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Vashon Pocket Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jun 10, 2016
Vashon Pocket Trawler, 1980.
A complete hull-up restoration with everything new: Yanmar 30hp diesel, stainless steel fuel tank, new wiring, running and cabin lights, new electronics, inverter and microwave oven. Cabin area completely redesigned and rebuilt out of Honduran mahogany, giving better usage of space yet have a galley/vanity area as well as two seats. Cabinet doors have take-apart hinges to facilitate any needed maintenance or repairs. The boat is in Oxford, MD and has been adapted for hot East coast weather. Comes with a tandem axel trailer and too much more to list here.
Call Jim at 410 226-5725 and I'll email a summary of the Vashon and the improvements I made to it. If you want a trawler that's both sea-kindly and economic to operate and that needs little other than adapting it to your own needs, such as comfort items, this is it. Health issues mandate its sale.


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Looks like a fine job on a great boat :thumb:
A beautiful boat, lots of love in that boat.
Hi Jim:

Can you please summarize how you "adapted" your boat "for hot East coast weather?"

And, she is absolutely gorgeous. Someone is going to reel in a real gem.

Thank you kindly,
I installed two Diamond Sea glaze forward opening windows in the cabin that drafted a "breeze" when under power. Without them, the cabin was a pressure cooker. I paid over $1000 for them. Then I installed two stainless steel ports in the V-berth area to give air while sleeping. The Vashon came with two sliding glass windows on the port and starboard sides of the cabin, but this was a poor design: they didn't slide even after I installed new tracking. I was planning on having Diamond Sea make double hung windows for this area, with screens, which would make cross ventilation much easier. Unfortunately, health issues came up, forcing the sale of the boat. Finally, I planned to install a "get home rig/steadying sail" on the Vashon and this would allow pitching a tent over the boom to take the brunt of the sun when at anchor. This would compliment the canvas that covers the cockpit area.
Hope this helps,
Very nice boat. Wish I had the money for it right now.

I love mine! I hope this one finds a good home--there was a lot of work put into the interior. You simply don't see too many Vashons out there.
Thanks for your comments.
Ill health forces me to reduce the price to $35,000 if that interests you.
Thanks for your interest.
Ill health forces me to reduce the price to $35,000 if that interests you.
Vashon Pocket Trawler, 1980.
A complete hull-up restoration with everything new: Yanmar 30hp diesel, stainless steel fuel tank, new wiring, running and cabin lights, new electronics, inverter and microwave oven. Cabin area completely redesigned and rebuilt out of Honduran mahogany, giving better usage of space yet have a galley/vanity area as well as two seats. Cabinet doors have take-apart hinges to facilitate any needed maintenance or repairs. The boat is in Oxford, MD and has been adapted for hot East coast weather. Comes with a tandem axel trailer and too much more to list here.
Call Jim at 410 226-5725 and I'll email a summary of the Vashon and the improvements I made to it. If you want a trawler that's both sea-kindly and economic to operate and that needs little other than adapting it to your own needs, such as comfort items, this is it. Health issues mandate its sale.

I hate it when I read "health issues." Someone ought to build a retirement community that allows for boat docking and provide assistance when going out for a boat ride.
Lemme think, I have two 'paid for' boat slips...... only one boat..... dont tempt me.
Tell us about the head and galley, please. Does it have A/C? Size of fuel tanks, water tanks and sanitary tank
Does it have a small generator? How many batteries?

I am just tire kicking but, the more information you share here, the greater the chances of being discovered.
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The head is a 5 gallon bucket toilet using plastic trash bags to hold the waste. I wrap the waste up and put in another 5 gallon bucket under cockpit seat and then dump it when coming into port. Cheap, efficient, no smell and no thru-hulls to worry about.
The galley has a microwave powered by a 1200 watt inverter and a alcohol stove. Opposite the cooking area is a deep stainless steel sink. It's small but it's a most efficient use of space.
It does not have AC though that could be added.
Ill health forces reduction in price to $35,000.
No, I have dropped the price to $35,000 as I have serious health issues that will prevent me from using it again.
No, I have dropped the price to $35,000 as I have serious health issues that will prevent me from using it again.

I hate to hear about your heath issues.
May I suggest you put it on the hard?
No, I have dropped the price to $35,000 as I have serious health issues that will prevent me from using it again.

Okay. I had someone at my marina ask about my Vashon and I mentioned there was one that may still be for sale. I will refer him here if he is still interested.
Boat weighs about 6000 pounds, trailer about 1500. Would need something like a Ford F-250 to tow. A dually is overkill.
I straightened out two of your photos for you...


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It's still for sale at a greatly discounted price and is located on the East Coast in Oxford, MD
I can email you a paper detailing the Vashon Pocket Trawler and what I have done to it. It also has more photos. Let me know how to contact you if you wish this.
ok, but the forum won't send my private message to you, says I'm to new and it looks like spam mail. Never saw this before, but it is what it is I guess.
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