Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

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Hey Dave. You spent time in Aust? I'm surprised that the Holden Vs Ford rivalry is known outside of Australia.

I'm a Holden lover from way back. :-D

iPad Forum Runner

I B a Holden' My Lover Often! :socool: :rofl: :dance: :lol:
Well got the call to say my heat exchanger and 2 oil coolers have been fully rebuilt are ready to be picked up.

After I picked them up i swung past and dropped all of the new engine parts and the parts i cleaned off to the mechanic so he can begin putting her back together

Another step closer :-D


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Hey Dave. You spent time in Aust? I'm surprised that the Holden Vs Ford rivalry is known outside of Australia.

I'm a Holden lover from way back. :-D

iPad Forum Runner

My wife and I spent 4 weeks in Australia in 2008. Melbourne, Sydney, and Brissy. Loved it, wished we could have stayed and can't wait to get back some day.:thumb:
Hey, Hendo. Those engine parts look far too booful to bury in the bowels of an engine room....
On the car front, as non-native I have to say I have never been a Holden fan, but have a soft sot for Ford, but only because my first car was a 105E Anglia. Had an XD Fairmont Ghia in NZ for a time. Quite liked the shape, but quality wise....rubbish. Both Commodores and Falcons are now, finally world class cars, but I'm sick of this Ford Holden thing, and really glad Nissan and Mercedes are going to be in the V 8 supercar race category this year. I really missed the Godzilla.
My wife and I spent 4 weeks in Australia in 2008. Melbourne, Sydney, and Brissy. Loved it, wished we could have stayed and can't wait to get back some day.:thumb:

Ah nice! Well if you come back and come to Perth gimme a shout and the admiral and I will take you guys out on the Axe :)

iPad Forum Runner
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Hey, Hendo. Those engine parts look far too booful to bury in the bowels of an engine room....
On the car front, as non-native I have to say I have never been a Holden fan, but have a soft sot for Ford, but only because my first car was a 105E Anglia. Had an XD Fairmont Ghia in NZ for a time. Quite liked the shape, but quality wise....rubbish. Both Commodores and Falcons are now, finally world class cars, but I'm sick of this Ford Holden thing, and really glad Nissan and Mercedes are going to be in the V 8 supercar race category this year. I really missed the Godzilla.

Holden V Ford ... Australia V New Zealand :)

What is it with kiwis and fords haha


iPad Forum Runner
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Just love the cooler rebuild!
Sure wish I could get mechanical work like that done here.
Unfortunately, it would cost as much as I paid for the whole boat and I am not sure I would trust most of the flunkies around here to do it right.

They looks So good that now you will have to do the rest of the engine like this.
Hendo,interesting you had the h/exchanger and oil coolers rebuilt. It might depend how bad they are, I was advised to replace mine on FL120s, brought in new cu-ni ones ($500 and $150 respectively) from USA, cheaper than getting them made here. The heat exchanger was beyond repair,and I renewed the oil coolers as recommended at 2000hr.What did you spend on rebuilds?
Awww Aussie made ain't that bad, except for our movies. They're really Sh*t so avoid watching them haha

Movies??..u make movies??...aussie stuff is mostly good!! Grrr u got sumtin tu say about that?/:)

Honestly everything i have owned made downunder has been of high quality....however.....I aint drank no good wusky made down there, i gotta satisfy me thisrt with that Kentucky or Scotch stuff.....:thumb:
Movies??..u make movies??...aussie stuff is mostly good!! Grrr u got sumtin tu say about that?/:)

Honestly everything i have owned made downunder has been of high quality....however.....I aint drank no good wusky made down there, i gotta satisfy me thisrt with that Kentucky or Scotch stuff.....:thumb:

Well that's where you're going wrong mate. Rum .... It's all about the Rum..... Get some Bundy Rum made here in Aust. and kick that whiskey

iPad Forum Runner


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Hendo,interesting you had the h/exchanger and oil coolers rebuilt. It might depend how bad they are, I was advised to replace mine on FL120s, brought in new cu-ni ones ($500 and $150 respectively) from USA, cheaper than getting them made here. The heat exchanger was beyond repair,and I renewed the oil coolers as recommended at 2000hr.What did you spend on rebuilds?

Way more than that. Wish I had been given the same advice. My heat exchanger is cast iron and weighs a tonne.

Just love the cooler rebuild!
Sure wish I could get mechanical work like that done here.
Unfortunately, it would cost as much as I paid for the whole boat and I am not sure I would trust most of the flunkies around here to do it right.

They looks So good that now you will have to do the rest of the engine like this.

Hey mate. Thanks. They look the goods! but after bruces comments im feeling ripped off. Yeah plans are to do the whole engine when she rebuilt :-D

They even gave me some paint to do it


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There were whiskeys made here, until recently their best use was drain cleaning. Now there are traditional whiskies being made in cool climate Tasmania, I have no doubt they will, in time, be as successful as our wine makers,turning out high quality products .
Australia makes, has for a long while, superb rum products. Inner Circle, not commercially available, is 75.9% proof spirit. Got it as a present, not game to open it.
Yes,we do make mead, though honestly it does nothing for me.
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Well that's where you're going wrong mate. Rum .... It's all about the Rum..... Get some Bundy Rum made here in Aust. and kick that whiskey

iPad Forum Runner

oh no mate...when u guys started drinkin that stuff you took off colonizing 1/3 of the world stopping at every island filled with pretty girls...No way i gonna get into that rut!:)....Geez, I'll stick to wusky thank you sir, cant handle supporting that many women that far apart....


.......you dont plan on doin a bit of island hoping when your boat is launched do youi?
Hendo, yours might be better, and I should have added the freight on mine. Seakamp brand $500 copper nickel, freight $300 each, making $800 each all up for the exchangers,less than the $1200 I was quoted here, though that was in s/steel.
41C here in Sydney now at 2pm and climbing. Relief via a southerly wind change not expected until 2am, in 12 hours.I`m hiding in the a/c parts of the house.
There were whiskeys made here, until recently their best use was drain cleaning. Now there are traditional whiskies being made in cool climate Tasmania, I have no doubt they will, in time, be as successful as our wine makers,turning out high quality products .

Drain cleanin?/ ..grrrrrrr....
There ought to be some fine mead made down your way. The record honey production per hive was down just above Tasmania. There is nothing better than a fine meadat about 19% and slightley sweet.....yummm
And here I thought only Vikings drank mead.....
I'll stick to my QLD Diesel aka Bundy rum. Have no idea what mead is :-/

On the upside tho, my engine is getting rebuilt today YAAAY :-D


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I like your style Hendo. Full speed ahead and no looking back! This is perhaps my favorite thread on the forum.
Way to go! This is the definition of 'shade tree mechanic' (without the shade).
Way to go! This is the definition of 'shade tree mechanic' (without the shade).

Yep, typical Western Australian works going on ere mate. Get in, get it done, do it properly and don't piss around. No fancy workshops here. I'm lucky to have met some great people that are always willing to lend a hand. I'll have plenty of time in the helm paying back the favours by chasing down some big fish :). It's a win win for everyone, especially me :-D

iPad Forum Runner
Ok well I've had two posts removed tonight due to a hypersensitive, hypocritical and prissy member. Apparently it's ok to give but not to take in his book.

I'm gonna bugger off for a while as I'm pissed off about this.

Thanks to those of you that helped me and I wish you well with your projects

If you want to know how the "AXE" is going, message Art. He has my email.



iPad Forum Runner
I, for one and I'm SURE I'm not the only one, will miss your posts and yes, every one of your posts. Please don't let one WANKER deter you. I've had posts deleted and I expect the same will happen in the future. Probably this one because I used the "W" word...
Ok well I've had two posts removed tonight due to a hypersensitive, hypocritical and prissy member. Apparently it's ok to give but not to take in his book.

I'm gonna bugger off for a while as I'm pissed off about this.

Thanks to those of you that helped me and I wish you well with your projects

If you want to know how the "AXE" is going, message Art. He has my email.



iPad Forum Runner

Yo, Hendo / Matt... WTF is up? What da H happened???

If you can see your way clear don't bugger off, as you say. Like I used to say to the fight losers when I was young and wild in New England fisher taverns and pubs... after a row had occurred and we winners bellied back up to the bar ... "Don't be bitter, reconsider!" LOL :rofl: :D

Lots of TF contributors, very much me included, are getting a thrill out of vicariously experiencing your monumental boat rebuilding experience. You are doing a boat rebuild more pronounced than I've ever seen - bar none! And, you are doing it quickly too... I'll be pleased to provide your email addy to any TF person who requests.

Hope you do reconsider and continue sharing/displaying your wonderful boat building experience with us all. Your picts are outstanding!

Happy boat Daze! - Art :popcorn: :speed boat:
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Ok well I'm over my little tantrum now and I've decided to stop being a sooky la la not to take my cricket bat and ball home but continue to play on.

Received a couple of PMs and an email that helped clear things up and showed me how to block people :-D so I don't see their crap etc. thanks for the support and words of advice and to show me for every wanker on here, there are many numerous nice people genuinely interested.

I've also looked at my replies and yes they can be toned down a bit and can see how my dry sense of humour can result in posts being blocked and people getting offended. I'll work on that.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I only really tried to offend one person as he has attacked more than one person and I was sick of no one standing up to him but he's blocked now so I can mind my own business moving forward.

Sorry for the drama. I feel embarrassed now :-/

Anywhoooo, enough of that sh*t. Back to the AXE.

Today I slept in till 11am so there was no point heading down to the boat so I stayed home and mucked around with some engine parts.

I cleaned the bell housing and flywheel ready for painting.

The admiral got offered a new job on Friday so the plan is to take her out tonight to celebrate this, so not working on the boat turned out well.

Other than that it was a quiet one.

Sorry again if I'd offended anyone outside of the person I was trying to offend.



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Yeah, hang in there Hendo, and remember...keep your eyes on the prize....
Hendo, sorry a troll got to you,you resolved it quickly. Expect the usual proportion of strange ones as in the general community and use the "ignore" facility.
Best wishes for your project, keep up the reports.
All the best from the east.
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