Winter is Coming ...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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That seems to the same cat, HAYFU II, that Forkliftt reported seeing in Gulfport Mississippi recently.
steve W
There will be no winterizing for me this year as we are on the Great Loop! We are currently in Chattanooga and will be as far a Mobile by December. Then winter in FL and the Keys etc.
Always wonder how our friends keep things in their yachts down there!!!



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There will be no winterizing for me this year as we are on the Great Loop! We are currently in Chattanooga and will be as far a Mobile by December. Then winter in FL and the Keys etc.

Larry, if you are on the waterfront, I'll walk down to meet you. Do you need a lift for groceries or anything?

Edit: Just walked out on the bridge. I think I saw your boat---frist one by the ramp.
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Winter here just means putting on a sweater and hat/hood.

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Ok cobbers, spring is here,the pet kangaroo,wallaby,emu,koala, wombat,platypus,and dingo are playing in the back garden (eating each other actually);the great white is "exercising" the humpback in the backyard pool, and my mate the eastern brown* is coiled on my desk giving admiring glances and the odd tongue flick, but can`t understand why I`m typing balanced on my head. I tell him it`s because those in the Americas read backwards, upside down.
Today it`s 30 degrees C ,early spring, sunny,light breeze,blue sky....mind you one day last week was 12 degrees max, it snowed 100Km west of Sydney, and I lit the fire.That`s Spring in Sydney. This may be an El Nino year,dry here, La Nina wet for your West coast. Summer is a coming.
No one here "winterizes" their boats (well maybe in Tasmania where it`s near arctic all year round they might). We get to use them all year round,with due respect to some nasty low pressure systems we sometimes get off the east coast.
So while many of you are freezing your butts off,and the brass monkeys are in search of a welder because some bits froze off,think of us basking in a sunny 30 degrees C plus, but sensibly covered up or smeared with sun cream,we`re the melanoma capital of the world. BruceK
* an eastern brown is an aggressive large highly poisonous brown snake, best avoided.

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