MD DNR “no recreational boating allowed”

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I have been out twice, exact same situation as started this thread. Passed by USCG and BPD, not a second glance. No DNR out on water either time.
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Boy, you are either deep in denial or you do not understand the way a two week incubation period and exponential growth are working together.

Talk to us again in three weeks about those places where you can go about doing much of the things you like to do. Those places where the farms and ranches are far apart and the hospitals are nonexistent. Good luck, you are going to need it.....

WH, everything hollywood8118 said in the post you refer to was quite correct and reasonable. This coming from a medical person, ok. The issue of social distancing/isolation, is not the same as quarantine, and is not something that can be cut and dried. However, because there are folk out there who tend to take a mile if you give them an inch, the authorities have had to try and make the restrictions idiot-proof, but most intelligent folk can work out what is risky, and what not, and hollywood did just that.

Unfortunately law enforcement officers can sometimes act with a bit much missionary zeal, and silly situations develop. We in Australia yesterday had a case where a mother took her daughter out for a driving lesson, so she could be at least adding to her required logbook requirement. But they were stopped, and the daughter, being the driver was issues a $1500 fine, as it was judged to be non-essential. Once the media got hold of it, the Victorian police withdrew the fine, poste haste..! Common sense thankfully prevailed, and that's was most can and will do. Just sayin' :flowers:
I emailed the MD DNR police today and they replied back that it is OK to move your boat to your marina slip or home slip.

Hang on to that letter so you can show it to the LEO if challenged again.
Caution: Dont blow "raspberries" at the LEO. LOL
Hang on to that letter so you can show it to the LEO if challenged again.
Caution: Don`t blow "raspberries" at the LEO. LOL
Certainly don`t cough on him, as some have done here. With arresting results.
As to wearing a mask. The benefits are moot but at the very least, you can`t touch your nose or mouth with your fingers.
I`m desperate to take the boat out for some overnight trips. Hoping some things get relaxed in a month or so and that`s included (assuming it`s prohibited).
I`m desperate to take the boat out for some overnight trips. Hoping some things get relaxed in a month or so and that`s included (assuming it`s prohibited).

If you now have that new (to you) Integrity moored in your slip, I can understand your feelings Bruce. By the way, we need photos - I'd think getting those would be an essential trip..? As is provisioning her, just like you can do for home. Then if you go out you are more personally isolated that you would be at home, as the boat just becomes an extension of your home and its occupants. If the common sense rule was to be applied as it should, there should be no problem. The irony is, if you drop a line out the back, and are 'fishing for food', then its ok. Weird eh..? :)
The old joke was: How do you make a lazy man look respectable? Put a fishing rod in his hand! Now fishing comes with other benefits as well.
We know that response to this pandemic has evolved as we've learned more. The CDC position as of January 30 was: "Given what we’ve seen in China and other countries with the novel coronavirus, CDC experts have expected some person-to-person spread in the US,” said CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, M.D. “We understand that this may be concerning, but based on what we know now, we still believe the immediate risk to the American public is low.”

Its easy to forget that the changing nature of the experts positions amid all the media noise and attempt to politicize the crisis. A month later the same experts were recommending the social distancing recommendations. However, it is also clear that some governors have done a bit of extension beyond what CDC was focusing on. As a result the list of essential and non-essential services can be baffling. For example are pot shops really essential?

I believe the controversy over the 'no recreational boating' decision in Maryland is that it doesn't seem to really affect social distancing. It would have made sense if 'party boat charters' and the sort were targeted. It's especially baffling since it is OK to use your kayak but not your motor powered boat. It is possible that there are other agendas at work in decisions like these.

In the end we don't know how effective these restrictions are, we don't have a baseline to compare to. We also don't know if more severe restrictions could be called for if things degrade beyond projection. We also don't know if in the future if the actions taken will be net positive or negative. The economic shutdown has very real risks that are not just economic. It is far more difficult for a poor nation to provide health care, food, and shelter to its residents. This is uncharted territory, which itself makes it dangerous, not just due to the virus but also because there are always those who use a crisis to their advantage.

Here are MD DNR latest interpretation of their “no recreation boating order”


Thank you for this update. I think it helps clarify the situation for those of us who need to transit the state. Just before this was posted a friend from MD/DC with secondhand connections to DNR had heard this interpretation but, it’s good to see in writing. The rest of the thread seems to have regressed into the usual irrelevant denials and conspiracy theories.
I am not recreating. I'm escaping.
Just a gentle reminder that all of the 46 governors in question took an oath of office. They read something like this:

I, _______________, do swear, (or affirm, as the case may be), that I will support the Constitution of the United States; and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of Maryland, and support the Constitution and Laws thereof; and that I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, diligently and ...

From The Constitution of Maryland:

Article 1. That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient.

Art. 2. The Constitution of the United States, and the Laws made, or which shall be made, in pursuance thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, are, and shall be the Supreme Law of the State; and the Judges of this State, and all the People of this State, are, and shall be bound thereby; anything in the Constitution or Law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding.

Art. 3. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution thereof, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people thereof.

There are mechanisms in place at the state and federal level to achieve LEGAL suspensions of Constitutional rights, but they must be really, really scary. I guess it's far easier and expedient to say "Never mind" after the dust settles. No harm, no foul, right?

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