Transit Gulf Intracoastal WW North Section

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PS neeld.

It was actually an assist in the harbor area. There was a strong crosswind and I didn't want to hit anything or anyone. That's all part of powerboat cruising. I could make right turns if my speed is up but not exactly the way to get into a slip. This harbor marina is a great place but the new docks leave something to be desired in that with the very low water it would be relatively easy to get under the dock and see some real damage.
Too bad about the treatment from the lock keeper. The LOCKMASTER is Michael O'Dowd as I said his name and ph no is in the link that I gave at the start of this thread.

Here is a primer on Locking in Louisiana that I wrote for a magazine years ago.
It mentions HOW TO LOCK THROUGH. By the way I made sure that the Locks got a copy.
I suggest that in ANY LOCK makeup with TWO LINES and always take a turn on a cleat. Do not makeup to the cleat merely take a turn on it holding the bitter end in your hand for control. This true on the big locks that you will encounter up the river.

Gulf ICW Locks
-- A Primer
(or the Locks of Louisiana)
Having transited all of the locks on the Gulf ICW hundreds of times over the past 30+ years I take this opportunity to
give the benefit of my hard won experience.
The Gulf ICW (ICW) has all but one of its locks in La.
Texas has one that is basically a flood gate. The Cross Fla. Canal is not part of the ICW.
Transiting West to East:
CALCASIEU LOCK is immed. East of Lake Charles. It is constructed of horizontal 12x12 timbers. That have 12"
horizontal spaces between them. Difficult to tie to but MOST OF THE TIME you will not tie up. There are bollards that
are set into the timbers. The lockkeeper will tell you to hold in the middle and when the far gate is open proceed out. This
is, basically, a salt water barrier so there will be little difference in water height.
LELAND BOWMAN LOCK immediately West of Intracoastal City. Again horizontal timbers , saltwater barrier and
probably will not have to tie up.
BAYOU BOUF LOCK immed. East of Morgan City. Horizontal timber sides like the Calcasieu Lock. Height change is
usually 3 feet or less.
The preceding locks fill by opening the gates slightly and allowing the chamber to fill.
HARVEY LOCK, as in "xx Miles West of Harvey Lock" !!!! West bank of the Miss. river at New Orleans. This lock
has smooth concrete sides with cleats set into the lock wall. You will tie up on the right hand wall. The bridge immediately
in front ofthe lock will open with the lock.
ALGIERS LOCK is an alternative to the Harvey only if the Harvey is out of service. Using it requires you to travel
upstream in the Miss. to the Industrial Lock on the East bank and it is also very busy with commercial tows.
INDUSTRIAL CANAL LOCK is on the East bank of the river. It has smooth concrete walls but ,and this is a BIG
BUT, the lockkeeper will drop a line to you and you will tie up with HIS LINE. Make sure you get TWO from him one
forbow and stern. THIS WILL BE ON YOUR LEFT SIDE.
Some suggestions:
1. Call the locks on CH 14 and tell them you are a power/sail pleasure boat.
2. Set fenders and or fender boards on the preferred side but have some on the other side for things can change is a
lock, particularly if you go thru with a commercial tow. If a tow is in front of you stay as far back as you can. Do
not untie until he is almost out of the gate then you go. His prop wash will push you around. Do not pickup your
fenders until you have cleared the wing wall. By the way, NEVER bed your lines down in a lock only take several
turns on your cleats and standby it.
3. Use the largest fenders that you have. My wife made me get 12'x 34' fenders. She put it into words that even I
could understand. "I am not getting on that boat again until I get 12x34 fenders." Had them shipped the next day!
Trust me on this one , I cannot believe how much easier docking and locking is with those fenders.
4. At New Orleans do NOT GET IN A HURRY. I allocate 5 hours for this transit. That is both locks and the 5
miles in the river between them plus the Industrial Canal. I hasten to add that the last 6 transits we have done in
two hours or so!! What an improvement over past years. I have done this at night and in the rain, sometimes both
at the same time, but I certainly do not recommend it and if it is your first time , don't even consider it.
General suggestions on the ICW:
1. Always know at what mile marker you are West or East of Harvey lock.
2. Call every tow before you overtake and get permission. ( Monitor Ch. 13 at all times). Change to Ch. 16 at the
Rigoletts East of New Orleans.
3. When you see the head of a barge coming around a bend toward you , just remember that the tow boat could be
1100 feet back. He can't see you.
4. Be prepared to STOP and even back down when in the presence of tows.
5. Do not over take a tow if another is coming toward you or if one tow is passing another, there is NOT ROOM
for three of you abreast.
6. At the bends in the ICW a long tow can DRAG It'S STERN ON ONE BANK AND THE BOW OF THE
TOW ON THE OTHER. Can you spell " be careful"!!!!
7. Keep track of the tows ahead of you who you will be meeting , by making notes of radio transmissions between
tows. This, so you will not be completely surprised when meeting an oncoming tow.
8. I always remind myself, when in the presence of tows that, I am out there playing and they are earning a living. It
does not hurt to say this on the radio now and then!
9. Radio transmissions travel a long way ahead of you!!
10.Know the " Whistle Signals" remember them this way;
If I am on the right it is ONE WHISTLE
If I am on the left it is TWO WHISTLE.
This is true in EITHER passing or overtaking situations.
11.Do NOT anchor in the canal.
12.Do NOT run at night.
13.If you are in a semidisplacement or fast boat SLOW DOWN FOR TOWS. Your wake can cause serious
damage to the barges.
14.During the summer and fall there will be a lot of water lillies in the canal. Do your best to avoid them as they can
clog your intakes and foul the rudders and wheels. To get them out of the wheels and rudder, stop and reverse,
this will dislodge them.
Another thing about lilly concentrations, they can hide LOGS.
Locks of Luck!!!!
8. I always remind myself, when in the presence of tows that, I am out there playing and they are earning a living. It
does not hurt to say this on the radio now and then!

While somewhat true even in my ming as a guy who pushes and pulls barges way bigger than my assigned towboat totally endorse this philosophy lets them make it a free for all out there and sooner or later if they get too complacent someone will get hurt.

They have to remain professionals too .

Just two weeks ago one ran me off the ICW north of Charleston into 4 feet of water while I was backing down like mad....and he missed me by less than 10 feet (60-80 foot tug at the end of a 1000 foot dredge pipe). No radio calls, no RAM announcement or dayshapes, comment on what his moves would be...nothing...totally unprofessional and dangerous...whether I'm a rec boat or another commercial guy (he had no idea who or what I was) and my livelihood is just as important as his.

If you are gonna act RAM then show it and/or announce do less is criminal if something bad happens.

If you or your vessel can't handle the tow....don't do it.
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.....The LOCKMASTER is Michael O'Dowd as I said his name and ph no is in the link that I gave at the start of this thread.

INDUSTRIAL CANAL LOCK is on the East bank of the river. It has smooth concrete walls but ,and this is a BIG
BUT, the lockkeeper will drop a line to you and you will tie up with HIS LINE. Make sure you get TWO from him one
for bow and stern. THIS WILL BE ON YOUR LEFT SIDE....

Thanks for the info.
He knew who and what we were from radio and telephone conversations.
And we stayed in the pleasure boat waiting area for over 4 hours.
He told us to follow his instructions which was basically to run the one rope he handed to us under the horn of my mid-ship cleat and adjust as the boat lowered. He specifically stated to not 'cleat-off'. I did just what he said and it obviously wasn't working and that's when he told the sailboat to tie onto my starboard side. I couldn't see what exactly what was happening because I was on the port side holding onto the rope. If he had give me 2 ropes, me and the admiral could handle that.
Potentially Really bad news

Just put the rebuilt starter motor in and it is not the problem.
Engine is locked up and waiting for a mechanic to check it out.
When I left N.O. Ind. Lock I was running on both engines. After a bridge or two, traffic cleared and I shut down the port engine to run on just one as I usually do. When I went to restart it - nothing.
I'll just have to wait and see.
Sorry to hear this Tony. Keep us posted. Strange that it locked up when not in use.....
Sorry to hear this Tony. Keep us posted. Strange that it locked up when not in use.....

Yeah. Bummer. Hope it is something really simple and easy to fix.
That's pretty strange, Tony. If the engine wasn't complaining a lot when shut down, I doubt the engine is damaged. I'd believe a jammed bendix drive maybe. I've even seen one break off and wedge itself between the flywheel and bellhousing. Also found a bolt that did the same. Hope it turns out OK.
"They" say water can be forced through from the water intake and find it's way into an open exhaust valve, without the engine running, while underway. I think your speed would need to be well above idle for this to happen.
Easy enough to check, pull the spark plugs @ see if it will spin. If water is present you'll know it right away.

I have had this happen to vehicles (not boats), no harm was done. After running a while to dry it out an oil change will be in order.

Hopefully your problem will be this simple.

Are you coming back to the Kemah area, or cruising off into the sunset?

"They" say water can be forced through from the water intake and find it's way into an open exhaust valve, without the engine running, while underway. I think your speed would need to be well above idle for this to happen.
Easy enough to check, pull the spark plugs @ see if it will spin. If water is present you'll know it right away.

I have had this happen to vehicles (not boats), no harm was done. After running a while to dry it out an oil change will be in order.

Hopefully your problem will be this simple.

Are you coming back to the Kemah area, or cruising off into the sunset?


Salt or brackish water?
My incident was rain water. Have a louvered hood on a Jeep, heavy rain ran in and pooled on top of air cleaner housing, followed the hold-down stud and into carb, intake manifold , and 1 open intake valve. Luckily the cylinder was full and did not allow the engine to turn much. A small amount might allow the piston to almost make it past TDC when the other cylinders fire and force it past. Usually ending poorly.

Believe or not, it's happened to this Jeep twice and it still runs fine.(no more leaving it out in the rain though)

Not as Bad as I Thought.

It seems that a spring on the Velvet Drive Damper broke and the parts somehow managed to wedge itself in the flywheel. While not a cheap fix at this point, it could have been much worse. I ordered a new Damper today from a distributer in Houma, La, and I should have it tomorrow afternoon.
The mechanic will be back Friday and I should be back in business before Monday. Although this will be an expensive fix, it could have been a lot worse.
It seems that a spring on the Velvet Drive Damper broke and the parts somehow managed to wedge itself in the flywheel. While not a cheap fix at this point, it could have been much worse. I ordered a new Damper today from a distributer in Houma, La, and I should have it tomorrow afternoon.
The mechanic will be back Friday and I should be back in business before Monday. Although this will be an expensive fix, it could have been a lot worse.

Sorry to hear...I've always been dreading the same.

Once on my towboat we had a knockout panel on the flywheel cover break loose and ball up so it made a sound like the tranny was coming apart...fortunately it only took 3 tries over 4 hours of removing/replacing the tranny till we figured it out....fortunately we had a spare shop tranny to make us look further.

As they say on a cruise...thankfully it was just that!

Hopefully the rest will be cake!
Tony, do you think free wheeling the prop could have caused this? Either way, glad to hear you have everything under control.
Cheers mate
Thanks for the well wishing.
The free wheeling should not have been a factor. I have a factory memo about Velvet drives being OK to free wheel in neutral. See Attached.


  • velvetdrive.jpg
    175.7 KB · Views: 119
Still waiting on parts to come through via UPS.
Parts are becoming harder to get for an older boat.
I went everywhere I could think of to find an automatic choke for my engine. NAPA and O'Reillys salesman remember them bijng pulled from the books. Luckily found it at an AutoZone through one of their suppliers. Since I need one now, I ordered 3 at only $14 each. I or someone else I know will need this in the future. taking 5 days to get a carburetor wedge plate shipped and could take up to 2 weeks to get my generator distributer cap and rotor through the mail. Took me many many phone calls to even locate someone that could even find my generator parts.

Aside from that, we decided to stay in Gulfport for a few mare weeks and if we have to, we will move to Long Beach Marina for a month or so before we make the the next lag of our trip. We scrapped the Ocean Springs idea and is now out of the picture. Everything on the web and on the phone seemed good. In reality, the slip for us would be 2 feet wider than the boat. barely room for fenders and if we leave slack for tidal change the boat would drift in and out of the slip. very small finger pier and the pilings just weren't ideal for my boat. Would be OK for a few days but not for a few months.

Gulfport Harbor is really a great place except for the 'no live-aboard' policy. Waste pump-out fixtures every so many slips. Good thing the admiral was not on the throne when I hooked it up. With the super suction, she would still be wedged in the potty seat.
Hi Charles,

Chris here. Looks like Eileen and I might run the Last Tango through the Tenn-Tom this spring after it warms up a little. Hope you are doing well.
Still waiting on parts to come through via UPS.
Parts are becoming harder to get for an older boat.
I went everywhere I could think of to find an automatic choke for my engine. NAPA and O'Reillys salesman remember them bijng pulled from the books. Luckily found it at an AutoZone through one of their suppliers. Since I need one now, I ordered 3 at only $14 each. I or someone else I know will need this in the future. taking 5 days to get a carburetor wedge plate shipped and could take up to 2 weeks to get my generator distributer cap and rotor through the mail. Took me many many phone calls to even locate someone that could even find my generator parts.

Aside from that, we decided to stay in Gulfport for a few mare weeks and if we have to, we will move to Long Beach Marina for a month or so before we make the the next lag of our trip. We scrapped the Ocean Springs idea and is now out of the picture. Everything on the web and on the phone seemed good. In reality, the slip for us would be 2 feet wider than the boat. barely room for fenders and if we leave slack for tidal change the boat would drift in and out of the slip. very small finger pier and the pilings just weren't ideal for my boat. Would be OK for a few days but not for a few months.

Gulfport Harbor is really a great place except for the 'no live-aboard' policy. Waste pump-out fixtures every so many slips. Good thing the admiral was not on the throne when I hooked it up. With the super suction, she would still be wedged in the potty seat.
Are you waiting on a Velvet Drive Damper plate? Did you try M&L Industries in Houma? They typically have them in stock. They have serviced my Velvet Drives for many years.
Last Tango

I called Velvet Drive and they gave me the tel no. of M&L. I received the Damper Plate the very next day. Nice folks to deal with.
I'm waiting on a new carburetor Wedge Plate coming from Connecticut. it should be here on Friday.
Some generator parts will be here in about another week or so.

We are really enjoying Gulfport Small Craft Harbor in Ms. Definitely beats being stranded under the Morgan City bridge.
I will be flying back to Houston area on Fri to get my van and bring it to Ms. We will stay here until mid-March/Early April and then head up the Tenn-Tom to Ky. Lake for the rest of 2014. Then figure out where next for 2015.
Tony, if you need a place to stay Friday night, I am in Conroe...just PM me.

I have some friends in Kemah picking me up at Hobby Airport and I will be staying with them. I really do appreciate the offer though.

Let me take the time to say that between here and other forums, I have made friends for life. I have not been hurting for rides to get around and for general shopping. My only regret is that I didn't get to meet more of you face to face. I just missed you in crossing and I just missed Charles Culotta. We were, however, fortunate enough to meet Steve Willett and some members of another forum. You guys are what cruising is all about.

We met this couple on a sailboat in Houma. They rented a car and offered us rides and we became sorta friends as much as 15 minutes of face to face allows. We left Houma and they stayed behind for a few days. When we got to Harvey Lock in New Orleans we learned we could not get through because the N.O. Industrial Lock was closed for repair. I called our new found friends to let them know about this so they wouldn't get stuck in an undesirable spot like we did. They didn't get their message until they were pulling up behind us again in Harvey, La. tied up at Boomtown Casino. We were there 8 days before the Lock was fixed. We headed to the Gulf Outlet Canal while they went their own way to be near downtown New Orleans.
A few days later we were in Gulfport, Ms. Low and behold, the very next day, there they are coming into the marina. After a while you get the feeling you are being stalked. LOL. His wife was feeling pretty bad with a cold and bronchial condition. They had a baby electric heater and it was cold. We lent them our emergency propane heater and a 20 lb bottle. His wife said that it was the first time their floor was warm in a long time. Since then we have become good friends. I have rented a car on several occasions and returned the favors. Last evening, a trawler came in with a broken heater while we are expecting sub-freezing temperatures. We already had ours loaned out but one of the marina security people got one off their own personal boat. The admiral had just made a batch of our favorite sub-arctic food - CHILI!. I filled up a plastic tub and walked down the frozen pier and gave it to the new guys. So, when things are good, repay life's little favors to the universe and make someone else's day a lot better.

damn, I got way too much time on my hands.
Eileen and I are planning to head up the Tenn Tom this spring with the Last Tango also. Departing Patterson (near Morgan City) early March. Saw your notes on the Gulfport Small Craft Harbor. Yes, they did a nice job of renovation. We spent a few days there last spring. Prior, we have stopped there numerous times on our sailboat cruising to / from the Bahamas. Nice safe stop to sit out bad weather and there are a few decent chandleries around for vessel goodies.
Velvet Drive Damper plate?

The damper plate that will fit any engine tranny combination can be had in more than one grade.

The stock plate can be replaced with a far more robust plate at very modest cost.
Velvet Drive Damper plate?.....The stock plate can be replaced with a far more robust plate at very modest cost.

Yes, the one I had shipped to me cost under $150 with shipping included. it is way way more robust than what came off my boat.
Eileen and I are planning to head up the Tenn Tom this spring with the Last Tango also. ...........

I sent you a PM with my cell number. Hope to meet up with you along the way. We will be staying in Gulfport till late March/early April. If we have to leave we will only go 3 miles away to Long Beach Harbor
I sent you a PM with my cell number. Hope to meet up with you along the way. We will be staying in Gulfport till late March/early April. If we have to leave we will only go 3 miles away to Long Beach Harbor

Hi Tony,

Where y'all at now.

We hope to get the Last Tango underway about the 26th. Have been changing out all the ports 1 left to go. There was lots of hidden rot and it kept me busy.

All is ready to go other than provisions. Will head to Mobile Bay and do a quick haul at Dog River for a bottom check and new rudder zincs.

I lost your number when I replaced my phone when I retired. Please resend.

Hope this finds y'all well!

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