Transformation Continues

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You've done it!
The GB's are so seldom seen w/o the FB there's no comparison. But now we have it. To me sans FB is perfect, better and better looking but many aren't comfortable w different than usual houses, cars, boats or whatever. Thinking out of the box comes natural for others (like myself) but in this case it seems that most any honest person can see your boat looks better .. longer, faster, more stable .. or even sleeker ... at least visually but perhaps to a small degree otherwise too. But then I'm biased. I've been say'in fly bridges are kinda silly all along. Does this make you out to be kind of a myth buster? To some degree yes.

Kinda odd how people who either never have had or have amputated their fly bridge like to down-talk fly bridges in general. Basically trying to show how correct they are in not having one and how "silly" (see post quote above) they feel it is for boaters to have one.

While on the other hand... I can not recall any posts where owners of boats with a fly bridge ever bother to waste time down-talking people who have boats with no FB and who must remain confined inside closed quarters aboard whenever cruising and at most other times too. There is a reason for this... keep reading, please.

Often when one group attacks another group for a difference of opinion... it is because the attacker feels some how inferior to or frightened by the difference openly displayed by the others. Thus creating a conflict of fight or flight in the attacking group's mind. In this case, regarding fly bridges, the fight syndrome is accomplished by the attacker trying in words to completely discredit the value of FB's. When these same fly bridge attackers are in the flight mode... they simply sit quietly and stew over what they can eventually get a chance to say in some other post for further down-talk regarding the flying bridge.

Correctly proportioned and well designed FB on a boat are only silly if they are never used. If owners like to be atop on the bridge then they are not silly at all... but rather, a Fly bridge becomes an intricate useful boat portion. Some, (we included) spend 99.9% of out time up on the bridge while cruising (actually with the motors running at all). We also have guests and ourselves migrate onto the bridge when we all are gathering outside on the sundeck to enjoy openness.

IMO - what is silly is to have many, many square feet of "upper deck" (on top of salon) siting there accomplishing nothing except as a roof when inside. However, if the top is used for dink storage, solar panels, sun bathing (which I don't recommend) or other useful purposes then having it flat with no fly bridge seems appropriate.

I write this post simply to exemplify that having or not having a fly bridge or a flat top is perfectly OK. And, that for persons who do not have or even like a fly bridge... there is simply no need or use in stewing how to best attach FB's by words such as "silly" in posts.

Different strokes for different folks and each to their own!

BTW: I feel the GB in this thread looks great with or without a flying bridge and wish untold years of boating enjoyment to all boat owners.
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PS: Eric your flat top Willy looks great too!
OMG Art,
It's just an opinion.
Untill boats get down to about 23' the FB is not stupid. It's just a boat option. Any boat is a better boat w/o them but the downsides are fairly small. For that matter most boats would be better boats if their whole cabin was stripped off. Lighter, lower ctr of grav ect ect. But the downsides would be great on a cruising boat. Same thing but taken to an extreme.

The FB is wholly justified if the boater gets enough use out of it, likes it and has no problems w the downsides like windage, CG, cost, extra weight and it's effect on performance ect ect. Just a matter of balance.
Kinda odd how people who either never have had or have amputated their fly bridge like to down-talk fly bridges in general.......

While on the other hand... I can not recall any posts where owners of boats with a fly bridge ever bother to waste time down-talking people who have boats with no FB...........

....but rather, a Fly bridge becomes an intricate useful boat portion......
there is simply no need or use in stewing how to best attach FB's by words such as "silly" in posts..
Art: Stop harboring those feelings about fly-bridge opiinions and tell us how you really feel.:popcorn::hide:
As this transformation into the boat we want continues we will be adding a box along the centerline aft of the mast to hold our kayaking gear and the mast and pieces of the sailing dinghy. I plan on installing solar panels to the top of that box. We will keep our kayaks and paddle boards along the sides and the sailing dinghy on the swim step.

This project is in no way a judgment of flybridges it is simply to suite our needs.

Plus it looks pretty cool!
OMG Art,
It's just an opinion.
Untill boats get down to about 23' the FB is not stupid. It's just a boat option. Any boat is a better boat w/o them but the downsides are fairly small. For that matter most boats would be better boats if their whole cabin was stripped off. Lighter, lower ctr of grav ect ect. But the downsides would be great on a cruising boat. Same thing but taken to an extreme.

The FB is wholly justified if the boater gets enough use out of it, likes it and has no problems w the downsides like windage, CG, cost, extra weight and it's effect on performance ect ect. Just a matter of balance.

Eric - Be honest now... in the post to which I answered you used the word silly, not the word stupid; seemingly to include all FB's.

And, this gently worded post is not as you have many times sounded while down-talking FB's. Another fight or flight emotional object of feeling sometimes comes into play... i.e. denial by back tracking.

Tiz best to admit to a problem... than there is chance to repair oneself.

I know you can handle it - 75% I say in jest - 25% not so! :whistling: :D

PS: I believe the many, many posts of yours regarding uselessness of FB's was with the %ages reversed compared to end of my last sentence. :ermm:
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As this transformation into the boat we want continues we will be adding a box along the centerline aft of the mast to hold our kayaking gear and the mast and pieces of the sailing dinghy. I plan on installing solar panels to the top of that box. We will keep our kayaks and paddle boards along the sides and the sailing dinghy on the swim step.

This project is in no way a judgment of flybridges it is simply to suite our needs.

Bob - My posts have been aimed directly at Eric and a few others. Not you! :D

I've been reading his/their anti FB rhetoric for years... with little to no meaningful retort in favor of flying bridges. Figured I'd clearly state my piece. Let the cards fall where they will. :thumb:
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Mr. mb. Sistership to my new (to me) boat c/w flybridge @ 23' Penn Yan!


Back to Mr. BC' s wonderful transformation...
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My current boat does not have a flying bridge and I miss it. One of lifes great joys was toddling down the ICW or Erie Canal on a fresh summer morning with a coffee and my feet up on the flying bridge.
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One of lifes great joys was toddling down the ICW or Erie Canal on a fresh summer morning with a coffee and my feet up on the flying bridge.

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Just waiting for the wireless remote AP then it's off to the bow and a comfy seat!
You all are tough on this subject. Currently no FB and love it. I think safety, fun and courtesy is paramount.:socool:


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Looks great Bob. I'm not anti flying bridge, but I do believe it improved the aesthetics of the boat. It will be perfect for kayak storage. We keep two on top of our pilot house. So, alas, no room for solar either.

What is a lapstrake ranger? A Minto? A R-12?
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One of these:


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Bob, I saw you cruise by Taylor Dock this afternoon in the sunshine. Best looking GB 32! The sleek lines are very pleasing, and the covered aft deck just belongs there! Well done! Bill

Waydago...Who needs flybridges anyway..? I'd lose mine in an instant if I could, and then take up the whole top with extra solar panels. :thumb:

PS. I know I could, but it's cost more to do than is worth it, and it is nice up there sometimes.:)
Hi Bob. I was wondering how you ended up treating your teak rails after stripping them? I have mine almost completely stripped now. I lov and am trying to decide on how to finish them.
We used Teak Guard. After sanding the tails were cleaned with their super cleaner and a stiff brush, 24 hours later 2 coats put on with a foam brush, 24 hours after that a light buff with bronze wool and 2 more coats. We have a total of eight coats and a very happy with the look and feel.

It takes 1 bottle of cleaner and 2 bottles of Teak Guard to do the rails and anchor pulpit. We got it on Amazon.

There are some photos on our Facebook page, M/V Ebbtide.
Just installed some wooden knobs on the Morse Controls. The were made and given to us by Capt Don on Brassbounder.

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Those look great. Very nice touch.

Don on Brassbounder! That's a name from the past (Rendezvous actually). We lost touch when I went aluminum and got kicked off the GB site. Please give him my best and remind him I have a drum of gin onboard!? Ken

Nice balls!
Nice pair of balls to go with your woodie. This is perhaps my favorite individual GB boat, you are quite the good custodian of it too Bob.

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