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For Sale: Ultimate Trawler?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Mar 8, 2014
United States
Vessel Name
Bay Tripper
Vessel Make
'06 MS 34 Pilot

Ultimate Trawler Yacht- Bargain Price
Has nicer lines and proportions than 95% of the trawlers I've seen and no FB. Looks like it could be a SD hull. Like the hawspipe. The bridge is wonderful unless your'e the helmsman. Could rope off the fwd end though.

A smaller one just like this would be better but ................
It needs a scrape and pain job, but on the bright side, it's floating right-side up.
twin 12-71's?
sunk and re floated?
Surveyors say "Best hulls in history"?
AND $30K?
NOT a trawler and a MAJOR $$$$$ project. IMO
Not thanks. Oh, and welcome aboard Mr. J.
twin 12-71's?
sunk and re floated?
Surveyors say "Best hulls in history"?
AND $30K?
NOT a trawler and a MAJOR $$$$$ project. IMO
Not thanks. Oh, and welcome aboard Mr. J.

Navy sold that one and kept the USS Constitution....I'd check the credentials of that surveyor....:D
That would be an awesome lifetime project-liveaboard.....if I were only 3 again I might have the time
Last part of ad: "boat needs work." Bwahahaha. Master of understatement.

And Rambler, "It needs a scrape and PAIN job..." Awesome.
Last part of ad: "boat needs work." Bwahahaha. Master of understatement.

The best version of condition I've seen in a survey (it was for a marina for sale) was "Exhibits extensive amounts of deferred maintenance." Now THAT'S understatement."
That would be an awesome lifetime project-liveaboard.....if I were only 3 again I might have the time

If you were 3 again, you probably couldn't see over the console, maybe not even the gunwale. But, on the upside, you wouldn't have to stoop in the engine compartment. :dance:
That would be an awesome lifetime project-liveaboard.....if I were only 3 again I might have the time

I wonder if you would have to tear more wood out of her than my boat???:eek:

If I were 3 again I'd be smarter than I am now than to even try that one on for size.:D
There's no need to make fun of her poor condition. No one will likely buy her. This is a time to admire what she was and still is in the lines of her image. This is still the real thing to see and enjoy visions of her fine design and probable interesting history. I'd love to hear and feel her 12 cylinder engines rumble to life as only a DD can. Imagine 12 times as many power strokes per revolution as my 4 cyl Mitsubishi. I wonder what she was planked w and what her hull looks like below the WL?

My father had a boat similar to this in 1950. A Navy boat a lot like a trawler powered by a 8 cyl 268A DD. 500hp. Ten knots. She and her 4 sisterships were 21.5' X 103' and aboard her in 1949 is where my boating started. Dad had her refrigerated and hauled meat for Carson Meat Packing Co from Puget Sound to Juneau and other SE AK ports. At times he filled her to nearly sinking on the return trip w salmon.

At some point in time Dad's boat the "Hulawai" (Home of the Sea in Hawaiian) probably looked like the vessel above and I hope she received more respect that I see here on this thread. Sure .. fools frequently buy boats like this one appears to be but the vessel herself is no fool and deserves respect.

This is not a rant and I mean no disrespect to posters.
I think you will find that the fun is being made of the person who put the ad up - not the poor old boat herself. In fact, I am somewhat shocked by the poor condition of a boat built in 1985. Many of the posters on this board own boats SIGNIFICANTLY older - and yet they were never allowed to deteriorate to such a sorry state.
I think you will find that the fun is being made of the person who put the ad up

I trust you were referring to the Original CL poster.
This is closer to the ideal as long as one can afford its maintenance and crew, but maybe not the best gunkholer:

Or how about a depression-era President's yacht?:

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Thanks for the idea and you're probably right.

Nineteen Eighty Five!!!!! Hard to believe. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. Wood boats built for the Navy are usually made of the best materials. But it's like having an old Rolls Royce. Anybody w enough money to maintain it wouldn't be interested it. Like our trawlers. Most of us can't even afford to run them as they were designed. Can't afford the fuel but we can scrape up enough money to buy then .... when they get old.i could afford to buy this one but buy the fuel for two 900 cu. in. engines is unimaginable.
LOL Jamup, of course. I was referring to the guy who wrote the CL ad!
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Refastening about do

Probably a 100k in screws alone, not counting labor. Unless you want to fasten her under water you'll need a pretty good crew to get that done with out drying her out beyond repair. Bottom paint probably just guessing 3-4k plus labor, caulking another 2k unless she dries out and then your looking at 10k or better. Oh and than your not putting her on a travel lift and parking her in a yard. You're going to tie up a marine railway with this baby. Maybe a dry dock at Bay Yachts. If the marina is doing a lien sale what were they thinking. Probably cost 60-100k to cut her up and dispose of her.
I think it is quite a good buy. For someone with some cash, and a need for a decent sized boat. Maybe someone who wanted to run a charter fishing or scuba diving charter business, eg.
I don't think it's as bad as some are making out. The 'needs work' statement is often made about anything which is a bit tired - often mostly cosmetic. I see it in ads for houses, cars, and boats. In fact it would have been entirely apt to be in the ad for my boat when I bought it. Just saying'...
Hmmm....$135K three years ago. Well, as I noted in post #5 it appears she sank and it could have been pre-$135K listing (one engine runs one is PICKLED-Why pickled?). The only thing you're buying is the hull and superstructure. Wiring, engines and pretty much everything else would have to be looked at and refurbished if necessary. It doesn't matter how well she was originally constructed, after a salt water soaking, it's "do everything" time IMO. Could be in the mid to upper six figure range, at least....Just sayin'....For $800K you could buy this:
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Rescue ships. Nice. Maybe a tad less refined than the Admiral would want, but us boys might not mind the sparse accommodations. You'd be doing the boating world a kind favor by adopting a rescue ship, as well as a rescue dog to travel with you.
Solomons Md today


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Hey maybe one of those check writers will buy it and post pictures of the progress
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