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For Sale: LG-X-400 Algae-X Magnetic Fuel Conditioner (3/8" Port)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jul 21, 2013
Hi All,

We are changing the fuel polishing system that the previous owner installed on our boat and so have this unit available.

The specification for this unit are:
  • Model: LG-X-400
  • Port Size (NPT): 3/8”
  • Max Flow Rate: 90 GPH
  • Weight: 2 lb
  • HP Range: 500

Very clean condition.

The 3/8" port size unit has been discontinued by ALGAE-X, so here is an opportunity for you to buy one.

The price is $185 + shipping.


  • Algae-X 400 Front.jpg
    Algae-X 400 Front.jpg
    172.4 KB · Views: 131
  • Algae-X 400 Back.jpg
    Algae-X 400 Back.jpg
    192.9 KB · Views: 91
Hi Everyone,

It's a long weekend and I would like to sell this item, so get into the holiday spirit and make me a reasonable offer.


Not working for you?
Not sure what Algae-X is supposed to prevent since algae doesn't grow in fuel tanks. Bacteria and other organisms do, but algae doesn't. Algae needs sunlight to grow. Not much of that inside a fuel tank.

I believe the whole magnetic growth-inhibitor theory has been debunked in tests countless times over in many parts of the world for many, many years now. The last "doesn't work" report I recall reading was from the UK in a Land Rover enthusiast magazine.
well,,, the PO was a buyer, by these accounts he got suckered by everyone. Just throw all that $hit away and do it right. Nobody here will want it. Snake oil all around.
This was done by a very anal and analytical guy on the Hatteras Owners Forum. Pictures are off line now I guess. FWIW. My Hatteras came with them courtesy of a PO. I don't know if they work or not; I just go a long time, 200-300 hours before having to change filters. My penchant for clean fuel? Maybe. The PO seemed to think they made a difference from his "before" experience. Keep in mind Detroits cycle a lot of fuel due to the high return rate. The name is a misnomer, it's the asphaltenes and other precipitants they supposedly go after. They certainly do no harm. The company does make a nice complete fuel polishing system.

Untitled Document
You can get anything you want - at Alice's Restaurant!
Personally I think it is pretty darn rude to get on someone's "for sale" thread and just randomly trash the product they have listed. People can make their own decisions based on research and experience. When a neighbor has a car or boat or whatever you don't like for sale in their yard or driveway, do you make sure to go over to any lookers and disparage the thing?
Some websites I have been on have eliminated the ability to comment on a sellers posts...maybe for the same reasons.

But on the other hand...so many here consider this a "community"...

If you believe doing something someone else posted as dangerous or wrong, don't many here jump in and clearly state that?

So if someone believes something for sale is inappropriate for someone else's use... I can see a similarity.

Allowing opinions in a "for sale" thread just force the seller to clearly state why the item is being sold and whether it was a working takeout or new. It also forces them to state why some one else may want it or need it if it has a colored reputation or doubtful performance.

Being polite about it helps....that's why I asked if it was working for the OP or not....not just coming out and tossing out my opinion on the product.

Rude, probably yes. But purveyors of - fuel treatments, special non OEM oil, Bruce anchors (mine works fine :thumb: up to about 35 knots), ratty looking vessels, Taiwan trawler teak decks, IVECO diesels, Raymarine radars, not enjoying every Pacific coast stop, venturing out into a hurricane, paper towel filters and certain religions are really good at heart - are in for a rough ride.

We who believe in some of the above may even think a few of the plus sized models are skinny.
Meant exactly what I said in # 11. That is... "Excepting Alice - of course! Yes this dates me, and I love it!!

BTW: I posted in jest and have no idea if product for sale is good or bad. Although, I would like to know it's true qualities... if someone on TF really understands them or can lead us to a site that explains such.
Personally I think it is pretty darn rude to get on someone's "for sale" thread and just randomly trash the product they have listed. People can make their own decisions based on research and experience. When a neighbor has a car or boat or whatever you don't like for sale in their yard or driveway, do you make sure to go over to any lookers and disparage the thing?
You wouldn't want someone to discourage you from considering a placebo?

I can see a sanitized or comment free fore sale section.

If you feel strongly enough about an item being sold, and a good example would be one where you have personally looked at the item and it is being misrepresented, then a separate thread or PM could be used.
BIG, BIG difference between a member selling something they KNOW is faulty and touting it to be a worthwhile purchase and unknowingly selling the same product thinking there is some worth to it. I would prefer to give Mr. P the benefit of the doubt and it will be interesting to see what transpires as a result of all the negative feedback. Perhaps e-bay or Craigslist would be a better venue to advertise.
Over the years I have noticed most, if not all, sale items to be honestly represented and if purchased by another member to be reported as advertised. In spite of the fact that Algae-X products may be akin to snake oil, they continue to be installed in, what seems to be, all manner of equipment. Personally, MY opinion is snake oil but it's MY opinion only in this case.
It sort of begs the question though, why is Mr. P replacing replacing the items if they, in fact, perform as to their advertising claims?
The only reason you are still commenting in the thread is the mods are not awake...

I posted a current "new" price for something advertised on here for far more than it was worth, and it was quickly swept into the trash.
We are awake and it had already been reported. We are also discussing the same thing you are discussing here. Most forums I come from do not allow negative feedback in the For Sale section. It is a BUYER BEWARE situation. Psneeld's question, IMO, is perfectly fine. Does it work? Nothing wrong with that. But I do not agree that Marin's is usefule in any way or anyone else that slams the OP's for sale item. Anyway, I do not know if things will change here but I am just stating my opinion. I believe people that buy stuff on the internet should be smart enough to know what works and what they want and they don't need the omnipotent advice of everyone in the Universe!!! This is a place to sell things. Not discuss things. Imagine if Marin ever put his boat up for sale. We have pages and pages of how he thinks it is not the ideal boat and that his engines suck.....straight from his mouth/fingers. Would it be appropriate for us to post that on his for sale thread??? No it would not. Anyway, I am not in favor of extended negative discussion on someone's for sale thread.
We are awake and it had already been reported. We are also discussing the same thing you are discussing here. Most forums I come from do not allow negative feedback in the For Sale section. It is a BUYER BEWARE situation. Psneeld's question, IMO, is perfectly fine. Does it work? Nothing wrong with that. But I do not agree that Marin's is usefule in any way or anyone else that slams the OP's for sale item. Anyway, I do not know if things will change here but I am just stating my opinion. I believe people that buy stuff on the internet should be smart enough to know what works and what they want and they don't need the omnipotent advice of everyone in the Universe!!! This is a place to sell things. Not discuss things. Imagine if Marin ever put his boat up for sale. We have pages and pages of how he thinks it is not the ideal boat and that his engines suck.....straight from his mouth/fingers. Would it be appropriate for us to post that on his for sale thread??? No it would not. Anyway, I am not in favor of extended negative discussion on someone's for sale thread.
but what if his experts agree???? :D
now that I have had my fun....maybe time to get the whole tread back on track by erasing everything back to post #1.... ;)
WImagine if Marin ever put his boat up for sale. We have pages and pages of how he thinks it is not the ideal boat and that his engines suck.....straight from his mouth/fingers. Would it be appropriate for us to post that on his for sale thread??? No it would not.

Of course it would. This is an amateur boating forum. Forum means just that. You talk about things. It's not a newspaper/magazine classified section or Craigslist or Ebay. You want to advertise something for sale with no commentary, put it in the venues that allow that.

If we were going to put our GB up for sale-- which we wouldn't as we've made other arrangements for it with the state-- if we advertised it here we would expect comments on it from members, pro and con. Making a purchase decision requires information, and a place like this is a good source for it, pro and con. I'd rather see comments about something in the For Sale section of the forum about something I was interested in buying than not. I don't buy things blindly but go in search of information about them. So if happened to be interested in Algae-X or whatever I would actively seek out reviews and experience comments about it anyway. So why not allow them, particularly when the place it's being advertised has a lot of people with different levels of experience and knowledge?

If a person is so thin-skinned they get all weepy because someone says something is crap then they've got issues far greater than whatever my or anyone else's commentary might be.

I'll make my purchase decision based on my own evaluation. But for it to be a smart evaluation I want information and that's what a forum like this can provide.
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We are awake and it had already been reported. We are also discussing the same thing you are discussing here. Most forums I come from do not allow negative feedback in the For Sale section. It is a BUYER BEWARE situation. Psneeld's question, IMO, is perfectly fine. Does it work? Nothing wrong with that. But I do not agree that Marin's is usefule in any way or anyone else that slams the OP's for sale item. Anyway, I do not know if things will change here but I am just stating my opinion. I believe people that buy stuff on the internet should be smart enough to know what works and what they want and they don't need the omnipotent advice of everyone in the Universe!!! This is a place to sell things. Not discuss things. Imagine if Marin ever put his boat up for sale. We have pages and pages of how he thinks it is not the ideal boat and that his engines suck.....straight from his mouth/fingers. Would it be appropriate for us to post that on his for sale thread??? No it would not. Anyway, I am not in favor of extended negative discussion on someone's for sale thread.

I agree with this.
You are correct, please except my apology. I was sold a RCI 1000 about 12 years ago, along with the Algae X. Probably about the same setup as here. It still stings a bit just thinking about it. It was VERY expensive at the time, and even more so later as I learned that it didnt do as claimed. However, just the act of circulating the fuel helped. I see them on ebay sometimes and they still sell. Just because I didnt think it worked doesnt mean others have not had good results.
Kulas44, in my book it takes a much better man to apologize than to criticize! My hat off to you sir!
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Personally I think it is pretty darn rude to get on someone's "for sale" thread and just randomly trash the product they have listed. People can make their own decisions based on research and experience. When a neighbor has a car or boat or whatever you don't like for sale in their yard or driveway, do you make sure to go over to any lookers and disparage the thing?

I agree 100%.
It's way past rude.
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