Weather Forecast on Lake Michigan

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Oct 11, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Mainship 37 Motor Yacht
Yikes, 20 foot waves and gale force winds on Lake Michigan?

And this:

That same system came through here earlier today, wet, cold, rainy, winds in the lower 30 knots, but it wasn't as bad as the weather guys said. Good luck to anybody out there tonight, and strong lines and anchors to anyone whose boat is still in the water.
The Edmund Fitzgerald noted it pretty rough when the gales of November came early...
We are directly south of Lake Michigan and at 4:49am CST the windows are rattling, the garbage cans in the street are moving.

Not a night to be on the Lake.
Lake MI storm

Here on the east shore, we have had high sustained winds all night and expect this storm to peak later this afternoon with gusts over 50 mph. Pleasure and charter boats are off the waters by this time of year, but the large freighters are still running. Hundreds of people will gather down at the piers to watch nature and get pictures.

This storm looks ominously like the storm that hit on Armistice Day in 1940 sinking 4 large ships north of Point Betsy and killing 27 seamen. The waves were so powerful they broke two ships in half and disabled rudders damaging props so others were helpless. One ship, with a very smart captain, ended up beaching on a sandbar and letting water in the hold to keep the ship steady until help was available. Divers have located all 4 ships, one in 200 and another in 400 feet of water.

The Great Lakes are not to be taken for granted. Since records have been taken, over 12,000 have lost their lives on these 5 lakes.


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I sure am glad to have all of the forecasting and communications technology we have today. I'd hate to get caught up in that mess.

It's blowy over on Lake Huron, but we've found some lee and are riding well.

In some ways, I'm happy to see the weather turning like this. It means the shipping season is winding down, and I get some time off soon!
The shipping is ending 2 months early. Two 1000ft freighter have tied up in Erie, PA for the season related to lack of work for them.
I'm three miles off the Southern Shore. Got two acres of leaves to clean up. At least they're all down now, but I can't catch up with 'em. Maybe they'll go visit the neighbors. Saw some California transplants in wet suits trying to surf in the stuff, on the news.

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