Yachtworld Advanced Search Function

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Oct 15, 2007
Vessel Make
Ocean Alexander 38'
I don't see the advanced search function on Yachtworld. Did they move it or delete? How do I waste hours on the computer without this??
I don't see the advanced search function on Yachtworld. Did they move it or delete? How do I waste hours on the computer without this??

Wifey B: :eek::nonono::mad::ermm::confused:


Probably just some silly issue on an update or something but I don't see it either. Main thing I use it for is location, but normally just use the regular function, so don't even know how long it's been missing. :banghead:

Where oh where did you go? :facepalm:
Yes, I only use the advanced search. The link does work but how did you find it?
I just noticed that last night. Looks like I bought my boat just in time!
Well I just bookmarked that one. i am guessing that I must have single handedly taken down their servers with my incessant boat searches. I was completely lost without that function. Thank you for the link!!!!
Google finds it:


  • Google, Yacht World.JPG
    Google, Yacht World.JPG
    36.9 KB · Views: 506
I noticed a week or so ago, when I opened to the Yachtworld site, I got the generic search engine. When I clicked on that I got some filters but they are way "clunky" compared to advanced search. For example, searching for a trawler in the PNW, wanting Washington Oregon or BC I could only access one at a time. Don't know why "advanced search" went away.
It looks like they are trying to make all the advance filters available all the time. Problem that I run into is that some of the filters now won't let you select multiple choices (ie can only search one State at a time). I tried using ctrl-click (for multi-choice) but in only holds the last thing clicked

Also the new choices do not include regions (multiple states) in the filters.

Glad to have the link to get around their new face and back to my old familiar advanced search.
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Thanks all...happy to know I am not the only one spending time looking at boats!
Yeah, so the worst web site on the planet gets worse. These folks are just grotesquely incompetent. For years now, using this site on an iPad has been next to impossible. If you dare touch the screen on a boat image, the image area goes white. It’s just incredible. Have these idiots never heard of an iPad? Could they test their ancient, pathetic code on an iPad? Of course not.

The astonishing part is how much money is at stake here. The Boat Group and the brokers share a marketplace of billions, yet us poor folks who spend the cash get treated like crap.

I believe that this POS has caused me to give up on several potential transactions. But whatever. Clearly they don’t give a rat’s behind.
Yeah, it wasn't broke, so they decided to fix it. And as usually happens when some boob decides to do that, they made it much, MUCH worse!
The ability to look at 50 boats per page has also disappeared. It seems to be about getting you to display as many pages as possible, each with different advertisements. More clicks more revenue... Pretty sad as it was the go to site.
The ability to look at 50 boats per page has also disappeared. It seems to be about getting you to display as many pages as possible, each with different advertisements. More clicks more revenue... Pretty sad as it was the go to site.

Welcome aboard. I had not noticed that but I haven’t been doing much biat porn this week...
Just sent them a rude message assessing the likelihood that I will be using their service in the future.
Just sent them a rude message assessing the likelihood that I will be using their service in the future.

Wifey B: And you'll have about as much luck as Jason Garrett had with the official on Sunday. :D
The advanced link to the .com site is now redirecting to all listings. The .co.uk link above still works. Annoying.
Well I'm sure glad I'm not the only addicted boat porn guy around. The kids call my boat and car looking dad's porn many years ago.
As for Yachtworld the new version sucks. Perfect example of something that works so let's improve it. The comments are right on we the people who search for boats are just not important.

Chuck defever 49 RPH Northern Exposure
If you think Yachtworld Treats the Boating Viewers bad then...

If you think YachtWorld treats the boating viewers badly, you should be on the profesional side, BoatWizard. In the past 2 years there have been over 12 price increases to the "members" that list the boats on their site! (Some have been in the form of reducing services: less service, same price. They say that is NOT a price increase! Besides a basic "membership" for 10 boats they are now charging for the size of the vessel and price! I guess it costs more to show a higher price vessel! They are also claiming the "rights and ownership" to all of the pictures videos and information we post on the site. They also resell any and all of the lead information when a you send an email the and the phone calls are recorded.They are driving the smaller firms out of business with their predatory pricing. There is also suspicion in the industry they are sharing the information with larger firms. Also notice the difference to the European Market as the search defaults are "meters, liters' and Euros.
The CYBA (California Yacht Brokers Association) has had meeting with them and a senior representative from their company said they do not care and will keep raising prices as high as they can.
More of the California firms are now migrating to their organization controlled sitehttps://www.yatco.com/ "YATCO.COM" where there is no ads, data mining or reselling of your information.
I sent YW two notes - not one response. What used to take minutes, now takes many more minutes - too many in fact. We're looking for a bot, but we're not shopping for a boat. If one comes along, we're ready to sniff but now with this "new and improved" feature, sniffing is a lot harder.

Brokers - if you care, let YW know the BUYING customer base is not happy and that you're not getting as much value for your money..
Someone said the English version of the Advanced Search still works, I just used it ok. I can’t understand how they can screw it up this much. Why don’t the brokers burn up their phone lines? Eventually they will screw up the English version and then it will be useless. What will I do for my boat porn???
The executives of "BOATS GROUP" ( YachtWorld, Boattrader, Boats.com and a few others) have clearly stated publicly in meetings with the broker organizations "WE REALLY DON'T CARE About the brokers, that pay for the site". So if they don't care for or listen to those that pay to keep their site up, why would they care about those that view it? They seem to forget that we generate the content that they sell the ads on. The trend now is for brokers to move all of their listing over to the YATCO site.
I looked at Yatco. Looks ok, maybe. It will take a bit of getting used to and all the listings aren’t there yet. Hopefully brokers will transition so it will get better with feedback.
I have tried several searches on Yatco. Not a very user friendly search. As far as I can tell you can’t select multiple locations or multiple types of boats and you have to do a search before it will let you refine a search, similar to Advanced Search on Yachtworld. I went to their feedback page and typed in about 15 minutes of typing, I am not a fast typer, and it wanted me to verify that I am not a robot. Did that and the check box checked good, then it said I didn’t do the robot and the page locked up... Maybe they really don’t want feedback after all. Although it does say they want feedback. Maybe someone else will have better luck with it.
Maybe even though the site said that my feedback didn’t go through it actually did. I got a reply this morning that they were looking at implementing some of the suggestions that I sent in. Suggest that everyone give them feedback about getting an Advanced Search similar to Yachtworld. If Yatco is going to be the new go to site for boat porn then we need a much better search function. At least they responded overnight even on a Saturday.

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