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Gin,* Check out the Grandbanks wood boat site.

www.gbwoodies.com******* They have a great owner support group and their boats are still going strong.

But not without much love ($$)* and care.

If sweat equity is on the list , the current FL Marriner PDR666 shows a 55ft Bertram hull with a roomaran house built up that needs "clean up and engine repair" for $8950.

Might be good if you are boat skilled.

813-677-2739 727-580-2899 In Tampa area.
Thanks for the lead FF. Although I am a perfect candidate for a sweat equity boat, I've decided against bridge style cruisers. I just can't afford the fuel burn rate.

My current deal on the table;
1972 Egg Harbor 38' w twin 4t4 Crusaders
My research shows me a fuel burn of approx 16 - 20 GPH at 8-10 knots. (**If wrong please advise)

I am looking to take this boat from my home port of Mt.Sinai, NY to Virginia Beach. 340 NM, 35 hours and approx $3200 in fuel... ouch!!! That's an expensive trip to do 2 times a year!

All this is giving me gassss ! !
A 38 ft boat at 8-10K is operating in the worst possible speed range , just above hull speed.

Slow to 6 or perhaps 6.5 and you should be down in the 3 - 5gph range.

Either displacement speed or fully up on a plane , in a boat designed for it is the cheapest to operate.
thanks ff. all of my boating experience is with my day cruisers which have been used locally and without and concern for extended cruises and fuel. i have to plug in a slower cruise at six knots and see where that lands me.
.... is that 3 - 5 gph for the pair or each engine? Do you really think that's a realistic # for 454s and a 38' boat weighing 22k plus? I have no problem dropping down and cruising at 6 knots.
Thanks again! :)
Gin,* If the 38 did 20knots at 20gallons per hour you would get 1 nmph.

If you burned 5 gallons per hour at 6knots it would not be much better.

Somewhere on plane there is generally a sweet spot that gives you the best nmph.

The only problem is loading,* the more you take the more it costs to keep on plane.

That is where trawlers or running slow has an advantage.* Not weight sensitive as much.

Oh, I'm so confused!! Arrggg

Ok, here's what I'm trying to do:

1. My initial trip will be 70 NM
2. My down south ICW trip will be 350 NM

What will be the least expensive way to run her with time not being an issue? I'm going on a fuel cost of $4.50 p. Gal.

*38' semi displacement hull
*22,000 lbs
*Twin 454s

Thanks again for helping me guys!. ;)
Don't be confused.

It costs a lot of money to travel up and down the ICW every year.

It costs a lot to keep*a boat docked -South or North.* Unless you own waterfront property or Moor out.

Carl Stone,* Has a good solution-* keep one boat North and one boat South.

Hey you have two boats? Right?

Problem solved.

Sorry for having fun--- JohnP
That's what we would like to do. However, I am trying to figure out the operating costs of this Egg vs a Trawler to even consider it.
If you are making one trip and leaving it there, it does not matter.

If you are going back and forth annually I would go for the trawler.

Gin,* Please post some pics of the Egg if you have them.

Just curious.** JohnP
here she is....


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Wow,* He wants to give you her for an even swap?

That would be hard to pass up.

Once you get her, you can find the best speed on the trip down.

Run her slow for a few days and see what you burn.

Then figure the distance and run her on plane for the same distance and check it out.

Nice looking boat!

Gin- She even has a washer/dryer?

How cool.

My goal would be to first cruise her home so I can get a good feel for her and get some work done (and big July 4th party on her !s!!). Then towards the end of the season cruise her to VA. If I'm looking at 20 GPH I can't afford to bring her south. If I'm looking at 4 GPH I can. $3200 vs. $1300 if my calculations are correct.
Gin,* Have you made the deal or not?

Not yet. I inspected his boat and he inspected mine. We both agreed to terms and conditions of a trade. Now I'm just trying to figure out if I can afford to enjoy her.
Gin,* It sounds like it is not an even swap,* so only you can decide if she works for your family.

Good Luck,** Not sure if trawler people will give you the answer you are looking for.

Nice looking boat.** JohnP
Honestly John I really think a trawler is the way to go for me. Its just with this economy its impossible to sell anything so I am forced to rely on a trade at this time and so far the Egg is what's on the table.
Just adding my 2 cents. Would the Egg be an easier sale later? as the economy (cough, cough) picks up? Then you might want to make the trade "suffer" through this season with it and keep your eye out for the Trawler you want to buy.
that is one nice boat.* Hope it works out for you.*
Thanks guys! It is looking good but only time and sea trials will tell.

That is a nice looking boat if he is doing an even swap. Questions:
1) What does the engine room look like?
2) Hours on engines and generator?
3) Does she have a holding tank for the head?
4) What kind of condition are the fuel tanks in?

My previous boat was a 38' sedan that weighed 27k lbs and had twin 8.1 crusaders. That boat at hull speed around 7 knots burned around 5-7 GPH total with both engines running. If I was up on plane we burned around 20-24 GPH. WOT was 65GPH. I would guess that 38' egg with 454's and old technology would burn around 7-8GPH at hull speed but don't quote me on that.

The biggest issue for you to address is the condition of the engines, generator, and fuel tanks. Replacing that equipment would well exceed the value of the boat. Make sure there are not hidden problems in the engine room as that's where you'll spend a bunch of money. If your boat you are trading is in good mechanical and cosmetic shape you would be better off keeping it then trading for a bigger/larger/older boat with big mechanical issues. The point of what I am saying is that sometimes even if a boat is given to you for free it is still not a good deal so just do your homework. :)

As far as sellability, again, depends on the relative condition of your current boat and this 38. I will tell you this though- there is no harder boat to sell than a larger boat with gas engines with old technology. The threat of E10 and perhaps E15 on these old engines cannot be understated. I personally would have no interest in owning a large gas powered boat again. Fuel prices are too high and the E10/E15, particularly E15, will destroy these old engines and associated equipment. For me, diesel is the only way to go for a multitude of reasons and with that, I mean a low hp, naturally aspirated diesel that is stupid simple.

I am not saying the trade isn't a great deal- just saying make sure all issues are investigated and the actual condition of the boat is known. You would not want to trade a good working boat that you know for an older boat if it is mechanically on it's last leg. You blow out one or both engines and that deal suddenly isn't so good. If those engines have over 1,100 to 1,200 hours on them I would consider them on borrowed time before they need to be replaced/rebuilt.

Good luck- hopefully she is a gem and it's a sweet deal!

-- Edited by Woodsong on Monday 7th of March 2011 09:26:48 PM
Thanks for that! I am going back Friday for a better look. From my initial inspection, the engines looked like new with many new parts. If Friday goes well I will have my mechanic spend a few hours surveying her next week. I agree with the "value" of the swap w/ old v new. I know my Thompsons "book value" is far less than that of the Egg. However, I know my boat is in top notch shape and runs beautifully on twin 4 cyl 190 Merc engines. Super efficient and gets the WOT done around 30 snots. I am not jumping in bed with this lady without a condom. No sir!! Taking my time and making sure she's as good a deal as I hope she is.
...... the owner told me and showed me that some extensive deck and catwalk repair was done. I just found out that it was done by Burger Marine Services. Anyone know of them? Apparently a very good reputable company up here in NY. I spoke with the owner Chris Burger. He assured me his work was done very well and he never touched the the hull bc it was very sound.
I see Burger Marine advertised on Craigslist all the time. I would be interested in your assessment of their work. There is a MT 44 for sale in the New York area. He also spoke about taking in a smaller boat as partial trade. If you are interested, I will try to dig up the info.
nice Egg.. i guess they are not considered trawlers?
Sedan then?
even if you want to travel at trawler speed you could do that, i am guessing at hull speed you are pretty close to the same economy as a twin engine trawler..
good luck with it..
The Egg Harbor is a semi displacement hull "sport fisherman." I plan on running her at around 6.5 - 7 snots 90% of the time. From what I hear I should burn anywhere from 7 - 12 GPH for the twin 454s at that speed. Ultimately I think a true trawler is what I want but the deal I have in place with this Egg may be to good to pass up. Moondance, I have to say the work Burger did is solid. They did extensive glass work and repair in 2008 which has held up well. There are some minor cracks in the deck where they cut a section of rot out. They also replaced a good portion of the bridge wood where the owner opted to just keep it wood rather than glass over (I guess to save a few $). That paint is pealing off. I did see that trawler on Craigslist and actually emailed him a few weeks back. He wants a smaller walk around boat where mine is a bit larger and a cabin cruiser. Good looking out though! ;) thanks!!
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