Trawler Forum Burgees Now Available!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Arrived today, looks perfect.
Thanks to all who worked on it and who voted.
Mine came in today also, very nice and well made. Thanks to all who worked on this.
My two arrived today plus the one to be given away at Ft.Pierce gathering. Looks good. Does this give us a discount at yacht club docks. :)
I got mine! This is the first burgee I've ever owned, so I really don't have anything to compare it to, but it feels pretty sturdy to me. It looks good too. I'm very happy with how it turned out.

Now I just need a boat to fly it from...

Dave, you’re welcome on my boat any day of the week! Received mine today. It looks great.
Your forward installation is ideal for a flag indicating the wind direction and speed, especially when docking.
Got mine today...good to go! Those Burgee Committee guys...they're saints I tell you. Absolute saints.
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Got mine today...good to go! Those Burgee Committee guys...they're saints I tell you. Absolute saints.
Can I give the admirals email to pass on the accolades?
Received mine yesterday. Very good quality. Great job guys!:thumb::thumb:
Don I got my two plus the one to giveaway at the Ft. Pierce and mounted it today. Let me say that us mere members owe a great deal of gratitude to the burgee committee. If any are at Ft Pierce I’ll buy you a beer or four.

Thanks guys.
Thanks guys for making this happen!


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Don I got my two plus the one to giveaway at the Ft. Pierce and mounted it today. Let me say that us mere members owe a great deal of gratitude to the burgee committee. If any are at Ft Pierce I’ll buy you a beer or four.

Thanks guys.
I thought maybe I could make it but timing not working. We are traveling in the land yacht and will be over in Carrabelle Beach then.
Maybe next year I can get the timing better. Don't forget to send photos.
I'm happy things worked out so well and the supplier was willing to try handling the order & ship process... a first for him.
We all were very pleasantly surprised w the response.
All in all a win win win!
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Baccus. In your land yacht? I would bet the cruising speed is way over 7 knots so you could make Ft Pierce in hours and join in all the debauchery and we will take pictures of you! And I’ll buy you beers!
Could... maybe but not likely this year.
W better planning much more likely next year as we are booked over in Port Charlotte again in March 2020. Are future dates negotiable???
Trawler Forum burgee

Just received my TF burgee and it looks great. thanks to all the "committee" members for designing and putting this together. Looking forward to flying it an meeting other members on the water :thumb:
Got mine today! Looks very well made. It's on the boat now. Thanks to you guys for the effort. Ben
Baccus. Everything is negotiable, I understand that our major domo, Don, can be bought. I know we have always had it close to the Miami Boat Show as some come down on their boats then.
Looking good Ted, I mounted mine reversed so no one would know I’m part of rebellious group.

Every time I see your windless I get jealous. Seriously.
Looking good Ted, I mounted mine reversed so no one would know I’m part of rebellious group.

Every time I see your windless I get jealous. Seriously.

Is that wench envie? :rolleyes:

Was expecting you to ask me if I was leaving for Fort Pierce, so I could make it there by the 18th.

BTW, now that we have a Burgee, it's time for somebody to get to work and add it to the Home Page. I know you are all busy moderating :rofl:, but let's get with the program. ;)

Ted. Definitely wench envy. :):):)

I really thought you left for Ft Pierce last week to make it for the gathering. If you haven’t left yet we will certainly miss you. Remember it is up hill from Ft Myers to Ft Pierce.
Dave, you’re welcome on my boat any day of the week! Received mine today. It looks great.

Well that's mighty kind of you, good sir! I appreciate it!:smitten:

Thanks guys for making this happen!
Heading out this morning; proudly flying the colors.

Would you just look at those majestic pennants, dancing in the breeze just so. A sight to warm the cockles of your heart.

Got mine today...good to go! Those Burgee Committee guys...they're saints I tell you. Absolute saints.
Of course! Saint Don, Patron Saint of Burgees.

I'll be Friar Dave, Apostle of Polls. I already have the hair for it.
I got mine yesterday. I don’t have a bow rail to mount it on so it put this hodgepodge together. It’s an old bronze antenna mount , a piece of an antenna cut down and a knob off an old woodworking machine. I’m gonna mount it on the end of my anchor platform off to one side. It’s kinda rough but it fits the boat.


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Looks great! I’ll have to order one.

Got mine in today. Will run it up to the spreaders as soon as I get back to Florida!

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