Help Choose new titles

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
You already have some members that have “custom” titles which implies a special status. Who will decide the status for the rest of us and what criteria will be used? If titles are assigned by post count, or by relevant content, then, as previously mentioned, you are doing the readership a disservice.
Several times I have read something posted by a current “guru” where the statement was inaccurate and was not corrected by other members. A visitor or “newbie” could come to the Forum and get some bad information (not stated that it is their “opinion”) from a member whose title is “Admiral” or “Commodore” or some other title that would have the unsuspecting reader believe that what they are reading is “gospel” when in reality, it is bogus.

There are also some folks (members) that have thousands of posts that I simply pass over because they are always confrontational, self-aggrandizing, or irrelevant. If you go by the number of posts, you could give these folks any title you want and it still would not reflect their true “status”.

You asked the members for their input and you got a pretty clear response that the titles are not necessary or even liked. Some members like to have fun with their posts (I do) and some don’t. Some take things lightly and some very seriously. As an administrator you can’t dismiss the folks that seriously don’t want a title, be it silly or not.

I suggest you fix the software to allow members to either choose their own title, choose not to have a title, or change the title you have assigned to them. KJ
Several times I have read something posted by a current “guru” where the statement was inaccurate and was not corrected by other members. A visitor or “newbie” could come to the Forum and get some bad information (not stated that it is their “opinion”) from a member whose title is “Admiral” or “Commodore” or some other title that would have the unsuspecting reader believe that what they are reading is “gospel” when in reality, it is bogus.

This is the whole point. On the two GB forums everyone who participates for any time at all soon learns who the knowledgeable posters are who doesn't know so much. No titles have ever been used although the number of posts is included. But everyone on those forums knows that when Bob Lowe or Mike Negley or Tom Overs posts advice or an experience it's well worth heeding or following.
You already have some members that have “custom” titles which implies a special status.
These were assigned by the site team or upon request at one point and you are correct, that it seems somewhat selective. Having a more standard scheme with high post count members being able to select their own titles seems more fair and high post count members get a small reward for sticking around... ;)

There are also some folks (members) that have thousands of posts that I simply pass over because they are always confrontational, self-aggrandizing, or irrelevant.

This is a hazard on any board, sadly

You asked the members for their input and you got a pretty clear response that the titles are not necessary or even liked..... I suggest you fix the software to allow members to either choose their own title, choose not to have a title, or change the title you have assigned to them. KJ
There are limits to what we can reasonably do to the software. While some folks have expressed an opinion about titles being irrelevant, the continued number of requests we get for custom titles flies in opposition to this assumption.

This is the whole point. On the two GB forums everyone who participates for any time at all soon learns who the knowledgeable posters are who doesn't know so much.

Titles are of most benefit for new members who do use them as a metric but also often aspire to the next "level". These same titles also contribute to the unique 'culture' of a community; they can be a good addition. If, as a high post count member you didn't want to participate I suppose that you could always fill your usertitle line with this: . or this: xoxoxo and who knows, you might even attract an admirer ;) but please don't assume that others aren't interested in a new title or post so stridently as to silence them. There is clearly interest and we are working hard to find some good solutions. :flowers:
Janet--- Don't know about the "aspire to the next level" thing. This is just a casual internet forum, not a company. But I think your suggestion above of "choose your own including having none" is probably the best compromise. What people pick will probably help indicate to newcomers who to give credibility to and who maybe not so much.:)
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Can spaces be inserted as names to satisfy the software and accommodate those who want no title?
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Some people take these titles too seriously (or believe others do.) "Master and Commander": ha ha ha ha ha :rofl::rofl::blush:
Wow, can I give myself a Knighthood? Always wanted to be Sir Bruce K.......
Sir Bruce sounds good to me.

Hmmmm....what about Saint Peter...sounds better than Sir Peter... :socool:
Nah...just kidding...I am not worthy, but the big guy set the precedent...for the name I mean.
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Too bad the titles are not matched to activity:

Clams - sit around and filter what comes through (guilty!)
Eels - shocking personalites
Clown fish - goes without saying
Angel fish - not enough of them!
Lock masters - the ones in control
Barnacles - they just hang on to be a real pain in the ass!
Picking your own is the same as none, providing no useful information...might as well put it in your signature. I find the standard ones useful.
What Marin said a long time ago.

I'm on one board where you can "like" a helpful post and that gets added to a sort of rating for the poster. That can be useful; it can likely be abused to. Either way it means more than a simple post count. Some people like to hear the sound of their own keystrokes. Others can speak volumes in very few posts. Anybody that spends any length of time here pretty soon figures out who belongs in each category. The title under the username contributes exactly zero to that process.
As long as nobody has this under their name


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Does the new "Thank You" button have a counter? So if the owners think there is a real need to title folks I would like to suggest that the number of Thanks that an individual receives might be of some value. With that in mind we could start using that as a system to vote among our self. Rating could be % of thanks vs total posts form a date to a date. Yearly, six month or even monthly. Obviously one could not thank ones self and receive credit.

Short of something like that, I'm in favor of either letting one pick their own Nick name as well as "none". Posts count numbers are useless.
Janet--- Don't know about the "aspire to the next level" thing. This is just a casual internet forum, not a company.

AT the end of the day, a member with a high post count may have that high post count because he's lonely, bored and got nothing else to do, but more often, they have a high post count because they have a lasting interest, and useful stuff to contribute.

Usertitles are a much more fun way of imparting this info. And yes, I do believe that new members, if they are interested in sticking around, do like to get those usertitles under their belt. A bit like those 5 stars McDonald's employees get - we know they are only stars, but people just love getting them!

Does the new "Thank You" button have a counter? So if the owners think there is a real need to title folks I would like to suggest that the number of Thanks that an individual receives might be of some value.

Not sure about here, but on CF (Cruisers Forum) the thanks level of a member does get logged, but the public can't see it. I think that it would be good if members at least could see the thanks level - it might encourage them to offer up more thanks, which are always appreciated!
If you are a regular member you do not need tItles and post counts. I am more interested in the members profile. As that Informration is helpful when replying. If you are a regular member you know which members have contributed. So what ever titles are used is ok with me. However I would like more information in the profiles which would be helpful.
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Whatever you come up with I demand to be Grand Vizier.

Done - but do really want to be in charge? Have you had a good look at your minions? :lol: :eek:

Usertitles are a much more fun way of imparting this info. And yes, I do believe that new members, if they are interested in sticking around, do like to get those usertitles under their belt. A bit like those 5 stars McDonald's employees get - we know they are only stars, but people just love getting them!

0 posts - In a Tropic Port
5 posts - Aboard a Tiny Ship
20 posts - Rough Seas Ahead or Castaway or No phone, No lights...
100 posts - Fearless Crew
250 posts - Seeking Ginger
500 posts - Mighty Sailor Man
1000 posts - Skipper
5000 posts - Brave and Sure

And... members with 100 posts (which is very few) get to choose their own titles
Not under command
Restricted in ability to maneuver
Constrained by draft
Sea State
Mary Ann never got the respect she deserved.

Ditto! I still have a boyhood crush on her!

As said above, it's all rather silly, when I've got a question, I know who's answers to take seriously. If you spend any time here, you know who just likes to hear themselves talk.

That said, on the old board someone had the title "BANNED" which I thought was funny. Not sure if he was really banned or if it was just a title.

Ditto the LIKE button option.

That said, on the old board someone had the title "BANNED" which I thought was funny. Not sure if he was really banned or if it was just a title.

Should the Gilligan's Island theme get adopted, we have plans to have the "BANNED" title become "Wrongway Feldman"

Remember, "There is only do...or not do...there is no try". I find that quite a good one-liner when encouraging someone to quit smoking.
Sorry, thread hijack over....

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