8D house battery bank dead. Replaced with 6v golf cart

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With T105s, if I'm sitting on shore power it's about every 3 months. When cruising and anchoring out, the overnight discharge and daily complete recharge uses significantly more water. I check and top monthly while cruising.

@cardude1 #27
Regarding T105 water consumption.
My trawler had 12 T105 in series/parallel. That's a lot of cells to water! When we cruised the Easter Caribbean, I kept very careful records and decided that I didn't want to fill my battery filler "glug" bottle more than twice. By reviewing the records I found that to meet the "glug" bottle restriction, I had to water when so many Ahrs were removed/replaced. As I recall, it turned out to be about every 12 days but I went by the Ahr count.
The discount given to the purchaser is always less than the tax savings. Otherwise, these cheaters would not bother. These folks are not honest, period. The marginal Federal income rate will be 15% (or more), if self-employed, the self-empoyment tax rate is 15.3%, and if in a state with state income taxes, add in another 5 - 7%. So, unless the discount is 40% or more, well, are you seeing it now?

No, I'm not.
Has anyone moved to a product like Flow-rite for battery watering? I have 36 cells that I have to water and this seems like a nice alternative to spending time bent over down in the engine room.
Its a good idea to vent off the hydrogen gas created while charging those batteries. Over time your electrical connections located directly above the battery bank WILL corrode!
Yes, I have used the Trojan watering system. It works well however the battery caps supplied had little light buttons that were supposed to indicate the need for watering but they didn't work. Make sure your batteries support the system however.
Okay. Let me do the math for you. The price paid was $625 cash vs. $675 by credit card, a $50 discount. In percentage terms, that is a 7% discount. Meanwhile, the seller saved as much as $270 in various taxes. Even without having to pay self-empoyment tax if the business were not a sole proprietorship, savings to the seller would be approximately $170. Seeing it now? That guy is a tax cheat. Tax cheats steal from you and me.
No, I'm not.
Okay. Let me do the math for you. The price paid was $625 cash vs. $675 by credit card, a $50 discount. In percentage terms, that is a 7% discount. Meanwhile, the seller saved as much as $270 in various taxes. Even without having to pay self-empoyment tax if the business were not a sole proprietorship, savings to the seller would be approximately $170. Seeing it now? That guy is a tax cheat. Tax cheats steal from you and me.

With all do respect, what proof are you offering that he didn't pay the taxes?

One of the advantages of cash is no bounced checks and no credit card charge backs. In this day and age of fraud, credit cards are no longer a guaranteed payment either. Unauthorized use, stolen card and disputed charges all can delay a merchant from getting his money. Some companies are targets of this kind of fraud and know cash checked with a fraud pen is the only guaranteed form of payment.

It's your money spend it as you wish.
No proof, just an entire career as a tax accountant. Sure, the examples you mention are valid but experience tells me that most are just cheating. The credit card charge is what, 3 or 4 per cent yet that guy offered a 7% discount? Why, when the credit card payment is guaranteed?
With all do respect, what proof are you offering that he didn't pay the taxes?

One of the advantages of cash is no bounced checks and no credit card charge backs. In this day and age of fraud, credit cards are no longer a guaranteed payment either. Unauthorized use, stolen card and disputed charges all can delay a merchant from getting his money. Some companies are targets of this kind of fraud and know cash checked with a fraud pen is the only guaranteed form of payment.

Reckon I could top up flooded LAs by peeing in them? Aim`s not that good but it`s pretty good water, eh?
No proof, just an entire career as a tax accountant. Sure, the examples you mention are valid but experience tells me that most are just cheating. The credit card charge is what, 3 or 4 per cent yet that guy offered a 7% discount? Why, when the credit card payment is guaranteed?

That's what I'm saying, it's not guaranteed. When you dispute a credit card charge, the first thing the credit card company does is debit the merchant's account until its resolved.

We had the same house bank setup on our previous boat and I checked the water levels monthly, but only had to add water every 3 months or so. Really nice set up especially for the price. :thumb:
I considered agm, but the price? Couldn't justify it.
I have pretty poor access to my batteries so have stuck to AGM batteries, but I’m intrigued.

I have 4 Lifeline GPL31xt for my house bank (500ah total) and a little room left in my box I think. Wonder how many of these batteries I could fit?
I put 6 golf cart batteries in the space of two 8d. Actually they required 1/2 inch.
With T105s, if I'm sitting on shore power it's about every 3 months. When cruising and anchoring out, the overnight discharge and daily complete recharge uses significantly more water. I check and top monthly while cruising.

Plain ole distilled water or is there something better?
Also, how do you know how much to put in? I know to keep plates coved but how covered? Hard to see in that hole.
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Okay. Let me do the math for you. The price paid was $625 cash vs. $675 by credit card, a $50 discount. In percentage terms, that is a 7% discount. Meanwhile, the seller saved as much as $270 in various taxes. Even without having to pay self-empoyment tax if the business were not a sole proprietorship, savings to the seller would be approximately $170. Seeing it now? That guy is a tax cheat. Tax cheats steal from you and me.
Maybe he also killed Jimmy Hoffa. Kicks the dog and burns his kids with an iron. I'm afraid some of you are confused about who the real cheats are.
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If I give him cash, that is the extent of my first hand knowledge. Anything beyond that is pure speculation and not admissible in any court.
Close your eyes. Then it didn't happen. Of course. Rationalize it any way you want but trading with these folks is aiding and abetting a crime. At a gas station I was once offered a brand new 5000 watt diesel generator for $200 cash by a young man who had two of them in the bed of his pickup. I passed. Did I know FOR CERTAIN that they were stolen? Nope. But, I suppose you would not have been able to get the money out of your wallet fast enough.

Here's another true story. When younger, I played softball with a guy who was a big shot with the auditors at the IRS. He had been getting estimates from several contractors for an addition to his home. One offered a $2,000 discount for cash. Much to the contractor's surprise, the IRS guy identified himself and told him to expect an audit in the near future. Tax cheats don't get caught often but, when they do, it gets ugly, fast.
If I give him cash, that is the extent of my first hand knowledge. Anything beyond that is pure speculation and not admissible in any court.
Nope, not confused one bit. So, one bad act justifies one's own bad acts? Where is the morality in that?
Maybe he also killed Jimmy Hoffa. Kicks the dog and burns his kids with an iron. I'm afraid some of you are confused about who the real cheats are.
Plain ole distilled water or is there something better?
Also, how do you know how much to put in? I know to keep plates coved but how covered? Hard to see in that hole.
Plain old distilled water from Walmart, under $1 per gallon. On the T105s, when you shine a light in the hole you will see a tube going down from the top of the hole. The tube is slotted. I want the water to touch the bottom of the tube, barely.

Don't remember who recommend this, but buy a weed killer spray bottle from Lowe's or Home depot. They hold over a gallon, are opaque to see the liquid level, and have a screw in pump on top. Remove the spray head at the end of the wand, fill the jug with water, and pump it up a little. When you squeeze the button, a small steady stream will come out the end of the wand. With a small bright light, you can look in the hole and have the wand on the edge of the hole to add water. Looking at about a 45 degree angle is better than straight over the hole. Less pressure is better. If you keep the jug less than half full, you can top more cells between repressurizing the sprayer.

I use a battery filling bottle. Insert the spout, push down, it stops filling at the correct level. No need to peer in the hole to watch the level as you fill.

It's very important not to fill until the slots are covered. Their purpose is to let the gasses generated by charging.


Plain ole distilled water or is there something better?
Also, how do you know how much to put in? I know to keep plates coved but how covered? Hard to see in that hole.
Nope, not confused one bit. So, one bad act justifies one's own bad acts? Where is the morality in that?
Too true.
Tax evasion is a crime. Tax avoidance is often ok, but here, not if the only purpose of a scheme is tax avoidance.
For every person who evades tax,others pay more tax. Aiding the evaders, when you know what they are up to, and playing ostrich, is deplorable.
An enema bulb works also.
Plain old distilled water from Walmart, under $1 per gallon. On the T105s, when you shine a light in the hole you will see a tube going down from the top of the hole. The tube is slotted. I want the water to touch the bottom of the tube, barely.

Don't remember who recommend this, but buy a weed killer spray bottle from Lowe's or Home depot. They hold over a gallon, are opaque to see the liquid level, and have a screw in pump on top. Remove the spray head at the end of the wand, fill the jug with water, and pump it up a little. When you squeeze the button, a small steady stream will come out the end of the wand. With a small bright light, you can look in the hole and have the wand on the edge of the hole to add water. Looking at about a 45 degree angle is better than straight over the hole. Less pressure is better. If you keep the jug less than half full, you can top more cells between repressurizing the sprayer.

When I was younger and had lead acid batteries in my car, I was instructed to add water until the top of the plates were covered to the top.
Now, I dont worry about such things. I have AGM batteries in my boat and the car battery I never worry about. The battery in my hybrid are magical. I never worry about them either.
When I was younger and had lead acid batteries in my car, I was instructed to add water until the top of the plates were covered to the top.
Now, I dont worry about such things. I have AGM batteries in my boat and the car battery I never worry about. The battery in my hybrid are magical. I never worry about them either.
I can't afford not to worry. I'm guessing 6 agm's would cost me around $2000? 6 lead acid was $625. Awesome discount if you pay cash. Only problem is you got to buy them from a guy in a van in a dark alley... at night:)
Close your eyes. Then it didn't happen. Of course. Rationalize it any way you want but trading with these folks is aiding and abetting a crime. At a gas station I was once offered a brand new 5000 watt diesel generator for $200 cash by a young man who had two of them in the bed of his pickup. I passed. Did I know FOR CERTAIN that they were stolen? Nope. But, I suppose you would not have been able to get the money out of your wallet fast enough.

Here's another true story. When younger, I played softball with a guy who was a big shot with the auditors at the IRS. He had been getting estimates from several contractors for an addition to his home. One offered a $2,000 discount for cash. Much to the contractor's surprise, the IRS guy identified himself and told him to expect an audit in the near future. Tax cheats don't get caught often but, when they do, it gets ugly, fast.
Close your eyes and take the blue pill. Everything thing you know is just fine.
Or, the red pill... Screenshot_20201213-055905_Chrome.jpg
Thread creep? Is that when people talk about tax cheats on a battery post?
I'm new.


Original subject begins to be answered when a comment is made- and the derailing begins. Next thing ya know, a chat about exhaust manifolds ends up being conversation about rock concerts in Cambodia...

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