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For Sale: LG-X-400 Algae-X Magnetic Fuel Conditioner (3/8" Port)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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"MHO Classified ads should be just that and not open to discussion."

Not so, many used items have excellent new lives .

Here in FL old style fisherman anchors hold up a lot of mailboxes and yard lights.
This place is MOST entertaining...... and the 27 8x10 covered glossy pictures........
This was done by a very anal and analytical guy on the Hatteras Owners Forum. Pictures are off line now I guess. FWIW. My Hatteras came with them courtesy of a PO. I don't know if they work or not; I just go a long time, 200-300 hours before having to change filters. My penchant for clean fuel? Maybe. The PO seemed to think they made a difference from his "before" experience. Keep in mind Detroits cycle a lot of fuel due to the high return rate. The name is a misnomer, it's the asphaltenes and other precipitants they supposedly go after. They certainly do no harm. The company does make a nice complete fuel polishing system.

Untitled Document

Now George, you know how impolite it is to disturb the peeps with data....how will they maintain their belief system if you mess with it by providing an alternate point of view?
We are awake and it had already been reported. We are also discussing the same thing you are discussing here. Most forums I come from do not allow negative feedback in the For Sale section. It is a BUYER BEWARE situation. Psneeld's question, IMO, is perfectly fine. Does it work? Nothing wrong with that. But I do not agree that Marin's is usefule in any way or anyone else that slams the OP's for sale item. Anyway, I do not know if things will change here but I am just stating my opinion. I believe people that buy stuff on the internet should be smart enough to know what works and what they want and they don't need the omnipotent advice of everyone in the Universe!!! This is a place to sell things. Not discuss things. Imagine if Marin ever put his boat up for sale. We have pages and pages of how he thinks it is not the ideal boat and that his engines suck.....straight from his mouth/fingers. Would it be appropriate for us to post that on his for sale thread??? No it would not. Anyway, I am not in favor of extended negative discussion on someone's for sale thread.
But purveyors of ... paper towel filters ... are in for a rough ride.

We who believe in some of the above may even think a few of the plus sized models are skinny.

I've been out of touch with the snake oil salesmen for the last few years, but my understanding was that the "paper towel" oil purifiers (like Gulf Coast Filters) DO actually work. Countless testimonials based on oil analyses after hundreds of hours seem to support this.

Am I missing some key info here?
Now George, you know how impolite it is to disturb the peeps with data....how will they maintain their belief system if you mess with it by providing an alternate point of view?

Yes, people are very reluctant to question their belief systems. Even when presented with non-biased, controlled, scientific data.
I've been out of touch with the snake oil salesmen for the last few years, but my understanding was that the "paper towel" oil purifiers (like Gulf Coast Filters) DO actually work. Countless testimonials based on oil analyses after hundreds of hours seem to support this.

Am I missing some key info here?

1950's/60's; Town of Freeport on LI in NY:

Hudson Channel, next to Woodcleft Canal... Ed Warnke - Manager of Sunshine Boat Yard and then owner of Warnke Boat Yard co invented the TP-Roll oil filter for marine engines. That baby worked so well that oil virtually never darkened from its original hue. All that was needed to keep using the oil for many extra hours engine operation was to occassionally change the TP roll. Of course, if engine ran poorly such as water or fuel getting into the oil - all bets were off.

I worked in Ed's yards and my dad docked boats in both yards. We watched the evolution of Ed's uniquely efficient oil filter. For years in a row Ed and his partner (can't recall his name) had a well presented show spot in NY's Madison Square Garden's annual mega boat show. As I recall, unfortunately for Ed, the TP-Roll oil filter never took off in a big way. Ed was the type of hyper guy that basically never walked, but rather he ran everywhere from point to point in his boat yards. Last I heard in late 60's or early 70's was that Ed had suffered heart attack and slowed way down. Ed was a great guy!
Mr. ma. It's my understanding the TP/Paper towel filters work as well BUT purely anecdotal information as I never took the time to look into them seriously. I'm not rushing off to buy such a device as our original install system works adequately.
Am I missing some key info here?

Yes you are!!!! You are posting on a for sale thread about a fuel related item that has nothing to do with oil filters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The site team has jointly decided to close this thread. Apologies if that inconveniences anyone.
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