8D house battery bank dead. Replaced with 6v golf cart

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I had T105's in the last boat. A friend recommended Water-Miser battery caps. https://www.flowsystemsusa.com/water-miser-vent-cap.html
I recommend them.

I added these caps to my house bank 9 1/2 years ago. I've noticed significant improvement in the water loss over that time. I'm sold on 'em!

My plan for the house is to replace the 2 8Ds when needed, with either 4 GP31 AGMs or 4 GC AGMs and always try to follow ABYC guidelines when doing work.


If you can go with 6 GC AGMs, you'll increase your AH capacity about 50% over the 8Ds within the exact same footprint. Unfortunately, only 2 G31s can fit into an 8D box.

Then, no more bad days after unloading those old 8Ds!!

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