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Looking for a 55-60 Foot Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Nov 14, 2019
Hi All! Looking for a diesel 55 to 60 foot trawler/LRC as a liveaboard with a pilot house, flybridge and nice aft sitting area. Please keep me in mind if you stumble across something for sale that fits the description. Thanks!
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This raises an interesting question: overall or on deck? My boat model is a 456, measuring 45 feet, six inches on deck. Overall it its closer to 53. I recently saw an Ocean Alexander for sale that was listed as a 48 Classico. I would swear, from the pictures it looks identical to my boat, but is three years newer.

I am parked near a 46 Nordhaven, but it sure looks smaller to me.

This raises an interesting question: overall or on deck? My boat model is a 456, measuring 45 feet, six inches on deck. Overall it its closer to 53. I recently saw an Ocean Alexander for sale that was listed as a 48 Classico. I would swear, from the pictures it looks identical to my boat, but is three years newer.

I am parked near a 46 Nordhaven, but it sure looks smaller to me.

I’m looking for the model size, so a 58 would actually be longer in total length.
A boat that size is almost always going to be on Yachtworld. A Hatteras 58 LRC checks all your boxes. Great boats and well supported to this day.
Welcome aboard. I agree that a Hatteras LRC 58 is a very nice boat. I think that Curtis Stokes has one listed, maybe?
Didn`t GG buy a Hatteras?
Curtis Stokes does in fact have a 58’ Hatteras LRC. Boat looks great in the listing, don’t have any first hand knowledge though.
Long time customer, ex Nordhavn owners, got an 07 Selene 55 and its a terrific boat, if you see one do look at it. All, roughly half a dozen, Selene owners I've met are happy with their boats. Hatteras is a very well built, highly reputable boat as well.

I have a friend that is about to list his boat a 58' Angel Med. PM me and I will put you in touch.

He is also in Palmetto, FL at RDM
Buyers Agent Question

Hi All!

We are thinking of hiring a buyers broker/agent for our boat search. My question is what happens if I find a boat on my own FSBO? Do I still have to pay the broker commission? Also, with FSBO boats, is there a way to find out what it sold for previously or get comps?

Thanks for any comments/help with this :)
Working with a broker normally doesn't mean any commitment for a buyer. As in real estate, a fixed commission, coming out of the selling price, is usually divided between seller's and buyer's agents. There are sometimes quibbles between brokers over this division. If you don't have one the seller's agent gets it all and might kick back some to you or the seller to make a deal go through. Typically this is a survey item the seller and buyer won't budge on, one thing that stalls the deal so the broker gets it done and pays out of his commission. Brokers and surveyors have access to prior brokerage sales through their memberships. I don't think there is any public record of sale prices so owner sales usually can't be found. Comps if available will usually be provided by the buyer's surveyor but the trouble is you're not getting a survey until you've agreed to a price. I don't think the comps are a criteria you can use for 'subject to survey'. That's an area where a buyer's agent can help. A good one will be familiar with many boats and with an understanding of what you're looking for can help narrow the field a lot.

I have a good friend who is an independent broker in California, a good guy who works hard for his clients and they come back to him again and again. PM me for his contact info if you'd like. There is no deal between me and him on this, but often his clients become my clients for technical services after their purchase or prior to their sale.

Cheers & happy hunting!
Hi All! Looking for a diesel 55 to 60 foot trawler/LRC as a liveaboard with a pilot house, flybridge and nice aft sitting area. Please keep me in mind if you stumble across something for sale that fits the description. Thanks!

No flying bridge, but meets all the other criteria. Take a look at www.mvmojo.com. Listed with Virginia Yacht Brokers, www.vayacht.com
I have a 2004 navigator twin Volvo 1000 hours 57 foot great liveaboard. Too large for present need. Great economical boat Currently in heated storage in Brewerton ny. 619 981 1408
Take a look at a Symbol 557. I have one and it is very comfortable. After 5 years its does very well here in the PNW. Pacific Northwest. Not too many on the west coast but quite a few more on the east coast. I bought mine for less than your 'buy budget'. Bear in mind that I have put 20% of purchase cost to 'upgrading' and fixing deferred maintenance. Good Luck to you.
...Bear in mind that I have put 20% of purchase cost to 'upgrading' and fixing deferred maintenance. Good Luck to you.

That’s a good point. Most if, not all used boats need upgrading or fixing. The boat we had before Hobo, I wish it had only been only 20%.
Selene 53

Hi All! Looking for a diesel 55 to 60 foot trawler/LRC as a liveaboard with a pilot house, flybridge and nice aft sitting area. Please keep me in mind if you stumble across something for sale that fits the description. Thanks!

Come to Punta Gorda and check out Adrift at Last. Impeccable!
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