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Wanted: rosborough boats

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
May 28, 2011
I am interested in a 24.5 Rosborough Is there anyone on this forum that know the boat and what are there comments
Thanks all
My brother in law has one in NH. Outboard motor. He likes it for day cruising around Great Bay (or whatever its called). For overnights, he has something quite bit larger.
I am interested in a 24.5 Rosborough Is there anyone on this forum that know the boat and what are there comments
Thanks all

I saw an ad for one in Chesapeake Bay magazine (the latest issue). I agree they are nice boats if they suit your needs. A little utilitarian on the inside but they will get the job done.

Your best bet is to do an Internet search. Another option is to find a broker and tell him or her what you're looking for. The brokerage fees are paid by the seller so you are getting this service for free.
Take a look at the Rosborough owners site. I believe there are some Rossis listed for sale: groups.yahoo.com/group/RF-246Owners. I've owned a Rosborough RF-246 for three years - a seaworthy, trawler design with live-aboard capability. Very satisfied.
Grumpy Old Men - Rosborough '03
What do you figure your Rossy is worth ?
Hi Bert,
Grumpy Old Men is NOT for sale. Rosboroughs of roughly the same vintage ('03) are selling from 50k - 65k depending upon motor(s), A/C, electronics, etc. The hardtop over the cockpit is a hugh plus. Doubles the living space.
Good Luck,
Grumpy the Younger
There is one on YW . It's on TN river at the next marina south of us . I think Green turtle bay yacht sales has the listing .
Dang, those boats are expensive. IMO.
Dang, those boats are expensive. IMO.

So are Sea Dories and I can't see why. Perhaps being an old man just puts me out of the loop on what costs what these days. I remember thinking my sister was kinda stupid for paying $10,000 for a Honda Accord. At the time it was "just a little economy car" but very recently I paid double that for a Honda Accord and it wasn't quite new. Sticker shock and inflation (should be reversed) are having an unreal effect on me. And I admit I generally think of new things like SUV's as stupid but after they become old I eventually like them. Don't think I'll ever like SUV's but they aren't old yet .. are they?
Speaking of sticker shock, a new Suburban 4x4 LTZ will run you about $75000 after taxes, and an Escalade will run you over $95000.

To me, that's insane.
Izzatt the kind of cars you drive dude?
No. I buy used stuff. I'm a car dealer so I can get them from the auction. I have a 2011 Chevy Tahoe I just bought that I'm driving now-- it was around $29k with 60k miles. Wife drives a little 2012 Lexus convertible.

I was a new car dealer 9 years ago, and remember new Suburbans running around $40-45k, and I thought that was pretty high back then.
No. I buy used stuff. I'm a car dealer so I can get them from the auction. I have a 2011 Chevy Tahoe I just bought that I'm driving now-- it was around $29k with 60k miles. Wife drives a little 2012 Lexus convertible.

I was a new car dealer 9 years ago, and remember new Suburbans running around $40-45k, and I thought that was pretty high back then.

And I paid $67k for a very badass new 2014 corvette convertible and thought I was pretty dang special....and yet there are stupid trucks that dwarf that price.... penis extension anyone!!!!


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And I paid $67k for a very badass new 2014 corvette convertible and thought I was pretty dang special....and yet there are stupid trucks that dwarf that price.... penis extension anyone!!!!

Conspicuous consumption of the 1%'s!
Not all the rosboroughs are expensive. There is a 35' in Michigan for $49k asking price. Low hour Cummins in it.
And I paid $67k for a very badass new 2014 corvette convertible and thought I was pretty dang special....and yet there are stupid trucks that dwarf that price.... penis extension anyone!!!!

Pilots are supposed to have fast cars, right? Not boring old Tahoes.
Anyways, back on topic....I think Rosboroughs are pretty damn badass....as well as the C-Dorys and Tom-Cats. They serve a market niche and I think that is why they bring the money they do. They are very compact but have all of the trappings of a bigger boat. I guess Nimble could be lumped into this pile. Anyway, I have fantasies of cruising the Sea of Cortez.....but not sure about going thru the canal from here....so a boat of this caliber would be the solution!!!
Anyway, I have fantasies of cruising the Sea of Cortez.....but not sure about going thru the canal from here....so a boat of this caliber would be the solution!!!

Buy a boat there already, no shortage of gringos that want no part of the return trip
Wanted Rosborough RF-246 or Ranger Tugs R-27/29

I'm looking for a Rossi with outboard/s and a hard top over the cockpit; or a Ranger Tugs R-27/29. Prefer one with a trailer but would consider one without trailer. Must be nice, no accidents, well cared for. I'm an IMMEDIATE cash buyer for the right vessel. Far prefer buying directly from the owner, rather than fooling around with a broker. If you have such a boat, or know of one ... Please email me at Hisminister7@aol.com. Thank you for your help.
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