TF Burgee

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yes. Would you then like to be addressed as "Bif" or "Skipper" ? :rofl:

Skip :eek:

Funny aside...for those who remember Grey Poupon mustard tv commercials from the 70's and 80's.

We had been traveling by sea kayak for a couple months (think disheveled & scruffy) and paddled past a 50-ish foot yacht when a freshly showered, trimmed and coiffed man in ironed slacks and white sweater came on deck to say hello. I looked up and said in a silky London accent, "Pardon me. Have you any Grey Poupon?"

His head snapped back a fraction and said something like, "Yes. Give me a minute." I laughed and told him it was a joke and paddled off leaving him with a bit of confusion on his face.

I say put about 20 names of different anchors on the burgee, but which one should be first and which one last :D
Now, if you guys want something REALLY distinctive....


Mr. T. "Only if RT can animate it." That's what the wind is for.


RT you're too damn funny for us sometimes -- You don't have enough work to do. Thank you for making me laugh. I mean that.
Mr. T. "Only if RT can animate it." That's what the wind is for.


Reminds me of my 12th grade science teacher when he got pissed off!

Which I loved to get him to the point of... just so we all could laugh at his big jowls and gums flapping! And, yes... he still passed me for the year; but not by much! - LOL
How about a single stack with diesel smoke billowing out to match our "stinkpot" reputation?
How about a single stack with diesel smoke billowing out to match our "stinkpot" reputation?


My gasoline powered Tolly's finely tuned, clean burning Mercruiser engines taint no stink pots! Well... at lease not too awfully much, anyway - LOL :lol:
Mr. FW. Perhaps it's time for you to have your injectors serviced or, perish the thought, time for a rebuild on your engines. Our 2 Lehmans and one Onan do not smoke.
How about we al just hoist an old impeller that has been run dry for a bit? I think the good vanes vs the busted off ones would keep it aimed into the wind.

RTF, not to hijack or derail, which FL's do you have? 135's?
I'm no artist, but I like the idea of the signal flag mashup. I also like the idea of something easily recognizable from a distance. I'd rather have something with no text on it.

I like you guys, but I'd honestly feel slightly embarrassed flying something with a website on it, and having to explain that its a club where I go to hang out with my internet friends, lol.


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I'd go with Wayfarer, #103. TF's would know what it means, most will make guesses or ask.
I'd go with Wayfarer, #103. TF's would know what it means, most will make guesses or ask.
[emoji106] I like it!
Simple but bold.

I'm thinking it benefits those that wpuld welcome connecting w other TFers.
Those that want to stay in2der the radar can just pass up flying one or even admitting it to those that do fly one.
I don't need to advertise TF to outsiders... happy to share if they are interested snd ask.
How about TF logo colours...this planet is a big place and many of us might not want red, white, & blue :socool:
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Do you also loath France, Croatia, Russia, Australia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Thailand, Chile, Cuba, New Zealand, Philippines, Costa Rica, Iceland, Panama....? Or is it just the USA that you despise?
I thought about it for a moment.....he didn't say the USA red, white and blue.. could have been some other country...or any or all...which is what I am hoping that it is nothing more than many are already tired of r/w/b dominance in too many scenarios.

Certainly doesn't need to be in a burgee....
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I'm the proud owner of a TF beer huggie and an old ratty TF T-shirt from many years ago. Both are Navy Blue with white lettering/logo and look great for any occasion.

Do you also loath France, Croatia, Russia, Australia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Thailand, Chile, Cuba, New Zealand, Philippines, Costa Rica, Iceland, Panama....? Or is it just the USA that you despise?

Loathe and despise are a little strong...just pointing out that assuming everybody else on the planet will like red, white, & blue could be a tad USA-centric.
Red White ans Blue just happen to be the colors of the T & F sign a l flags. The design concept just doesn't work if you change the colors... might as well make some other design if you chanfe the colors.
Perspnally I like the RWB... Seems to fit nautically.
This is a tough group... as many opinions on burgees as anchors. I guess it will become an idea that some support but can't agree on a design.
Well...we ARE an American company. :thumb: :D

USA based company, with members from many other countries.

As for Americans, I’m one and so are Mexicans and Bolivians because we are from the Americas.

I’m a patient man and will keep chipping away at USA centrism :whistling:
Mr. MM. Yup. We can blame the whole mess on Amerigo Vespucci. Good thing we weren't "discovered" by Buzz Aldrin or we'd all be buzzards...

Here's a thought...What is wanted/needed is a burgee that signifies travel AND is recognizable from a distance IMO. How about a fluorescent triangle with a different colored florescent arrow in the middle. The arrow suggests a direction onward. Can anyone put me onto a design site where I can possibly put my idea down on "paper" and then post?
Red, white, and blue contains both colors of the Canadian flag. Don't understand why someone could disapprove of a third color.
USA based company, with members from many other countries.

As for Americans, I’m one and so are Mexicans and Bolivians because we are from the Americas.

I’m a patient man and will keep chipping away at USA centrism :whistling:

Can't do that. Mexico has green in its flag while Canada only has red and white. ... Besides, your "parent" country Great Britain's flag is red, white, and blue.
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Mr. MP. I see your point but TF is a worldwide "club". R/W/B might be attractive to the French, the British, the Norwegians but what about the poor Namibians?


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