Trawler sinks, all survive

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Part of the jetty is labled " Awash at mean high water" so in 6 foot seas, at 3 am that could be hard to see......


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I too dont like dripless seals but that boat webt down too fast for a seal failure. Gore packing is virtually dry.

In the past I have put large rubber plumbing pipe connectors as collars around shafts that tended to spray, Just split them and attach to the box extending over the seal area with hose clamps.

There's also quite a bit of water being pulled in there by the engine.....
Yea, not a jetty to get too close to. I used to dive for lobster out there and there are some jagged rocks out there.

My memory may be faulty, but I thought there was even a fatality from hitting that jetty around 2005 or so.
I really don’t understand this problem. I have been out northwest channel hundreds of time, it is extremely well marked with various aids and last I was there the remains of Hemingway’s rehab tower was till there too.
Its all just speculation......they could have hit some debris, had a mechanical failure, been sunk by a rogue Argentine submarine or aliens may be involved.
Its all just speculation......they could have hit some debris, had a mechanical failure, been sunk by a rogue Argentine submarine or aliens may be involved.

Yes and I do find it's interesting that to this point the boat owner has posted nothing about what happened, just thanked others for their comments. Wonder if she will.
No insurance? Not even liability? Was it a junker?
I have no experience with dripless systems. On another forum I belong to, many boat builders favor the Tides dripless over the PSS. As Stated, I have no experience with any of these...

Delfin had a Tides installed when I purchased her, and it leaked like a sieve. Probably dried out, but I replaced it as soon as I could. I am quite comfortable with the PSS, although I back up the set screws with an appropriately sized hose clamp on the shaft so nothing can move if the set screws don't do their job. Replace the bellows on the recommended interval and they seem pretty foolproof. If you don't change the bellows as recommended, the size of leak you are going to experience is a squirt, not a gusher. I like dry bilges.

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