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Albin 36 - SOLD

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Kind of tucked in towards the bottom...

"Listed for sale at $44,900."

Looks like a great, cared for example.
You've written a great resumé for your vessel. Good luck with the sale.

Hi (FormerSailor) Andy, thank you for your comments and feedback on my description of our trawler. Even prior to purchasing our trawler, I've read much about trawlers on this and other similar forums. The level of owner's expertise and experience on Trawler Forum is without par, and set the bar high for me writing our ad when we recently decided to sell. It's been and a continues to be a great trawler; unfortunately we've had some recent lifestyle changes this past summer and we're no longer using the boat as we did. Mark
After re-reading and seeing the photos in our initial post above I feel I’ve grossly underrepresented our Albin and the trawler ownership and lifestyle it has provided us. So, I’ve included a few more photos of the boat in response to requests and questions we’ve received. Thank you to everyone who has contacted us about the boat and our insights as being trawler owners for the past seven years. In my experience as a first time trawler owner, preventative maintenance aboard and a routine boating schedule seems to help keep systems operating reliably. While our boat doesn’t have the latest and greatest bells and whistles (though it does have a solid brass bell and two tone boat horn) its components are relatively simple, dependable, and can be maintained and repaired by anyone with a basic understanding of mechanical and electrical systems, which largely influenced [me] to buy this boat. Here are a few photos along the way. Mark


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A few more photos. There are hundreds more and while we've been a few of the places more than once, every photo and day is different. Trawler Life.


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Hi Hansondl, the boat is located in downtown Clearwater, Florida. Please feel free to PM me if you would like to arrange for an inspection. Thanks, Mark
I shouldn't have seen this

Just to get started, I am familiar with Clearwater,
but it has been a long time since I knew anything
about the Marinas.
What are you paying for storage? Can the
vessel stay there with a new owner? Will
they let you store a car there while you are in
the Bahamas for a few months at a time?
I really like that type of trawler. We live in
Colorado, and are in Tampa visiting relatives.
Have owned 3 sailboats, but think a trawler
would suit us better at this age. Anyway, best
of luck
Dave and Cindy Beach
Somehow this boat seems underpriced. You should not have any trouble selling it. She is beautiful and functional.
Great write up on your boat. Most people have no idea to sell a boat and your ad is very good. Very good looking and well equipped albie that is priced to sell. Good luck with the sale.
Just to get started, I am familiar with Clearwater,
but it has been a long time since I knew anything
about the Marinas.
What are you paying for storage? Can the
vessel stay there with a new owner? Will
they let you store a car there while you are in
the Bahamas for a few months at a time?
I really like that type of trawler. We live in
Colorado, and are in Tampa visiting relatives.
Have owned 3 sailboats, but think a trawler
would suit us better at this age. Anyway, best
of luck
Dave and Cindy Beach

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Beach, Thank you for your email and interest in our trawler. I will reply privately via email to your inquiry. -Mark
Great write up on your boat. Most people have no idea to sell a boat and your ad is very good. Very good looking and well equipped albie that is priced to sell. Good luck with the sale.

Hi BlindHog, thank you for your email and feedback. Knowing the boat as I do I thought it would be helpful in describing the boat in as much detail for prospective buyers. I've seen a number of ads for comparable trawlers on different websites and feel the owners aren't as familiar with their boat's systems or preventative maintenance. I could probably write another few paragraphs of additional detail and instead decided I will continue to add more photos of life afloat and underway. The photos add "the vision" that words can't easily describe. -Mark
Somehow this boat seems underpriced. You should not have any trouble selling it. She is beautiful and functional.

Hi grandbanksbayfield, thank you for your praise and insight regarding our trawler. Since purchasing the boat in 2012 I've prided myself on learning as much as I could about naturally-aspirated diesel engines and systems aboard, and then either improving some and maintaining all systems. I've seen too many dockside trawlers just wasting away like lethargic caged creatures which should be roaming the plains; aged and forgotten trawlers with dark musty engine rooms, sun bleached and bone dry teak trim, rusted machinery spaces, and accumulated guano topside. Boats require routine maintenance. -Mark
If still available during week after Xmas I would like to your boat. Im going to be in Tampa the that week., can I call you at that time. Or you call me 6165400674
Hi Mark
Is your boat still available? I will be in your area the first of the year and would love to see your boat. Looking for a boat to cruise the Chesapeake Bay full time during the summer.
Hi Hansondl, Thank you for your email and interest in our boat. My apologies on the delay in responding as I have out of state family in town for Thanksgiving week and I have been blissfully unplugged/incommunicado for a few days. Yes, by all means feel free to give me a call prior to when you plan to be in the Tampa Bay area following Christmas. The boat is in downtown Clearwater, about 30 minutes from Tampa International Airport. Happy Thanksgiving, Mark
Hi Jack (JPMyers), Thank you for your email and interest in our boat. My apologies on the delay in responding as I have out of state family in town for Thanksgiving week and I have been blissfully incommunicado and off line for a few days. I like your notion of having the boat in the Chesapeake Bay. Our boat would be ideal for cruising the Chesapeake and weekends afloat in any of the tributaries and tidal rivers throughout the Bay. The has a 16K BTU air conditioning unit which runs off either shore power or the 3.5 Kw single cylinder generator, as well as a wind turbine which works great to power the 12 VDC house batteries which serve the AC/DC fridge, all (LED) lights, stereo, as well as propane stove. The boat draws 3.5 feet and has a full keel with sand shore which protects the rudder and propeller when (not if) aground. Please feel free to contact me before you arrive in town following the New Year and I would enjoy showing you aboard. Happy Thanksgiving, Mark
If you don't want to post your number, your can text me at 410-303-9541
Thanks to everyone who has contacted me regarding our boat. If I wasn't clear, I am flexible on the $44.9K asking price, but I wasn't hoping to give the boat away. Again, all systems are operational and we still routinely are using the boat on weekends, but are planning to either be boatless until retirement (five years away) or possibly pick up a small RV in the interim. The boat is turnkey, just in need of someone who's willing to use it more than we are as working types. I welcome questions, inspections, and offers. Here are a few more photos during the time we've owned it. Another upgrade I made since the previous owner was removing the PO's 100 feet of galvanized 5/16" BBB chain. All but the first 40 feet of the all-chain rode was rusted in a cannonball sized iron mass in the chain locker. It took hours to free the chain using an angle grinder and 3-pound maul. Fun is an understatement, but connotations beginning with the letters "fu" nearly describes the experience. In late 2017 replaced the previous rusted chain with new, 5/16" BBB galvanized chain, but before I installed the 120 feet of chain on the boat, I installed two 6" X 8" transom zincs in the bottom of the chain locker to serve as anodes for the galvanized chain. I also converted the previous saltwater anchor chain and deck washdown system to a freshwater self-rinsing anchor rinse system using $3.29 of Lowe's lawn sprinkler hardware (see photo). Again, all cash (no owner financing) offers are welcomed. Originally listed at $44.9K but will consider fair market value offers. Includes 2014 West Marine RIB dinghy (NO leaks!) and 1998 two-stroke Johnson 15-HP outboard engine (runs great). I will miss those nights on the anchor, grilling out under moonlight on the stern, with the wind spinning the wind turbine to ably charge the house battery bank. It's a great boat -- take the initiative and USE IT. You won't be disappointed. Thank you, Mark


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albin 36

call if want to show your boat 616 540 0674:):)
Good morning Hunter, thank you for your email and interest in our trawler. At this point I have plans this upcoming weekend and will follow up with you regarding showing you our boat. Have a terrific day and remainder of the week. Mark


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Hi Pete, thank you for your email and insight on your similar Albin 36 trawler. That's great to know your trawler has maintained its value since your purchase 8 years ago. I can't say mine has, but what I lost in financial value over 7 years I doubly regained in family memories and living the intermittent year-round Florida cruising lifestyle. But then again I haven't had a new $20K engine installed, so in this regard our boats are in the same overall financial price range. ;-) I'm most intrigued with your new engine comment however -- so did you rebuild your existing engine or repower? What engine did your boat originally have and what does it have now? I've only ever owned this Ford Lehman and like the reliability, fuel economy, and ease of DIY preventative maintenance on this engine. When we do eventually replace this trawler I'm looking for another with a single, naturally aspirated engine. -Mark


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A few more photos from the past few years and even 2012 following our purchase. Boat also includes spare parts and tools (complete [7/16" through 7/8" standard size and "stubby"] chrome plated wrench sets, all sized flat and Philips head screwdrivers, 1-7/8" and 2" shaft packing wrenches, oil change wrench, hacksaw with spare blades), DeWalt 18V cordless drill, 110V tight space right angle drill, Makita electrical sander, one-gallon Shop-Vac, multiple clean and dry 3 and 5 gallon jerrycans (I used them for dinghy 50:1 mixed gasoline, used engine waste oil storage for recycling, and mixing of 20 quarts engine coolant (40% Prestone:60% distilled water)), two gallon Topsider manual vacuum pump for Lehman engine oil changes, mooring line bridle and freshwater hose for anchor chain, plastic swim buoy, stainless steel dinghy anchor and line with section of stainless steel anchor chain, various sized like new boat fenders, vast array of 12V fuses in every size imaginable, spare 12V LED bulbs for all lights aboard, various boxed engine and genset components including NEW impellers, belts, primary Racor and secondary Wix fuel filters, Fram PH-8A oil filters, six gallons (two oil changes) Shell Rotella straight weight 40 engine oil, hardware and fasteners, electrical components and connecters, spare wind turbine blades, new Ford Lehman fuel injection lines and fuel injectors, spare Lehman mechanical fuel lift pump, spare intact Jabsco 36660 bilge pump with spare parts and spare motor, spare Jabsco potable freshwater pump with various spare parts, spare 3-bladed 18" X 24" bronze propeller, fender boards, contractor bag containing various length anchor and spare mooring lines, mesh bag of kids' beach toys, two adult vest style lifejackets with whistles for dinghy use, mattress sheets, teak and fiberglass cleaners, 2-cycle outboard engine oil and 90 weight lower unit lube, bucket containing Regal Red Rust-O-Leum paint (matches Ford Lehman color), Cetol natural teak stain and gloss finish for all teak brightwork and Gel-Stain as well as brushes for painting transom if desired. There are also multiple engine and genset spare parts aboard the boat which include but not limited to: spare Lehman raw and freshwater hoses, spare Lehman oil line hoses, spare 100 amp alternator, spare shaft and hull zincs, spare Lehman freshwater pump (new in box from American diesel Corporation), brand new spare 12 volt Jabsco potable freshwater pump, Lehman primary and secondary fuel filters, engine oil filters. All spares are boxed, neatly organized and labeled, and ready for use. They fill the back of a Toyota Tacoma. Thanks, Mark


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Thank you to everyone who contacted me about the boat. The boat has been sold. I am now considering seeking counseling.


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Thank you to everyone who contacted me about the boat. The boat has been sold. I am now considering seeking counseling.

That must have been traumatic. I can't imagine how it felt watching that beauty steam away.

As for anyone who calls that the "second happiest day," I'd say they're not a real boater.
Thank you, CaptTom. And thank you to everyone who has messaged me about the sale of our boat, pricing, experience in selling the boat, etc. I had originally advertised the boat locally (throughout Florida) on Craigslist with mixed results. I then advertised it here on trawler forum with similar results. In both cases I elected to not hire a boat broker to assist in the sale because I know more about our boat than anyone else could describe to a prospective buyer. I showed the boat to a total of 15 prospective buyers since October, most of whom were couples and a few bachelors. Following their tours aboard the boat, folks: (1) didn't ever follow up with me again, (2) made low cash offers, (3) didn't like the offset queen berth, (4) wanted to remove the Lehman and "...install a Cummins 375 turbo diesel", (5) wanted a bowthruster, (6) were looking for a faster boat (i.e., "...how many MPH is 6 knots?!?"), (7) wanted less engine hours on the Lehman, (8) insisted the boat needed to be painted (WHAT???), (9) couldn't find a marina to live aboard it, (10) first asked me "SO, HOW FAST DOES IT GO?", or (11) somehow then didn't have their previously offered finances available after they arrived safely home. I was fortunate to have a buyer(s) who liked how the boat was maintained and appeared, and aren't afraid of continuing the DIY required maintenance and upkeep. We agreed on a price below my asking price, I accepted but didn't cash their certified bank check as deposit, and we agreed to the sale based upon a handshake and a conditional successful underway sea trial the following weekend. The following weekend arrived and the sea trial went flawlessly. To execute the purchase, I signed over the USCG Documentation, boat's and dinghy's Florida registrations, and they provided me another certified bank check for the remaining difference between our agreed price and their deposit check. We shook hands, vowed to keep in touch, and I cast off their lines. I remained on the dock until the boat rounded the turn in the ICW, outbound through Clearwater Pass, thence headed into the Gulf. Both the buyer and seller were pleased with the transaction.

As background, we paid $55K for the boat in 2012 and I made quite a few upgrades to the boat in the seven years we've owned it and of course maintained all brightwork (teak), electrical, and mechanical systems so the boat would remain "turnkey ready" for the future buyer. In reviewing current internet listings for similar aged Taiwanese-built trawlers, $1000 per foot seems to be a good current market value estimate for buyers and sellers of these boats; however, teak decks and steel fuel tanks can slightly devalue a boat. Conversely, having reliable and fully functioning mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems aboard add to the resale value.

The value of personal satisfaction knowing our boat will continue to be maintained and regularly used is worth far more to me than the difference between my asking price and the selling price. Thanks, Mark
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