TF Gathering in SE Florida 2020...2/20-2/23

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hate that she had to go through that, Don. The doc at Urgent Care was great—once we finally got in. CVS was spectacularly awful . . . right down to the stereotypical passive-aggressive “clerk-who-doesn’t-give-a-s**t” who ate up much of our Saturday. I ended up calling CVS corporate to complain.

Ian, There is a Walgreens at the corner of S 25th St and Hiway 70 that couldn’t have been nicer. We have used that pharmacy before with same results. I have tried to get a prescription refilled at CVS on S US 1 with similar results to yours.
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Had we known you were coming by road trailer we would have put up the closed/full sign. Next time bring Homo. :)

Watfa says thanks for all the help, and thanks to Jewell. Plus all the guys thank Wendy for attending (Baker not so much). :)
Looks like a lot of fun was had by all. One of these years our family ski trip won't be on the same dates - I hope. Our date is a bit out of my hands - dear friend has house in Aspen she loans to us each year - but she sets the dates. Beggars can't be choosy :whistling:
Thanks to all for what was, IMO, the BEST TF Gathering so far! They keep getting betterer and betterer!

Great friends, great food, great drinks, great boats, great times...what more could you possibly ask for besides great weather. But the stormy skies and near-gale force winds didn't really slow us down a bit. Pilou's sweater was almost lost to Davey Jones' locker while touring Irv's 54 GB Gotcha but her recovery was successful!

Here are my photos and I know others have some great group pics from Friday and Saturday nights. I hope Ian, Wendy and the others will be able to post them up here.

Irv, I think Ollie and Pilou deserve the Long Distance Award this year. France is about twice as far as Northern California. It was so great to finally meet them after several unsuccessful attempts in the past on the best coast. Great Secret Guests, Don!

Ollie/Pilou and I now looking forward to a summer cruise into the California Delta with our boats following the July 4th celebrations. Anyone else want to join in a TF Delta Gunkholing Cruise in July 2020? Good ground tackle and a dinghy required for maximum fun and flexibility. (New thread at a later date.)

PS. I counted 25 people seated and eating in Irv and Watfa's salon, galley and lower helm during our Saturday night dinner. That was most impressive!! Then, after dinner, we ALL congregated in the cockpit for the raffle! Thanks to all who contributed prizes. No left empty handed, hungry or unhappy. Just sorry Trina fell ill before the big night. Hope she's on the mend or over it by now.

Al, my good friend, sorry to dethrone you from the reward of the longest distance in which you triumphed hands down over previous years, indeed all good things must come to an end, in our increasingly globalized world no doubt that competition is tough :)

Then if the 2021 TF gathering would still allow international members to attend we will be very glad to join again by spending more time with this very friendly group.

Until that, we will be happy to join your flotilla following the 4th of July celebrations in the California delta. I hope you don't mind that I am sharing this great pic of Flywright taken from your beautilful calendar "2020 Delta Bridges" which you kindly shipped us.

P.S. it's good that Pilou shared the secret with Belle (BandB). It was the proof that women are very good at keeping secret BUT they need to get together to do so (just kidding, of course).

Ollie & Pilou


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I don’t care what anyone says, you and your lovely bride are welcome anytime to the Ft Pierce Gathering as long as I am there. You guys add class to our motley (Wendy excluded as she certainly is not motley).

Thanks for attending, next year Watfa has a great meal being planned.
Irv, Jewel said she is sad you called her motley. [emoji51]

Well, she might have been a little bit motley Friday night...

Tell Jewel I owe her, my bad, Jewel certainly isn’t motley. :)

I don’t care what anyone says, you and your lovely bride are welcome anytime to the Ft Pierce Gathering as long as I am there. You guys add class to our motley (Wendy excluded as she certainly is not motley).

Thanks for attending, next year Watfa has a great meal being planned.

Thank you very much Irv for your thoughfulness, we are looking forward. Pilou will be glad to help and assist Watfa in her task, she is very efficient when she has a mission to accomplish :).

A motley group ? Even better ! That's what all of this is about.
Nothing is more annoying than uniformity. As the French saying goes : "l'ennui naquit de l'uniformité" which can be translated as "boredom was born a day of uniformity".


Great news, Watfa has been recruiting galley slaves for years first Lena and also Jewel (Wendy has been more difficult to recruit she seems more interested in Baker which none of us understand). Watfa’s goal is sit back and drink red wine while the others do the work (you didn’t hear that from me) and accept the accolades. Pilou sounds like her newest recruit.

Looking forward to next year. We really look forward to spending time with our Trawler Forum family, it the highlight of our boating year.
Al (Flywright) came in Fort Pierce with a copy of the great calendars “Delta Bridges 2020” he made himself :thumb:, so I would like to return to that topic about the bridges in the Bay Area we discussed there between two guys who love bridges rather than walls. Hopefully I am not hijacking this thread.

In 2012 a major renovation "The Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Construction Project" was performed on the Bridge infrastructure which was the installation of new roadway deck panels (fabricated in Napa, CA) that replaced the North Anchorage Housing roof/roadway deck. The first new deck section was installed on February 13, 2012, the last roadway deck section was installed on July 9, 2012. This work was done at night with traffic allowed to cross the Bridge at all times.

At that time, since one of the operating major companies was owned by a good friend of mine in Marin County, CA, I got one of the iron bars built between 1935 and 1937 at the original construction of the Bridge which had just been replaced by new ones. These bars were welded to large metallic powders on the deck bridge to maintain its steel structure. On-site of my friend’s company we cut the bar into 3 sections for easier transport on my flight back to France.

On attached picture it's interesting to note the bending of the right section due to weight constraints which resulted in a mechanical deformation. Perhaps that flexibility of the materials provided good resistance to different pressures also to weather conditions especially temperature shocks ? just wondering.

These original sections of Golden Gate Bridge remained in place during 75 years, bearing traffic of 1,941,900,000 vehicles (*) (**) for the period between the bridge opened to traffic in May 1937 and the Bridge Seismic Retrofit Construction Project in 2012. In late 2012 these historic pieces of iron became mobile in turn, traveled 6,000 miles from Marin County CA to my home in France, leaving Pacific ocean to cross Atlantic ocean. As I write this post, one of these original Golden Gate Bridge sections is traveling 6,000 miles again, now from my city back to San Francisco Bay which seems to be a just return, for a well-deserved retirement aboard Al's boat "Flywright".

(*) Plus about 10,000 pedestrians rolling across the Golden Gate Bridge every day along with 6,000 bikes, according to current estimates from the District.

(**) On October 17, 1989 during evening commute the Bay Area experienced the Loma Prieta earthquake. The Golden Gate Bridge wasn't damaged, then to the failure of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge 30,000 to 40,000 drivers were diverted from the East Bay to Highway 101 and the Golden Gate Bridge in addition to the normal daily traffic on Highway 101. On October 27, 1989, the all-time record of 162,414 vehicles crossed the Golden Gate Bridge in both South and North directions.


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Ollie, I can't tell you how excited I am to have one of those bars "coming home" to the SF Bay aboard FlyWright! Thanks so much for your generosity and thoughfulness.

Whattayathink? Should I paint it the color of FlyWright and the Golden Gate Bridge? It will be properly displayed in a position of honor aboard FlyWright.


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Al. If you are having trouble if where to place the Bridge Bar I’m sure some of us can provide you with a place. :)
Ollie, I can't tell you how excited I am to have one of those bars "coming home" to the SF Bay aboard FlyWright! Thanks so much for your generosity and thoughfulness.

Whattayathink? Should I paint it the color of FlyWright and the Golden Gate Bridge? It will be properly displayed in a position of honor aboard FlyWright.

That is so cool Al. Congrats, and on the calendar also :thumb:
Ollie, I can't tell you how excited I am to have one of those bars "coming home" to the SF Bay aboard FlyWright! Thanks so much for your generosity and thoughfulness.

Whattayathink? Should I paint it the color of FlyWright and the Golden Gate Bridge? It will be properly displayed in a position of honor aboard FlyWright.

You are most welcome Al, it’s my pleasure. Glad that this Bridge bar came back home to be displayed on your boat. As the saying goes, honor given where honor is due.

Upon completion of The Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Construction Project in 2012 I took pictures of - I guess - the replaced bars and steel beams, not yet painted or perhaps finished with colourless surface protection, which is interesting to compare with the 2 first pictures I took in 2011 - before the retrofit - where everything just seems to be painted with plain color. Therefore color of paint is your choice, you are now the heritage guardian :).


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Ollie, I can't tell you how excited I am to have one of those bars "coming home" to the SF Bay aboard FlyWright! .
This is my kind of story....A fellow Forum member and a Frenchman coming together with a piece of Golden Gate History. :thumb:


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Man, what a neat collectable to have aboard FlyWright! I’d make a lamp or something out of it. Of course, it would make a heck of a weapon.

Great news, Watfa has been recruiting galley slaves for years first Lena and also Jewel (Wendy has been more difficult to recruit she seems more interested in Baker which none of us understand). Watfa’s goal is sit back and drink red wine while the others do the work (you didn’t hear that from me) and accept the accolades. Pilou sounds like her newest recruit.

Looking forward to next year. We really look forward to spending time with our Trawler Forum family, it the highlight of our boating year.

Thank you Irv & Watfa, looking forward as well. I will be glad to help in taking active part in the preparation and cooking of the meal before enjoying it all together. Also I may add a French touch in it if Watfa permitting ? :)
February return to San Francisco via Golden Gate on the Grand Princess in Feb. 2020. It was a rare daytime arrival. (Schedules arrive was 5 a.m. but actual was 2:00 p.m. A day and a half out of Honolulu we turned back due to a passenger's critical illness. Couldn't make up the time lost even with a Jones Act exemption allowing skipping Ensenada.)


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In order to give him peace of mind I would like to reassure my honorable friend John that I have not committed myself to any kind of subversive behavior. In simple words, to add a French touch in it doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a French maid outfit :D:D:D .
In order to give him peace of mind I would like to reassure my honorable friend John that I have not committed myself to any kind of subversive behavior. In simple words, to add a French touch in it doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a French maid outfit :D:D:D .
WOW! A little "back & forth" like the above could definitely result in more attendees next year! :hide:
In order to give him peace of mind I would like to reassure my honorable friend John that I have not committed myself to any kind of subversive behavior. In simple words, to add a French touch in it doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a French maid outfit :D:D:D .

Hahaha...thanks for the clarification!!! Looking forward to next year already.
WOW! A little "back & forth" like the above could definitely result in more attendees next year! :hide:
Funny ! or to drive away everyone :D

Hahaha...thanks for the clarification!!! Looking forward to next year already.

Looking forward as well :)

Since our return from Florida, as a doctor of pharmacy I therefore was professionally propelled with many others in the front line of an asymmetric warfare against an invisible, better equipped enemy whose we knew so little, I mean SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

It was good to take a break from things, sharing joke and laugh.
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WOW! A little "back & forth" like the above could definitely result in more attendees next year! :hide:


Does this mean that we could see your smiling face next year?
Baker, was it Wendy who took the guys and gals photos on Friday's Pizza Night in the Admiral's Lounge? I haven't seen those posted here yet. Maybe the photog was someone besides Wendy?
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