Any suggestions? Florida is the #1 state in the US for boat registrations. There are a LOT of people who would love to know if this is possible. 3-4 week dive schedule is not unusual in these waters, at least in the summer months. Seems hard to believe - in San Francisco, my diver disappeared and I went almost a year. Bottom wasn't too bad. Hard growth is not much of a problem.
I have had quite a few different anti-foulings on the boat by now, but last year I changed to copper coat since I was tired of getting the boat out every year, sanding it and putting new anti-fouling on it. Also had to get a diver twice a year, which also added up to the cost.
Now that I have the copper coat for almost a year in total I dare to say that I see a difference. I have not cleaned the boat at all, came out of the water in July and was perfectly clean. And since it has been back in the water the hull is also still clean.
The water temp is about the same as in Florida, but there could be a big difference in nutrients in the water. That, I cannot comment on, I just don't know. However, with the other anti-foulings I did have quite a bit of growth after a couple of months.
I have also been paying attention to other boats when they come out of the water. Boats with copper coat all tend to be clean, with hardly any growth, the boats with the hard black anti-fouling (like e.g. international), or the dissolving anti-fouling, usually have growth or even barnicles in any shape or form.
And now that I have 2 different types of anti-fouling on the boat I can really see the difference after an equal amount of time.
Again, I won't say that copper coat will work perfect in Florida, but when you have to pay a diver every month to clean the hull I think I would just give it a try. It is a bit more expensive than normal anti-fouling, but if it would save you 10 dives a year you already have recouped the cost. If you then also don't need to haul out the boat every year, sand it and put anti-fouling on it, you really start saving a lot. And of course, no growth on the boat will give you a better performance in the water.
As for the prop shaft, rudder and prop itself I did find a difference between prop speed and prop jet. I used to have prop speed only, but since they were working on the rudder and prop shaft I had to replace a part. They did not have prop speed, but prop jet and must say that prop jet works not as good as prop speed. At the moment the prop speed is completely clean, the prop jet is starting to become slimy, which means growth will follow soon. So cleaned it this week and should be ok again, but I do see the difference.
Hope this info can be of help to others.