TF Southeast Florida Gathering?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Denial of the theft of beer by a noted beer thief, mmmmm

So far you are the only one accusing me of that. :rofl:

Not quite where you got the idea...went back and reread the posts and still dont....:confused:

I see my error, "Plus, Don has done well with getting enough people to circle the beer cooler to keep me from scaring off the desireables. He tosses me me a cool one just enough and must have a deal with OC Diver to babysit me during the gatherings". You don't steal the beer, the guys just give you one now and then to keep you happy and away from the group. LMAO. I need to remember the secret to keep you at bay. :)
As a participant of last years activities, I can vouch for psneeed's honesty and integrity. He only drinks in moderation, just like myself :). It's Don you need to watch for....he keeps nudging the beer cooler towards you, hoping you won't notice the green bottle he has clutched to his chest.
Well, in that case I'll turn on my personal AIS so I'll know where the beer stealer is at all time, a 15 yard zone should work. LOL

I can vouch for psneeld. He wasn't taking them out of Don's cooler any faster than I was. :rolleyes:

If you're worried about beer theft, put the cheap stuff (clydesdale piss) on top and put the good stuff at the bottom of the cooler. If all you have is the cheap stuff, then you have nothing to worry about......from me anyway. ;)

Just realized we will be about an hour away in Sebring during this event so will likely travel over to meet some people. The boat is covered in snow so it's staying home.
Having never attended this event before but having been around boaters all my life I think I will cast a suspicious eye at anyone around the beer cooler for more than a few minutes. Suspect everyone, trust no one! I think I'm learning, as a first timer I hope my learning curve is fast otherwise I may be eaten by the wolves. LOL
Since I am only 6 NM from Ft Pierce, I will probably be there with my "new to me" Prairie 29.
......worried about beer theft, ....If all you have is the cheap stuff, then you have nothing to worry about......from me anyway. ;)Ted

I can vouch for Ted's taste for optimum quality. The last time I saw him with a beer in his hand, it was so exclusive, it didn't even have a name on it.


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A month or two ago I had two cases of Kalik that I was saving and then I thought that I might die before drinking them, so.......

I sometimes drink high end beers but after the first six pack I can switch to Cheapo Beer and never know the difference. LOL
I can vouch for Ted's taste for optimum quality. The last time I saw him with a beer in his hand, it was so exclusive, it didn't even have a name on it.

Well, if the SW FL Chapter of TF shows up remember to keep an eye on 'em. I don't think any of them own real boats. Just imaginary ones that are photo shopped. They're the ones to watch.:eek:
Don. Your making this very complicated for a first timer of who to watch and for what violation and who is safe (maybe). It is too much for my feeble brain, perhaps after a few years at this shindig I will recognize the west coast guys (Hawaiian shirts, flip flops and mirrored sunglasses) from the normal real boaters with real boats. LOL
Don. Your making this very complicated for a first timer of who to watch and for what violation and who is safe (maybe). It is too much for my feeble brain, perhaps after a few years at this shindig I will recognize the west coast guys (Hawaiian shirts, flip flops and mirrored sunglasses) from the normal real boaters with real boats. LOL

Don't worry Biggish. In time maybe you'll get to our level.
I sure hope so, if I do will I be taught the secret hand shake and horn blast? :)
Mr. Bigfish. Sinking to the level of the participants is NOT something I would aspire to. Never attended, just reading between the lines...

RT. Sinking to their level?. I think not, I'm probably starting below them, but would like to assend to their level one day. Perhaps an offering of some quality beer might help. What do you think or suggest? Since Psneed isn't allowed in the area should I walk a special offering to just him? Just trying to learn how to conduct myself at the gathering, any help is appreciated.
Well, if the SW FL Chapter of TF shows up remember to keep an eye on 'em. I don't think any of them own real boats. Just imaginary ones that are photo shopped. They're the ones to watch.:eek:

This sounds like a diversion to change the focus to the TF SW FL Chapter. I'm guessing the wax and polish crew are MIA at the Moonstruck dock. Just to be clear, no excuses accepted if she ain't Bristol. They'll be handing out sunglasses when Bucky and Slow Hand arrive. :socool:

Well, if the SW FL Chapter of TF shows up remember to keep an eye on 'em. I don't think any of them own real boats. Just imaginary ones that are photo shopped. They're the ones to watch.:eek:

Beg to differ there, Don. Ted has a boat that embarasses my abilities in Photoshop and I've got one that just embarasses my abilities.
I have always been of the belief that God (we can say that now since Trump won) invented fiberglass for those who don't like to spend time and energy of making a boat Bristol.
Larry, Ted wasn't a West Coast boat when he came in last year. As I recall his boat had never been to the FL SW Coast then. So, he doesn't count. If you guys over there have real boats bring them over so as we can see.:D
I have always been of the belief that God (we can say that now since Trump won) invented fiberglass for those who don't like to spend time and energy of making a boat Bristol.

A little over 40 years ago there was a big sign running along the wall of the Uniflite plant in Swansboro, NC. It read:

"If God had intended that we have fiberglass boats He would have made fiberglass trees."

Trees were a little difficult watering, feeding and trimming so he invent fiberglass rolls and 55 gallon drums of fertilizer. :)
Larry, Ted wasn't a West Coast boat when he came in last year. As I recall his boat had never been to the FL SW Coast then. So, he doesn't count. If you guys over there have real boats bring them over so as we can see.:D

Slow Hand spent January through March of 2014 in Fort Myers. Been a registered SW FL boat for 3 years.

Slow Hand spent January through March of 2014 in Fort Myers. Been a registered SW FL boat for 3 years.


Well, then I'll think up another reason that Slow Hand shouldn't count.:ermm:

I've got it! That was a different boat. It had a white hull. See, it couldn't have been Slow Hand. She has a blue hull.
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Well, then I'll think up another reason that Slow Hand shouldn't count.:ermm:

I've got it! That was a different boat. It had a white hull. See, it couldn't have been Slow Hand. She has a blue hull.
Pointless to argue with logic like that. :rolleyes: Don't you have a boat that needs detailing. :angel:

Everybody has a boat in need of detailing the question is do we do it ourselves or pay someone to do it. Or, my choice, debate this question over a few years. :)
Just giving the thread a bump. Feb 2-5th. I talked to the marina and they said things are full but transient room maybe available.

I made my reservations awhile ago. Is there a chance that Don reserved some slips for the guys coming?
I cleared my schedule and would be able to attend. Southerly's fluids are all changed and she is running great! (knock on wood). However, I do not have enough faith in myself to single hand her.

To all going, take some pictures for me and have a blast!

Your so close it should be easy to find a crew to help. Hell, you can't get lost! ��
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