Screen doors anyone? Mosquitos/yellow jackets in the PNW? Alaska?

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Aug 21, 2021
I’ve used the invisible screen doors a couple times in the PNW due to mosquitos.

Anyone else find bugs an issue and installed screens in the PNW?

What about in Alaska?
I use bug zapper lights with a mosquito attractant. I hang one fwd of the main cabin and one aft. I don't have a bug problem. Even in Alaska. At anchor, I hang them over the water so dead bugs attract fish and breakfast is waiting.
When travelling the BC central coast, (North of Cape Caution) we found Black Flies (horse or deer fiies actually) to be a problem. When they bite, it really hurts!!!!
We found screens to be very useful.
We only have screens on the overhead vent hatches. The hatches are almost always open for ventilation when we are not underway, and I wouldn’t be without those screens. There have been a few days when we might have used screens on the doors, but not often enough to seriously consider adding them. We’ve so far done 2 seasons in BC and one summer in SE AK. Also some time in SoCal, Mexico and Florida/Bahamas.
Only once did I have an issue with mosquitos on the boat. It was the time my boat was only 10' from shore due to some deep water. The boats 20' from shore had no problem. Every now and then bees are so hungry they will fly out to the boats and be a nuisance but those years are very rare.
Biting gnats, "Noseeums", sometimes make an appearance around dusk. We have screens, including a screen curtain on the salon door.
Screens on all doors, windows and hatches. Horse flies, deer flies, yellow jackets and wasps. Which critters depends on where we are at the time.

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Biting insects can be a problem. Mosquitos , No See ums, black flies can leave a very itchy bite.
Horseflies can hurt.

For what ever reason this year in the Broughtons we had very few bug a boos.

Other years they could drive you nuts.
All the windows have screens although I had to make them as the boat came unfitted.
We have a Dutch door so I built a hinged door to screen the upper opening.
The forward hatch has a permanent hinged screen to keep the bugs a t bay.
Noseeums if you’re very close to shore, but only in the right conditions of humidity, and any breeze will dispel them. You need the special fine screen for those.

Black flies, deer flies, mosquitos. Horseflies are attracted to the colour white, travel quite far out over the water to get you, and the onslaught on a white boat on a hot day can cause near insanity. However, once the bodies pile up deep enough you can tunnel under them for protection.

All these bugs only appear under certain specific conditions and are strictly limited by temp, RH, location, and seasonal hatching schedules. Mostly not an issue except when actually onshore or very close to. Most can’t tolerate much breeze at all with the exception of horseflies.
Wasps aren’t usually going to be much of a problem unless you’re particularly allergic.
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