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Wanted 34 to 38

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Bob P

Jul 14, 2018
The Villages Fla
Vessel Make
34 American tug
34 to 38 ft trawler, must be clean and ready to go,Europa or PH, single eng but will consider twins. Around $200,000. I am new to this forum so please let me know if I am not doing this correct. Thanks Bob
It is with sadness that I have decided to put Southerly up for sale. I truly love her and made major improvements. She is a 1986 documented vessel registered historic. Registration costs $4.95 a year. She has been very good to me.

Her engine is a 166hp Mercedes that’s like a tank. Many many upgrades. New full bridge strataglass enclosure. Awe heck, to much to list.

36ft waterline, marine trader sundeck. Must see. Located in palm coast Florida at yacht harbor marina.

All maintenance records. Ready to go in about a week. Just have to remove personal stuff. I’m going to list her at $115,000. Feel free to message me.
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Your post for a 34 to 38 Trawler

34 to 38 ft trawler, must be clean and ready to go,Europa or PH, single eng but will consider twins. Around $200,000. I am new to this forum so please let me know if I am not doing this correct. Thanks Bob

I have a 2006 Mainship 34T now for sale on this website.
We are going to list Choices. You can go to our blog, grandbankschoices and check her out.

Been a great boat but now we are moving to an RV.

Grand Banks 36 Europa single 135 Lehman, Northern Lights genset. PM me if interested.

We are headed to Florida within a month.
34 to 38 ft trawler, must be clean and ready to go,Europa or PH, single eng but will consider twins. Around $200,000. I am new to this forum so please let me know if I am not doing this correct. Thanks Bob

Many Nice boats out there.
as I Don't know your experience/knowledge with diesel boats---- best to do some research before you buy . some great engines out there and some disasters--- bad designs that have huge problems.

Only advice is---- Research the engine on line of the bat your interested in, "XYZ-ABC engine problems" Know its strong points and weaknesses if any. get proof the engine has had all it manufacturer's recommended maintenance service performed, with receipts.
Particularly the multiple cooling heat exchangers, removed, serviced and reinstalled at the proper intervals. The cost to do it on most 6 Cyl engines is between 6K and 12 K. Cost to not do it is a blown engine
Boat owners are notorious for skipping this important service.

Hope this helps
Are you thinking risers and exhaust manifolds? I just did the heat exchanger, oil cooler and transmission cooler on my Lehman for $1k in parts. Easy job to do yourself.
Are you thinking risers and exhaust manifolds? I just did the heat exchanger, oil cooler and transmission cooler on my Lehman for $1k in parts. Easy job to do yourself.

Just to share info----modern Yanmars ( my most recent research) are all turbocharged. Likewise Cummins, Volvo. I Wish they still made Lehman's.
I just did extensive pricing with several Certified Yanmar Service Yards, Mack Boring in NJ, in Niemic Ma, Niantic CT, Rewport RI and Precision in westchester NY.
A 22 yr old boat with 4 LHA STP engine that has never had any cooling maintenance done, regardless of how many hours would need the 3 Heat exchangers REPLACED, the turbo intercooler REPLACED due to corrosion.
Parts are 8K , labor is 4K. I could do it myself , but still incur 4 K in those parts, not to mention another several thou for replacement hoses, shaft dripless seal etc. If the turbo was bad that would be anouther 3500 to buy and 1500 to install.
Those are hard numbers. A 6 CYL is more.

As I said, please forgive me , I don't know the extent of your diesel experience, so I thought Id share mine. I've looked at nearly a dozen boats in the past 5 months, not one had kept up with the manufacturers service intervals overall, and especially not for the Cooling system, a few had done a rid lyme flush AFTER the engine overheated, but none did the proper recommended service. 'So my point is --- be careful before you buy--- ask for receipt for all maintenance, don't rely on word of mouth, or just to talk to the yard that did the work. a blown 4 cal diesel is abut 35K to buy new and 5K labor to replace.

I'm looking for a boat fr long distance cruising round trip 150 miles round trip, thats safe and reliable. If I had bought any of those boats ( nearly double the price they were 18 months ago) I would have to had put in another 25 K or more to make them safe & reliable.
If you just go off the dock weekends for short picnics--- you have less risk, when you cruise longer distances, you need a well maintained boat .
The bigger the diesel the more expensive to service. and I read that Volvo's parts pricing are off the deep end............Yanmar's pricing are getting there.
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