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SOLD. - 70' aluminium Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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After near 300 days I fill it was (at best) 0.01% per day...

After near 300 days I fill it was (at best) 0.01% per day...

Wifey B: I'd recommend counseling if it hasn't improved in a year. I do point out though that even your .01% per day is now 3% better. Wish you the best in moving forward. :)
Finally no customer ...we start moving ...slowly, sadly ...but moving.
And stay in isolated place.


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Your boat is gorgeous! We lost a piece of our family too but it gets better. I always tell anyone who will listen to "do nothing" for a year after a bad loss, your perspective will change after the really bad grieving is past...

Bear up, it gets better.
After all this time...

Finally after all this time we still so sad ...
We got one man probably interested... if from the actual price (495k€)we discount the value of a new paint job ( 80k€) and a new teak deck (side and aft deck 45k€) (we already remove the original one)...
It's mean let go this 72' boat for 370k€ max...:facepalm:
If we agree I could thanks my mother for this very bad operation:banghead:
Less than 7 € per kg :eek::noel:


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Finally after all this time we still so sad ...
We got one man probably interested... if from the actual price (495k€)we discount the value of a new paint job ( 80k€) and a new teak deck (side and aft deck 45k€) (we already remove the original one)...
It's mean let go this 72' boat for 370k€ max...:facepalm:
If we agree I could thanks my mother for this very bad operation:banghead:
Less than 7 € per kg :eek::noel:

Wifey B: Perhaps this should tell you something, that you're just not meant to part with it. You can punish yourself all you want, but it won't relieve the grief. :ermm:
Maybe you should take the money and buy a dirt home, grief like yours over a pet might be better served without the added stress of a boat (maintence and upkeep)
Maybe you should take the money and buy a dirt home, grief like yours over a pet might be better served without the added stress of a boat (maintence and upkeep)
I already take pill against high blood pressure the doctor was surprised than I could "survive" with this (very) high pressure.:dance::lol:

The "minimum" was already very high for a maximum :)
For me boat it is not a stress it is my normal life ( professional sailor at 15, and lived in our boat during 40 years).
I already take pill against high blood pressure the doctor was surprised than I could "survive" with this (very) high pressure.:dance::lol:

The "minimum" was already very high for a maximum :)
For me boat it is not a stress it is my normal life ( professional sailor at 15, and lived in our boat during 40 years).

I know the feeling only to well. Just keep in mind he/she is in a better place than we are now and someday God willing you will be together again. Tears me up much worse than when a person passes on and I don't know why.

Best wishes
Maybe it’s just me? Idk. Most of us have had dogs we love and miss them when their gone. But they are just dogs. Not children who have died, sometimes young and tragically of war, famine, cancer, etc. A dog dying is sad but certainly a first world problem. I’m sure she had a great life with you. I see in your last missive that you are pragmatically selling the boat. Good for you. Our best to you.
My last dog stays in my mind. Hurts just remembering the end. I`m not sure parting with the boat will cure it but surely it`s worth a try. Best remedy for losing a dog is another dog, but there comes a time we don`t go again.
If finances are not a top priority, I would recommend you get a dog and keep the boat. When I lose a dog I switch breeds because the possibility of looking at a similar dog is more than I want to deal with. Labrador, Cocker, Labrador, Great Pyrenees, Labrador, German Shepherd. It has been helpful for us in our lives to handle it this way. Yes, the pain is beyond description. Time for a little gratitude salve, a new puppy, and a boat trip. Wishing you the best.
Ok we can keep the boat she is n ot for sale for financial reason .
We had few different bred (2 German Shepherd, Malinois, 2 ...unknow:), and 2 Leonberg all friendly dog never one trouble ...but for sure the Leonberg are "special" always with you it is in his nature. Last March I was very near to buy one dog another bred " Kaukaski" in Polish, Caucasian ... My "boss" said : " no ! No more dog on boat if you want one dog buy a house".
I put a photo of the father
And I presume you was nice boy and girl this year ?

It is why Santa Claus put some more photo of our trawler :)

we wish you all a merry christmas


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She can’t say no if you just bring home a cute puppy lol she may be mad but she won’t make you take it back. And even if she says you need to sell your boat that takes a while and after a couple weeks she will relent and say let’s keep the puppy and the boat.
It seams you have the habit to negotiate with women ;-)

But not mine, in France we have a region named Bretagne "Brittany" and the people of this region have the reputation to have the head like the stone (granit) of their house and unfortunately my wife come from this region and even from the heart of this region !!! :)))

She is sold to an Ukrainian boatyard.
Who have the project to refit her for their customer.
Weill see.
Thanks all for your message.
Happy new year

Now we must find ...the next one

With the same characteristics than HOA

beam less 5.10 m

draft less 1.30 m

air draft less 3.50 m

length less (but open ) 20.00 m
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