'We sold everything to do this and lost it in 20 minutes'

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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My son is at a college campus, he's a bit older after 6 years in the Navy...

Visited him and spent some time in the Veterans room...they didnt have a lot of good things to say about the regular college kids...

Sure there are good ones, but if we keep setting the bar lower for an entire group...then of course many might seem great.

Just spent time with a young owner of a TMobile store....her young employee just cost her a $2000 fine from the company because....well.... coming to work on time and opening the store on time...well man...is it THAT important? He's gone.

So one good and one bad....like every generation right? Not when you ask her how easy it is to get good employees.

I remember calling a few kids slugs in my day...but it seems much more rampant among peers these days.
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This is an example how news reports "grow." The Miami TV station reports tonight, it will cost $6700 to get the boat ashore for salvage.

IMO they will need to remove all the wiring, flush the inside with fresh water and rewire the entire boat. If not, they will be chasing corrosion problems forever.
They'll raise enough to buy a better boat, maybe even pay for a survey on it :cool:
I saw a headline earlier that said they’ve already raised over $11k.
This is an example how news reports "grow." The Miami TV station reports tonight, it will cost $6700 to get the boat ashore for salvage.

IMO they will need to remove all the wiring, flush the inside with fresh water and rewire the entire boat. If not, they will be chasing corrosion problems forever.

Didn’t it roll over in fresh water?
Didn’t it roll over in fresh water?
Well, it's kind of unfortunate that people are rewarded for their stupidity. MurrayM posed the question, is it better to help your kids out, or let them live at home to save money? Well, I'm all for giving them money if you can afford it. Our older son, married last June, along with his wonderful new wife, just purchased their first home. We gave them 20K, her folks gave them the same. They saved 60k themselves. The home cost a shocking $600k. They can afford it, based on his income alone, because he is a well educated and very highly paid Millenial. Perhaps it depends on the type of business what type of recruits you get.

These dummy seamen surpassed the news threshold in Finland. Obviously, they have already received +13000$ in FB collection and think of a new boat.

Hope to learn something here, for the sea is not merciful to stupid people:facepalm:.

understand if you are a beginner, then you can not know everything but you should be humble and take basic navigational things clear, they had GPS and paper maps, I do not know if the chartplotter was, but obviously, other than navigating.


These dummy seamen surpassed the news threshold in Finland. Obviously, they have already received +13000$ in FB collection and think of a new boat.

Hope to learn something here, for the sea is not merciful to stupid people:facepalm:.

understand if you are a beginner, then you can not know everything but you should be humble and take basic navigational things clear, they had GPS and paper maps, I do not know if the chartplotter was, but obviously, other than navigating.


Some sailors regularly encourage newbies to just do it, just get a boat and go.
Some sailors regularly encourage newbies to just do it, just get a boat and go.

But now they are already experienced sailors:D, few of us have the experience of a sink boat and emergency escape from the mercy of the sea.

Seriously speaking, as here some have talked about YouTube boaters can get the wrong impression of the worry-free sea life and it can encourage them to take unconscious risks.

I'm sure all of us from the baby boomer generation took far more risks than this millineum generation ever considered.
Now we are all criticising the young and reckless for going out in a boat that costs them there life's savings, because it is not good enough.

It's funny how one's perception changes as we age.
I'm sure all of us from the baby boomer generation took far more risks than this millineum generation ever considered.
Now we are all criticising the young and reckless for going out in a boat that costs them there life's savings, because it is not good enough.

It's funny how one's perception changes as we age.

I was also wondering what if these young people were really smart, at this time they became famous even in Finland Certainly elsewhere a round world, and the money is already more collected by the face B campaign. What if this money collection had been planned, time to show how much people are sorry for? In the future, block followers around the country and a small cash flow and live a dream.

I would not be wondering if they would succeed in getting $ 50-100,000 for the shame of money from people, similar examples exist.

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I'm fairly sure it wasn't planned to raise money. This generation just has a completely different attitude towards money from what we do. They are far less greedy. Our generation will likely be known as the most greedy generation since the Roman Empire. This generation will change that way of thinking.
Sharing wealth may seem crazy to us baby boomers, but there are many who feel it is a good thing.
Maybe baby boomers just had WWI grandparents that survived the great US depression, and parents that survived WWII and its rationing and fallout that beat into us boomers to get educated, work vhard and save, save, save.

They never taught me to be greedy, just not stupid with my money.

I would gladly buy these people some food, clothes and a motel room for a bit (1 star).... based on their life performance so far, handing them money is just irresponsible.

That is why many In the US arent happy how our government does it.

As far as kids doing it now and and not boomers, its might be risk, but foolish risk is different.....but I will say, no better than the boomers who wont quit their jobs and are too old to really enjoy their dreams.
Social media will be the bane of this generation and many to come until our culture realizes the dangers.
FB was the cause of 90% of the physical fights students got into in my high school (that majority were girls).
It amplifies bullying exponentially.
It distracts children from things they should be doing to enhance their communication skills.
it goes on and on.

Too many adults justify it bey saying they are not harmed and can control it.
They forget that they learned the basics before this became so prevalent.

But I'm just pissing in the wind. It's a reason I'm on Dauntless and no longer trying to do contribute to society.
Mr. Wxx... BINGO!!! You've hit the nail squarely on the ole' noggin!


...and I forecast it's going to get MUCH worse. The Admiral is nagging me to get one of them there smart phones. Says I HAVE to get one. Hell, TF is bad enough.

Mr. Wxx... BINGO!!! You've hit the nail squarely on the ole' noggin!


...and I forecast it's going to get MUCH worse. The Admiral is nagging me to get one of them there smart phones. Says I HAVE to get one. Hell, TF is bad enough.

I"ve got two girls in high school. Pretty much the worst case scenario for a parent. Phones are a widely divergent mixed bag for the kids and parents. Although, there is this one app. Life360 (phone tracking) :dance:
I"ve got two girls in high school. Pretty much the worst case scenario for a parent. Phones are a widely divergent mixed bag for the kids and parents. Although, there is this one app. Life360 (phone tracking) :dance:

Wifey B: You learn to use the tools available properly. No one in our extended family uses social media. However, we all have smart phones. With GPS, we're never lost. With phone in hand we can always be reached or reach others and we can always be found. If we see something happen or we're in an accident, we always have photos.

Prior generations, daughter not home when expected, no way to know what was going on so instant panic if a parent.

Again, in our business with many young people, we warn and advise regarding social media. We give the stark realities including that you can be disciplined and fired over what you post. We also warn that with everyone carrying a camera, nothing you do is a secret. You flash your b... on Bourbon Street, you get drunk at a party, smoke some weed at one, make out with someone other than your spouse or partner, it will be known. The bad is the loss of privacy. The good is the loss of secrecy of activity. The old saying to think before acting of what if your mother saw you do it, well today she probably will see.

New times. New ways to adjust and handle them. Use the positive changes and don't allow the negative to reach you. :)
I agree completely with the comments regarding social media and society, and grateful this stuff was not around when I was growing up. Forums can also have negative impacts as people make snap judgements based on small amounts of data without knowing the full context of situations. We are all guilty of it to some extent. IE, the internet can be an amazing resource but it needs to be used with caution.
The John's pass entrance is constantly shifting and marks are far apart and can be confusing. Entering at night would be difficult without a lot af familararity.

Rusted keel bolts on old boats are common as anyone would learn from some web time learning about the boat.

No information on their education or job experience but "sold everything to get that boat" indicates they are probably as prepared for life as they are for sailing.
Wifey B: You learn to use the tools available properly. No one in our extended family uses social media. However, we all have smart phones. With GPS, we're never lost. With phone in hand we can always be reached or reach others and we can always be found. If we see something happen or we're in an accident, we always have photos.

Prior generations, daughter not home when expected, no way to know what was going on so instant panic if a parent.

Again, in our business with many young people, we warn and advise regarding social media. We give the stark realities including that you can be disciplined and fired over what you post. We also warn that with everyone carrying a camera, nothing you do is a secret. You flash your b... on Bourbon Street, you get drunk at a party, smoke some weed at one, make out with someone other than your spouse or partner, it will be known. The bad is the loss of privacy. The good is the loss of secrecy of activity. The old saying to think before acting of what if your mother saw you do it, well today she probably will see.

New times. New ways to adjust and handle them. Use the positive changes and don't allow the negative to reach you. :)

Snapchat and Instagram is like crack. Once hooked, it is remarkable how dependent these young people are with it.
our headline: 'Two millenials without sailing experience save money to buy boat and sail it from Fort Myers to Boston uneventfully...'

Not that interesting... maybe it's the media, not the millenials.
Hey, those that never run into snags in life can go unnoticed, and as someone mentioned, continue into even greater harms way from over confidence.

Some say the greatest buisinessmen are sometimes those that go through bankrupcy at least once as they dont have anything to lose when syaeting over and learned from the mistakes leading up to it.

Lots of people get away with daring once or twice, I was in a profession that taught you the hard way when you challenged luck too often.
The best thing a 'smart phone' can do is point out how dumb we are.

audio player
still camera
video camera
slo mo camera
gives you something to play with between flights at the airport
traffic alerts
seas forecast
access to your med refills
the reason you need meds in the first place

and, last and certainly least, they tell you when you have arrived at a foreign country and the fee increases. :facepalm:
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audio player
still camera
video camera
slo mo camera
gives you something to play with between flights at the airport
traffic alerts
seas forecast
access to your med refills
the reason you need meds in the first place

and, last and certainly least, they tell you when you have arrived at a foreign country and the fee increases. :facepalm:

Have you found a recording barometric pressure app so one can determine the trend?
"Barometer & Altimeter Pro". has a strip chart recorder. I have not used it, but has good reviews and the internet can't be wrong with four stars. age 4 and up.
Didn't bother to read all the interim pages, but the news said today that the GoFund me amount exceeded $14K........Apparently some felt sorry for them..

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