Pairadice and ASD Alaska Adventure 2017

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Gonna try and land a few more today, just outside of Hoonah, wish us luck.
Well, now I know why the Monkey Shoulder is hard to come by -- Tom, you have Montana's allotted ration on your boat! :facepalm:.. Crusty, remember: "THE LIVER IS EVIL, AND MUST BE PUNISHED!!"
Ot needed to be punished. Bought Safeway allotment.
Just a chicken halibut today. But this is across from our slip.


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The Admiral set the hook on her first Halibut. Then handed me the pole, you can fill in the blanks.

That's a nice slab. Are you running out of freezer space? We're leaving Prince Rupert presently and will be in Ketchikan tomorrow. Strong possibility that we'll be in Wrangell for July 4. Have you arranged for dockage there? Might be tight with all the festivities.
That's a nice slab. Are you running out of freezer space? We're leaving Prince Rupert presently and will be in Ketchikan tomorrow. Strong possibility that we'll be in Wrangell for July 4. Have you arranged for dockage there? Might be tight with all the festivities.

The Harbor Master wasn't real receptive to reservations, and yes he anticipates a full marina for the festivities, so we are shooting for arrival at Wrangle on Thursday. We are gonna try for Heritage Harbor, new docks and reliable power.
Hope to meet up with ya,

Leaving Hoonah this morning, what a jewel. Nice town and nice facilities. A must stop if your ever in the area.
Heading for Wrangle, should arrive in 4-5 days weather permitting.
Wrangell There fixed that! To the best of history it is first in first served with moorage as visitors. Great harbor for winter moorage were you inclined. Couple of boat watching services that are reasonable and reliable as well. Several boats are left there over the winter. There is a shrink wrap service there too. Lots of good things about Wrangell harbor and town.

John, we're in Ketchikan. I've got an electrical problem that Tom Littan, the electrician you know well, is working on. Long and short, we won't be in Wrangell for July 4th. Wrangell is still on our radar though, and we'll likely be up there around July 7 or 8, and then over to the Craig area. We'll be looking for you on AIS. Just bought some Alaska Amber today just in case we cross paths.
Ken. Hatt Trick
Greeting Ken- welcome to Ketchikan again. Sorry you are missing Wrangell for the Fourth and meeting with Tom and John. Know they will be a bit disappointed as you all had sort of planned on it. Pleased that you were able to obtain Tom Lattin’s services. You have the best marine electrician Ketchikan or the area has to offer. I am sure you will be satisfied with the results.
Ketchikan will offer you a enjoyable Fourth if that is the case you fine yourself. There should be several cruise ships in and the passengers seem to enjoy themselves in sharing a National holiday far from home. The fireworks here are usually a fine show and will not disappoint. The tide is high around 10:30 PM so the breakwater should be out of play if you are watching from the fly bridge. (fireworks barge out in the channel)
What harbor are you located? Were time to allow, I’d drop down to say hello. We are expecting over 20 family members to return home for a family reunion so my time tween now an the Fourth is cramped. That said, if there is something specific I can be of assistance with, do call. 247-8287 or 617-0710

I anticipate departing for Wrangell myself somewhere around the 8th for my annual July golf trip and blue berry picking trip. Weather will dictate.

Thanks Al. Hope to cross paths with you in the future.
John, we're in Ketchikan. I've got an electrical problem that Tom Littan, the electrician you know well, is working on. Long and short, we won't be in Wrangell for July 4th. Wrangell is still on our radar though, and we'll likely be up there around July 7 or 8, and then over to the Craig area. We'll be looking for you on AIS. Just bought some Alaska Amber today just in case we cross paths.
Ken. Hatt Trick


We are back in Wrangell now. We will be leaving on or about the 5th and heading back over to Chatham Straight for more fish killing. We found a good shrimp spot and still need more Halibut and Salmon.
Safe travels and hope your repairs go well, hope to hook up with you guys soon.
Just another day on Pairadice


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Well we have had a great time from Hoonah back down to Wrangell. Chatham Straits was glass for the few days travel. I was lucky to hook an 80lb halibut and the admiral landed some rock bass. We stayed in Ell Bay, which was very small but well protected. Red Bluff Bay was amazing with some great shrimping.

We then motored to Fredrick Sound to Portage Bay. Very narrow entrance and almost a flat 40 foot anchoring depth. Heavy currents and lots of kelp. I amd John were a little shy about running the gennies. Lots of flies and every bumble bee known to man decided Pairadice was the place to be. It was really funny to watch John swatting these monster bees.

We navigated Wrangell Narrows at low tide. But because of the timing of the tides we were against the current most of the way. No worries for me, just turn the Cats up a bit. John was running hard and stating how this was going to ruin his fuel burn figures. We are safe in Wrangell for the 4th. We head back out to chase those fish.....


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You've done well on the big flatties and prawns. We're going to try to catch up with you. My sister flew in to Ketchikan a few days and we're going to head up Behm canal for a stint, drop her off and head for Wrangell, then Craig. I still have Alaska Amber on board.....
Thanks Al. Hope to cross paths with you in the future.

Well we did in fac:banghead:- You passed by as I was in the process of off loading 1/2 of the Fourth of July family gathering. Our daughter and her family of three daughters, husbands and 6 great grandchildren are camped out at the remote cabin on the way to Naha bay where I am assuming your were headed by the time of day you passed, Too damn busy to stop and hollar.
Picking them up on the morning of the fourth.
Trust you guys had improved weather as you distanced yourselves into East Beam. Seems to be the case as one goes inland even a short distance.

Well this is for GFC (Mike)! It took us a while but we found some! $7 a package, but man were they good!!!20170703_165108.jpg
Not sure why it posted double. We are in Wrangell getting ready for the fireworks tonight!
Dang, now you two are making me hungry for some Klondike bars. They're worth every but of the $7 you paid for them.
Well we did in fac:banghead:- You passed by as I was in the process of off loading 1/2 of the Fourth of July family gathering. Our daughter and her family of three daughters, husbands and 6 great grandchildren are camped out at the remote cabin on the way to Naha bay where I am assuming your were headed by the time of day you passed, Too damn busy to stop and hollar.
Picking them up on the morning of the fourth.
Trust you guys had improved weather as you distanced yourselves into East Beam. Seems to be the case as one goes inland even a short distance.


Al...yes, that was us. We had just fished Clover Pass and then ran up into Naha Bay and anchored off the dock at Loring. Bloody deep spot with the bottom coming up fast, as is typical. The boat settled at 90' at half tide. No wind but some current. Didnt like the setup but got away with it. Love claw anchors on short scope. Then went up Behm Canal to Yes Bay, very good cover and reasonable depths. Even a few prawns. Now back in Ketch with my sister leaving on a jet tomorrow for Seattle. Then we're off to Wrangell and then Craig to put a serious dent in the fish population. Might see ASD and the gang enroute. BTW, Tom Lattin helped us a lot. Thanks again for the referral.
Ken. Hatt Trick
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Al...yes, that was us. We had just fished Clover Pass and then ran up into Naha Bay and anchored off the dock at Loring. Bloody deep spot with the bottom coming up fast, as is typical. The boat settled at 90' at half tide. No wind but some current. Didnt like the setup but got away with it. Love claw anchors on short scope. Then went up Behm Canal to Yes Bay, very good cover and reasonable depths. Even a few prawns. Now back in Ketch with my sister leaving on a jet tomorrow for Seattle. Then we're off to Wrangell and then Craig to put a serious dent in the fish population. Might see ASD and the gang enroute. BTW, Tom Lattin helped us a lot. Thanks again for the referral.
Ken. Hatt Trick

Your welcome, Yes, again, I saw you poking into Bar Harbor North this morning. I had preceded you by a half hour bringing the family back for the big gathering at our home. Again, too darn busy to stop and you would be busy coming in. Fate will have us meet one day.
Enjoy your continued voyage.

If Tom and John read this, Walmart here has those K-Bars under $5.00.

Heading out to Chatham Straits today. Back to Red Bluff, then maybe to Gut Bay for the next few weeks.
Heading out to Chatham Straits today. Back to Red Bluff, then maybe to Gut Bay for the next few weeks.

Gut bay looks attractive and based on the depths, it's got to be prawn country.. Fishing sounds good in that area of Chatham Strait too. Not sure if we'll head up that way. We have company flying into Craig late next week. We managed to get our timing pretty constrained by guests this summer. Limits our trip planning to a large degree.
Klondike bars are on a 'Roll Back" price of $3.84 at Ketchikan Walmart. I'd picked up a couple of packs with the intention of your return, however, with the Great Grand children:smitten: about, you boys lost out!!:rofl::lol:
Pairadice, what was that just now with the coast guard? I could only hear one side of the conversation. Another boat in need of assistance? Sounds like it turned out OK which is good.
We are outside Angoon waitng for high tide and for the current to change. Back in cell service now. Here are a few pics from this last week. Freezer is full!!!!20170714_154622.jpg20170714_154344.jpg20170714_130121.jpg20170714_130102.jpg20170711_113242.jpg20170704_211811.jpg20170705_131548.jpg20170714_120824.jpg
Pairadice, what was that just now with the coast guard? I could only hear one side of the conversation. Another boat in need of assistance? Sounds like it turned out OK which is good.

Ok, guess I need to clear up this issue.

A friend of the Admiral was concerned about us, as she hadn't seen an update on AIS or any recent FB updates. So she contacted CG sector Juneau and asked if they could locate us.

We had been enjoying a lengthy stay in Red Bay what with good shrimp, Halibut and salmon. The AIS and VHF was off during that time. Anyway as we were parking at Warm Spring Bay the CG called on the VHF to verify we were Ok.

CG was extremely pleasant to deal with, but did ask that we turn the AIS on more often so "friends" could track us.

So now all cruisers in SE Alaska know about us and our concerned friend.
You are even more famous now! Glad to hear all is well. The down side of all this communications is that when someone isn't heard from, we assume they are in trouble. I remember many years ago going to Europe for a few months. Said good bye to my parents and off I went. No communications until I returned several months later. That was normal then.
You are even more famous now! Glad to hear all is well. The down side of all this communications is that when someone isn't heard from, we assume they are in trouble. I remember many years ago going to Europe for a few months. Said good bye to my parents and off I went. No communications until I returned several months later. That was normal then.

Wifey B: We can't deal with no communication. Everyone has cell phones and if our of range must find another way. I think you hit on the key though by saying your European thing was normal then. But most of our lives it hasn't been normal. :)
Ok, guess I need to clear up this issue.

A friend of the Admiral was concerned about us, as she hadn't seen an update on AIS or any recent FB updates. So she contacted CG sector Juneau and asked if they could locate us.

We had been enjoying a lengthy stay in Red Bay what with good shrimp, Halibut and salmon. The AIS and VHF was off during that time. Anyway as we were parking at Warm Spring Bay the CG called on the VHF to verify we were Ok.

CG was extremely pleasant to deal with, but did ask that we turn the AIS on more often so "friends" could track us.

So now all cruisers in SE Alaska know about us and our concerned friend.

John just get your friends to follow Tom's Spot page, it always works even when out of AIS or cell range.........:thumb::hide:
John just get your friends to follow Tom's Spot page, it always works even when out of AIS or cell range.........:thumb::hide:
Passed it on......[emoji15]

Securtie, Securtie, Securtie, U.S. Coast Gurad, Sector Juneau calling M/V Pairadice with urgent information!!!!

Yep he was noticed ALL over SE Alaska and northern parts of Canada!!!![emoji15]

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