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2006 TMC Alloy Explorer/Trawler Joubert 72' France

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Bravo ! Manage 85 ' only two people it IS a lot if work
May bé your Séléné IS not witch one I know thé selling Price Witch one I know was sold for around 900k€. Also outside France Joubert was not know. Even if in France he was a 'famous' designer .IS it your who IS now in St Raphael ?
For only a couple 62' IS large enought good storage, tankage. Our former Very simple and Very basic long-cours62 was perfect for us...but m'y old mother....
Bravo ! Manage 85 ' only two people it IS a lot if work
May bé your Séléné IS not witch one I know thé selling Price ��Witch one I know was sold for around 900k€. Also outside France Joubert was not know. Even if in France he was a 'famous' designer .IS it your who IS now in St Raphael ?
For only a couple 62' IS large enought good storage, tankage. Our former Very simple and Very basic long-cours62 was perfect for us...but m'y old mother....

Our Selene is the grey one "Silver Fox" when I found was listed 850K€ and we got under 800K€
This is model 62 but at the end 72ft over length and around 69ft without delphiniere


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On thé Séléné thé woodwork, for example , for thé door IS nicest, you have better Stab than our, night caméra, no need of New paint, teak deck...but in another hand you paid twice the Price WE asked for our.
Sûre you will have less maintenance with your grp Hull and you could sale her quicker than WE do with our��

Hello so I watch on my picture and email in 2015 I visited a Pacific 72 in France blue hull named SEAREINE it look like your boat

Exactly same dashboard interior engine room .... :D


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Hello, yes it look to bé thé sale one
I thinks only one was built, some people said two but I don't think. Thé man who initiate thé project was a directory if Alubat boatyard , Alubat boat yard I think project to diversifiate with motor boat. They built a wharehouse in ...Whuhan and built at less one Pacific ...I have a Chine se Friend she looking and thé Chine se Factory did not existe anymore (at less under thé former name).You got a good discount comparer to thé original asking Price 1.2 millionWhy you dob't but the Pacific in 2015,may bé I will know where IS thé "problem".For potential customer.For thé last one witch one who became a Friend : his wife want a teack deck (and WE alteafy ..remove it) and hé offert only 300000€.we 309k€ WE can't but thé next one for example 17m 1991 Steel,one engine it IS around 550k€ asking Price.
We continue to

moving slowly ...
Some photo at sea and in Tunisian marinas.
And some infos for the comsumption at "low" speed :
1 engine at 620rpm 4.20kts 2 engines 5.86kts

at 800rpm 5.60kts

at 900rpm 6.70kts
at 1000rpm 7.10kts
at 1100rpm 7.50kts 2 engines 9.80kts

at 1200rpm 8.00kts

On 1 engine 7.10nds 1.56lt/nm, 7.50kts 2lt/nm
on 2 engine 9.80kts 3.85lt/nm


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Your boat is in Port Saint Louis du Rhone ?

I will be there 2 last week of September



we are in Tunisia and we probabely let the boat here for the winter time.
And , if we still alive, we will move in March/April to...somwhere.

we are in Tunisia and we probabely let the boat here for the winter time.
And , if we still alive, we will move in March/April to...somwhere.

May be this wonderful boat will be sale before March :thumb:
Who know ? :)

Normally at the end of september (around the 26) we will be in Port Saint Louis but not with the boat , only to pick up our van, may be we could see you at this moment .
Some time Trawler

not only "tow" a trawl but bigger fish :angel:
The fischerman will reconyse witch type of fisch is she :)


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more photos

of detail


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Some more photo

Quelques détails


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We found a smaller to buy

If someone is interrested by our trawler it could be the right moment to make an, reasonable, offer :whistling:


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may be would be nice to tell what type of offre you will accept.

Sure will be help to sale your boat ...:)
You are right

may be would be nice to tell what type of offre you will accept.

Sure will be help to sale your boat ...:)

But in another hand it will be not fait with the broker who had our boat in listing ( ok he is a friend sinc 2000)

We found a (originaly) 16.8m boat in alloy, lengthened and some change are curious probably to try to solve some problem of "pitching" and/or roll.

Big enough for us ( sure if we buy her we must clear a lot our stock of : tool, screw, hose, paint, oil etc etc:angel:
But my wife want a smaller ...boat.
If consider the answer of the broker of the smaller to be ok we could decrease our price down to 450000 us$.
Finally the most important is not our selling price but the "gap" of price between the 2 boat.
But in another hand it mean we will do all we already do with our actual : clean, check, tank, etc
Even my wife said : now we have a boat we can trust on her must restart the process on an smaller :)blush:) older ( :mad:) more used engine etc could be a mistake.
For our boat we got this type of offer : 300k€, 320k€, 250k€(yes:nonono:), 290k€ all clearly too too low.
With that you can't afford a 25 year old steel boat single engine of 15m, with small tank.
The only one younger sold for 250k€ was my neighbor because he was in need of money to a house project.
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$450 000 look like interesting deal, bad I all ready bought my Selene :D
But in another hand it will be not fait with the broker who had our boat in listing ( ok he is a friend sinc 2000)

We found a (originaly) 16.8m boat in alloy, lengthened and some change are curious probably to try to solve some problem of "pitching" and/or roll.

Big enough for us ( sure if we buy her we must clear a lot our stock of : tool, screw, hose, paint, oil etc etc:angel:
But my wife want a smaller ...boat.
If consider the answer of the broker of the smaller to be ok we could decrease our price down to 450000 us$.
Finally the most important is not our selling price but the "gap" of price between the 2 boat.
But in another hand it mean we will do all we already do with our actual : clean, check, tank, etc
Even my wife said : now we have a boat we can trust on her must restart the process on an smaller :)blush:) older ( :mad:) more used engine etc could be a mistake.
For our boat we got this type of offer : 300k€, 320k€, 250k€(yes:nonono:), 290k€ all clearly too too low.
With that you can't afford a 25 year old steel boat single engine of 15m, with small tank.
The only one younger sold for 250k€ was my neighbor because he was in need of money to a house project.

Maybe those offers are the market telling you what that type of one off boat that requires a fair bit of cosmetic work is worth
How long have you been trying to sell?
But in another hand it will be not fait with the broker who had our boat in listing ( ok he is a friend sinc 2000)

Is there a full listing somewhere you could link to in this thread (apologize if I missed it)? That might help as well.

She looks fantastic for the right buyer!
Maybe those offers are the market telling you what that type of one off boat that requires a fair bit of cosmetic work is worth
How long have you been trying to sell?

Don't let your fingers dangle in the water
This morning

Maybe those offers are the market telling you what that type of one off boat that requires a fair bit of cosmetic work is worth
How long have you been trying to sell?

I post a long answer to you unfortunately it dessaper !?
To resume I said I stay polite when people in private (like you) made an offer at ...250k€.

But post this type of comment on our advertising it seem not fair when it is made by a people who made an offer ...:D

At 250k€ you are not sure to be able to by the smaller one off (originaly) 16.80x 4.57m, 6 year older, with 5.4lt engine with 2250h running at 3300rpm and this smaller got so much "evolution" than we could ask question about the "quality" of the original hull design (lengthen by 1.2m aft, added volume in front by change the form of the bow, put a bulb (curious for a boat in theory able to cruise 40% higher than his hull speed, added surface under sterntube, may be some change on the plating.Very small draft of the hull compared at the volume of the topside...

The arrangement even if smaller could be perfect for us .

You know this small boat at this price is an exception du to all I wrote up here.
The only one I know same age than hour sold for 250k€ was the trawler of my colleague because he was in need of money for one hour project his boat was 14.85 in steel one 220hp John Deere
Van Voosen trawler
bonjour from Italy, i am also a aluminium boat owner but a sailing boat. there are two comments. oh my god thats the boat for cruising arround the world or the opposite like a one off built with sleeping for two only, abundant storage but no dancing salon like in a charter boat. so i think your price is arround 450 is correct because the boat is not selling via the price but the dream somebody like to fullfill. So you need more marketing in different media and some good story arround the boat and the possible adventures......like Nordhavn they mainly sell a dream not a boat.......

we are also looking in the next 2 -3 years for a trawler but i am not so happy with the 2 big C 12 engines, too big for the required displacement speed arround 10 kn.

actually my bets advice is too keep it, you want a 10 ft smaller boat but you will restart all the normal work and refit again, maybe you paint the boat and just enjoy it, even if the maintenace and consumption is a little bit higher, it is more or less the same with a 60 ft boat but you save a lot of time and money if you keep the existing one..... good luck
Dear CFR,

We finally arrive at the same "conclusion" keep her and traveling with her.
Because in case of selling her at 450k€ we can buy a 16/17 m steel boat older, heavier and finally for the same (or even bigger!) consumption.
For the C12 I already asking to Cat to know if it is possible to "derated" (?) them to the professional power 350hp at 1800rpm.
The answer was : it is possible but , why ? You can use them or one of them at lower rpm without any trouble.
10kts it is the 2 engine running at ...1100rpm and a total of 380lt per hour,
one engine at 1100 rpm it is 7.5 kts and 15lt per hour, 1200rpm 8 kts
LC, if you love the boat so much, and have decided to keep it (assuming long term) then go ahead and repower it more appropriately.
Dear CFR,

We finally arrive at the same "conclusion" keep her and traveling with her.
Because in case of selling her at 450k€ we can buy a 16/17 m steel boat older, heavier and finally for the same (or even bigger!) consumption.
For the C12 I already asking to Cat to know if it is possible to "derated" (?) them to the professional power 350hp at 1800rpm.
The answer was : it is possible but , why ? You can use them or one of them at lower rpm without any trouble.
10kts it is the 2 engine running at ...1100rpm and a total of 380lt per hour,
one engine at 1100 rpm it is 7.5 kts and 15lt per hour, 1200rpm 8 kts

There's your answer
Enjoy you boat, she's a beauty.

Mind you, if she's doing one engine @1100rpm for 15lph
Surely 2 @ 1100 rpm would be 30lph not 380lph?
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Oups don't read before posted :-(

It is around 38 lt per hour at 10kts
To be more accurate it is 3.75lt per nm at 9.85kts average speed on 250nm
Back on board

We are come back on board after 3 month away, luckily she is waiting for us :)
She feeling abandoned because in winter time : nobody here :thumb:She need 3200lt more diesel in "aft" tank (may be next week), it is why she is little "on the noose" .


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We are come back on board after 3 month away, luckily she is waiting for us :)
She feeling abandoned because in winter time : nobody here :thumb:She need 3200lt more diesel in "aft" tank (may be next week), it is why she is little "on the noose" .

welcome back onboard :thumb:
Yes, would say that to. L-C.62 you have a beauty. I would never sell if it sails well.
Are you from Poland? We have a Bénéteau Swift Trawler 52, in Torrevieja Spain now. In summer it is too hot there.
But I dream of sailing to the Baltic, Poland, Sweden, Norway.
Of course she sail well !

The designer was one of the most experienced in France ( he was architect but also navigate on his different boat from the small motor boat "Lulu Belle" he made France/Tunisie/Fance in the same...day, to 20m sailing cat, fifty "Marguerite" Norway, Greenland, Nw passage..., schooner Damien II named "Tigre Mou"...)
He made with his associate Nivelt, lot of drawing for Gib Sea, Meta, Archambault, Océa, Kirié (Ange de Mer), Fountaine Pajot, Rhéa, Dynamique yacht and Bénéteau for example the ...Swift Trawler 52 :).
And also for smaller boatyard sailing boat for traveller like Fruit de Mer, Prana, Oxygène... some well know racing sailing boat like "Charente Maritime cat, Diva who won the admiral cup.
We had 5 boat designed by him 2 of them designed for us the 18m steel motor sailor twin engine with center board we built in Vietnam 32 years ago and our former Long-Cours 62.
Joubert was an architect who navigate a lot it make a big difference :)

For navigate in Baltic, Poland I am afraid in the near future it will became ...complicated :-(
Why complicated? Because of the war in Ukraine?
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