Didn't that mole like creature weather predictor tell you a lot of winter left still? Better not go too far too fast or you'll get cold. :eek:
Some more photos of the Ft. Pierce week

(from port to stbd) Jack/Sailor of Fortune, Ian/Angus99, Al/FlyWright and Ted/OC Diver went to the US Navy Seal Museum in FP. This is the actual Maersk Alabama lifeboat,

I was told by the guys that I won the drawing and had to do the obstacle course. Somehow I was absent for the balloting. :confused::facepalm::banghead: No Photoshop here....this is actually me on the ropes course as Jack keeps asking for more pics! (no photographic evidence of me completing the rest of the obstacle course :socool:) Yes...that's Jack's size XXXXL finger.

Friday night party pics aboard Gotcha:

Allan/Labomba, Jack/SoF, Dick/Courage (no posts on TF yet), and Ian/Angus99

Larry M, Baker, Marjorie (Scott/Psneeld's better half), Marie (David Rive's better half)

Some more revelers with Don/Moonstruck whose names escape me at the moment.

Don/Moonstruck winning the grand prize 2000 GPH bilge pump...on the day his boat sprung a leak! (Honest, the drawing was not rigged!)

I was teasing The Don about his boat becoming a dock queen after he had to cancel my fast boat ride on Friday. I picked up several tiaras for the Queen of TF...2 of which Don found immediately upon his return to the boat at the helm. There's more, but he's still looking...

Don presented me with the prize for being the longest distance traveler for this year's festivities with a very comfortable Moonstruck shirt. "Well, slap my ass and call me Moonstruck!!!" I had to get a pic with The Don's Lovely Lou.

I regret not getting pics of so many of our TF regulars and SOs like Lena of Hobo fame, Irv/Bigsfish of Gotcha fame, Scott/Psneeld of Freedom fame and many, many others. Hopefully others have pics to share.

I'm already making plans for next year's 4th Annual Trawler Forum International Rendezvous (ATFIR). We need to agree on dates so my calendar is reserved for the trip. Cheers and a huge THANKS to all who provided such great hospitality, food and proactive thirst prevention measures.


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Here are a few more. Sorry I can’t put the description under each photo.

In order, they are:

—Moonstruck, my abode for three wonderful nights (thank you Don and Lou);
—Gotcha, with Don up top attempting to sneak her out of the marina;
—Slow Hand, Ted’s incredible refit/restoration;
—Hobo, Larry and Lena’s lovely home by moonlight;
—Dave Rive, trying to talk the guys into visiting a tattoo parlor;
—Don, grilling Al about certain “adornments” that we’re found on Moonstruck;
—City of Fort Pierce Marina before the TF horde descended;
—City of Fort Pierce Marina Saturday morning :D


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Here's Master Chef Watfa and apprentice paella-maker Lena preparing this beautiful dish for the TF stragglers on Saturday night. Master Chef Watfa was already menu planning for the next gathering. It's going to be hard to top this years effort. Here is her award-winning stuffed grape leaves from Friday night. After all that work, Master Chef Watfa was heard to say, "we should do this more often". Don't miss out next year!


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I’m getting hungry again. She loves to cook and entertain and I love to eat,good match.
finished the leftover paella for lunch yesterday enroute to Sebastian.....mmmmmm

Thanks again Watfa and Irv... :)
She’s thinking on next years menue and since Wendy doesn’t do sea food I hope it’s meat.

We were talking this morning that the best thing was members who never met before were like old time friends.
That looks delicious! I want to go next year!
Saturday Wendy said, “Let’s stay another day...the weather is will be fun!”....she said. I said but the flights don’t look so great tomorrow and the one tonight is wide open. She said let’s live dangerously and worry about that tomorrow... And let’s rent a boat. It will be fun she said...$$$$$ was. Let’s go eat she said. It will be fun she said....$$$$$. We can go to the airport early she said so we can have back up flights she said. We are now(Sunday) at the airport and it is not very fun. We’ve missed many flights and the standby list gets rolled and gets longer and more senior as the day goes on. She said “we” will have to buy tickets. You are a rich airline captain she said...$$$$$. Many hundreds of dollars later to spend 24 more hours in So. Florida, 10 of which was at the FLL airport, we have seats on the last flight out...$$$$$. is the one time I forgot my unable to ride the jumpseat...$$$$$

Ps...Wendy did not approve of this message!!!!...she said!!!.$$$$$

Pss...for our boat trip, Wendy said we need booze she said. So I googled the nearest liquor store. It wasn’t very near and it was OST(other side of the tracks). It was one of those liquor stores that was “open” but the doors were know what I’m saying...there was a doorbell...and they buzz you in...and a mean dog behind the counter. And then she said, “ I want grapefruit vodka”...she said. I said, “Do you really think a place like this has GRAPEFRUIT vodka????” I want grapefruit vodka!!!!....she said!!!! I said stay in the car and lock the doors. So I go in...the patrons and proprietor of this fine establishment we’re staring in disbelief of this white boy and his pretty white girl on this side of the tracks looking for some poofda flavored vodka!!! They had every flavor of vodka EXCEPT grapefruit. So I got mango!!! I get to the car and she said MANGO....why on earth MANGO she said. And I said why on earth GRAPEFRUIT??? It was a cute little baby bottle(pint) in a proper brown paper sack!!! We get to the boat rental joint and she has to buy an ice chest and ice and mixers for our cute little mango bottle....$$$$$.

Psss.... we had a great time!!!

Pssss....we are STILL in the FLL airport...eating lunch at Chili’s and maybe a maragarita or 7...$$$$$

We did finally make it home about 9pm Sunday....and absolutely worn out!!!
THanks for everything and the fine hospiatlity shown by all. I do have a few pictures but not really that many. Irv, I did get the customary departure picture as you passed our hotel!!! Will post later as I got to get going!
The 2018 gathering in SE Florida is in the can as they say. Thanks to everyone attending. After all it is the people that make this gathering so great. Thanks to Larry and Lena for hosting so ably the Wednesday reception. Hobo is a spectacular example of the KK 42. Watfa and Irv----how can we thank them. One will seldom experience hospitality like aboard Gotcha.

Reluctantly, I had to give Al (FlyWright) the prize for coming the longest distance. This after he was disqualified from winning the first door prize for suspected criminal activity. By the way, this is still being actively investigated.

When John Baker, one of the founders of Trawler Forum, and Wendy said they would attend again I knew the PARTY WAS ON!

We had several new faces attending this year. I hope to see them next year. One of the new ones was Ian (Angus99) who was our guest on Moonstruck. I think he may be returning with his wife next year.

I should point out that this is not a guys' gathering. The ladies seem to have great fun, and laugh a lot. I wonder if their laughing could be at the guys.

Thanks one and all. It was great.
Baker...I’m killing myself laughing over here.
It’s just $$$$ right? Can’t take it with you!
Most important she happy? :whistling:
Really sorry I missed it, again. Looks like y’all had a great time.

Next year the wife and I will be fully “retired” and with both kids in college. Maybe then we can finally come check you party people out.
Wifey B: YAY WENDY! :D Boo Baker. :nonono: Girl knows how to live and how to make her man do the same. :)
Reluctantly, I had to give Al (FlyWright) the prize for coming the longest distance. This after he was disqualified from winning the first door prize for suspected criminal activity. By the way, this is still being actively investigated.

I am innocent, your Honor!

I shall plead my case in the TF Court of Public Opinion! I am falsely accused of inserting seaweed into the PSS shaft seal on Moonstruck's dock queen which threatened to sink the good ship. This preposterous allegation completely ignores the fact that I have never even stepped foot into Moon Unit's ER.

My advice is cast off the lines and take that beautiful vessel for a spin once in a while!! I freely profess guilt of placing the dock queen tiara "adornments" around Moonstruck mentioned in this post by Angus99. I'll have you know that I spared no expense in procuring the bejeweled decor. Some day The Don might find them all! At last report, only 2 were reported as found.

I seriously doubt I will be able to return victorious with next year's long distance award. I bet there are a few Aussie-, Kiwi-, Alaskan- or Euro-Trawlermen who will make it next year. Those folks hate to miss a good party.
Flywright, that innocent thing won't fly. If you ask all the prisoners that are incarcerated, guess how many would proclaim their innocence.

Here's an idea. To keep Flywright from getting the long distance award, San Diego is farther than Sacramento (the decision of the judges is final here). Maybe we could all pool our frequent flyer miles so that Walt (Codger2) could afford to fly out. He would then take the prize from Flywright.
Really sorry I missed it, again. Looks like y’all had a great time.

Next year the wife and I will be fully “retired” and with both kids in college. Maybe then we can finally come check you party people out.

Dude, it's hard to believe that your boat is so close, and you missed the gathering. Next year get over here and bring Blue and Michele (Boabab, Boobab, or something like that) with you. We're low on Chartreuse.

Quit your bitchin, certainly Wendy (who must have horrible eyesight) is worth every penny of how little you spent. I assure you that you drank far more $$$$ that you spent.

Don don’t be so modest, you and Larry are the reason this party exists and don’t forget your pizza and beer night which was very well attended. Certainly no one at the Ft Pierce get together would ever go hungry of thirsty. We had a great time because of the people who were there and look forward to next year. Thanks to you and Larry who give so tirelessly of yourselves.
Dude, it's hard to believe that your boat is so close, and you missed the gathering. Next year get over here and bring Blue and Michele (Boabab, Boobab, or something like that) with you. We're low on Chartreuse.

Don, we can't wait to see you and Lou again and your wonderful boat Moon Muck or was it Duck Spoon.... Currently at the Hospital as they operate on Michelle again in the morning, Next year we will be back!!
Don, we can't wait to see you and Lou again and your wonderful boat Moon Muck or was it Duck Spoon.... Currently at the Hospital as they operate on Michelle again in the morning, Next year we will be back!!

Duck Spoon! [emoji23]

Hope Michelle is OK.

Yes, next year.
Maybe we could all pool our frequent flyer miles so that Walt (Codger2) could afford to fly out.
What a generous offer! (It is a genuine offer isn't it?) By this time next year I should have two good shoulders that would enable me to make that long journey. I'm really sorry to have missed such a wonderful party. I will proceed to set up a "foundation" that will accept all monies for funding the trip (In Canada of course.) Thanks so much, Don.:oldman:
What a generous offer! (It is a genuine offer isn't it?) By this time next year I should have two good shoulders that would enable me to make that long journey. I'm really sorry to have missed such a wonderful party. I will proceed to set up a "foundation" that will accept all monies for funding the trip (In Canada of course.) Thanks so much, Don.:oldman:

OK, I'm looking into setting up a GO FUND ME page for Codger2.

Thought you said this party..... ooops....meant advanced technical conference was in the can.

Shouldnt the 2019 thread start now? :)

That way we can "trawl" for new participants and get all the definition worrying, anti "recreational trawler" people off our backs.
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