TF Gathering in SE Florida 2019

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Scott Don’s boy in Training is Larry with Leana to make sure he doesn’t screw up. Street dock, are you saying that Very Slow Hand has scared you off again?

Not sure Larry could ever be anyone's boy .... :)

Ted is a gentleman and fine yacht owner... I would never dock close enough where my boat could absorb some of that shine.
RT. I guess we will have to get a bunch of us to kidnap you and bring you to Ft Pierce (Don says you don’t have to help with the cats) and we will even feed and ply you with booze.
RT. For a week before the gathering you better sleep with one eye open and a gun under your pillow. :)
I have a credibility issue. I’ve promised to make this gathering twice and failed miserably both times. BUT this time I’m gonna make it. Unlike the past years, this time I’m already on the correct coast and not too far away in Cocoa. I stopped at Ft. Pierce Municipal Marina on my way here so I think I might be able to find my way back there. I already have a sippy cup so no special arrangements need be made. Will gladly allow Scot Free to be used as a glare absorber as found necessary to mitigate the effect of inconsiderate owners who show up with an overly shiny boat. I’m good like that.
McGill. You’ll fit in just fine and Scott will appreciate you kind offer to absorb Ted’s shine (he has to protect his N V for the helio after hours). Ted’s boat is like those giant searchlights that are directed into the shy to attract customers, people come from miles and your stepping up to block Ted’s shine. Nice.
Got my reservations 20-25th. Yay.
Heading to the Bahamas in November so will stop in there beforehand anyway.
McG. Great the more the merrier, Dons taxi will be working overtime (be sure to tip the driver). Watfa loves to cook so if the group keeps growing she may need to borrow Lena’s oven again this year and Ted’s ice cubes (our new machine is doing great).
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Now read this!

OK, guys and gals now you've done it. I got a note from the marina to call Ann. I was being called on the carpet. Instead of me assembling all the reservations, and turning the in as a group, you guys had been calling one by one.

Ann explained to me the rules for boat clubs. I said that any resemblance to a boat club by this group would be purely accidental. We have no structure, and no leader. It's just a group of friends that get together in February for a long weekend. This is before everyone going back up north. I don't think she showed a full understanding of my analogy of "herding cats".

We decided that half or more had made their reservation, so the rest can make their reservations directly with the marina. Ask for Brenda or Ann, and please follow their instructions.
Sir Don

“ We have no structure, and no leader. ”

Lies, lies and more lies”. You are definitely our leader and have the major domo title, further that is why you collect the big salary. Probably easier for those attending to go direct so they can ask for a slip close to Slow Hand to be embarrassed or further away to enjoy the peace and serenity.

Don if you can give Watfa an idea of how many she needs to cook for it would be beneficial to your health (and mine)

Thanks, it’s a thankless job.
Wifey B: I shall not laugh. I shall not laugh. I shall not laugh. I shall not laugh.


I tried to organize a gathering with a group of teachers once. What do teachers fuss about constantly? Kids not following instructions. Kids not paying attention. I'm sorry to all my friends, but no group of kids has ever rivaled that group of teachers.

In the email, I send the address and a map. I get emails back asking where it's going to be and how to get there. I tell them to print out the directions and map and then go thumb a ride along the highway and hand it to the driver. I had day, date, and time. I get emails back asking when it is. I tell them that's a secret and why I typed it in Arial Black so they couldn't read it. I tell them to bring nothing, that all food is provided. I get emails back asking what they should bring. I tell them enough Prime Rib and Lobster to serve 40. I tell them their spouses or partners or boyfriends/girlfriends are welcome as are their kids, but I must have a list of who is coming. I get back questions asking if Ralph can come. I say if Ralph is one of those listed he can but not if he's your dog. Out of 30 people it was sent to, I got correct responses, accepting or saying they couldn't come and if accepting listing who would come from 7. 10 sent no response so I had to call and they seem shocked that I called. The rest required emails back and forth and on at least 2 or 3 of those I gave up and called them.

Oh, it doesn't stop there. 4 were not there 30 minutes after the time it was scheduled. 1 of those thought it was another day. 1 thought it was a different time. 1 was just running late. 1 was completely lost but didn't have the email with my phone number, nor GPS, nor a map. My hubby then stayed on the phone with her the entire trip, directing her turn by turn. Apparently, she finally made it and parked and then asked "now what do I do?" because my hubby told her to "take your clothes off and get out of the car and walk toward the group of people in front of you." Her response was, "they have their clothes on." See, I'm not the only smarta... in the family. By that time someone had walked to her car and walked her our way, still clothed.

So, I'm laughing with you dudes, not at you. Just a typical group and no worse at following directions than any others, better than some. "Herding cats" would have been easier than elementary teachers. :D

Like a very smart friend of mine would say “what do you expect from people”. :banghead:

Like a very smart friend of mine would say “what do you expect from people”. :banghead:

Wifey B: I think back to the old putting people in a circle and #1 whispers something and then they pass it all around and it's nothing like what started. Here Moonstruck was trying to do people a favor by doing extra work. Now, he can relax and just say "not my job.' :)

It really doesn't matter, it's just his post is funny. And he gets chided as if he's supposed to control the freaking way. :eek:
The excercise was called "telephone" where I came from. Sort of like reading the boating urban legends passed along right here on TF. :)
The excercise was called "telephone" where I came from. Sort of like reading the boating urban legends passed along right here on TF. :)

Well I'm just guessing here Scott, but you ain't from Tennessee are ya?:D
No, we actually had telephones in our indoor facilities... :)
Well I'm just guessing here Scott, but you ain't from Tennessee are ya?:D
Hey my wife( that I met at a family reunion) and I are from Tennessee. What are you getting at?
No, we actually had telephones in our indoor facilities... :)

Yeah, well my hound dog thinks you Yanks do everything backwards. He thinks cooking in the back yard and using the toilet in the house is just nasty.:D Why use telephones when everyone is just a holler away? We just yell. A long distance call to us is when the message has to be relayed.
Hey my wife( that I met at a family reunion) and I are from Tennessee. What are you getting at?

Marty, that is the traditional way of finding a wife in Tennessee----at family reunions. It's just a culture thing.
Yeah Don! Well Marin's dog called me the other night on his smartphone talking $hit about your hound dog :)

We had quite the discussion while I was comfortably sitting down,..if you get my drift. ;)

Oh boy, FT Pierce better hang on if Don gets fired up this early. :eek:
Don if I can make it to Ft Pierce,together we could teach these boys some rhythm with our traditional Tennessee Hambone skills. I perform every weekend on the dock as long as the rum is flowing.
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Irv from Bigfish keeps one 500 gallon tank pristine or full of rum just for the get together.

The phantom rum sipper is still a threat though. :)
Irv on departure!!!


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I need to make sure the Lesbian cruise convention is not in town. It made for a tough time non rev travel to get home!!! As we were stuck in the airport I noticed a proliferation of not so well dressed women wearing very comfortable shoes....if ya know wha'am sayin'!!!
We stayed an extra day and threw caution to the wind as it related to being able to non-rev to get home. Here was how that extra day went...and it probably added about $1000 to the trip for that little boat ride.

<<Yesterday Wendy said, “Let’s stay another day...the weather is will be fun!”....she said. I said but the flights don’t look so great tomorrow and the one tonight is wide open. She said let’s live dangerously and worry about that tomorrow... And let’s rent a boat. It will be fun she said...$$$$$ was. Let’s go eat she said. It will be fun she said....$$$$$. We can go to the airport early she said so we can have back up flights she said. We are now at the airport and it is not very fun. We’ve missed many flights and the standby list gets rolled and gets longer and more senior as the day goes on. She said “we” will have to buy tickets. You are a rich captain she said...$$$$$. Many hundreds of dollars later to spend 24 more hours in So. Florida, 10 of which was at the FLL airport, we have seats on the last flight out...$$$$$. is the one time I forgot my unable to ride the jumpseat...$$$$$

Ps...Wendy did not approve of this message!!!!...she said!!!.$$$$$

Pss...for our boat trip, Wendy said we need booze she said. So I googled the nearest liquor store. It wasn’t very near and it was OST(other side of the tracks). It was one of those liquor stores that was “open” but the doors were know what I’m saying...there was a doorbell...and they buzz you in...and a mean dog behind the counter. And then she said, “ I want grapefruit vodka”...she said. I said, “Do you really think a place like this has GRAPEFRUIT vodka????” I want grapefruit vodka!!!!....she said!!!! I said stay in the car and lock the doors. So I go in...the patrons and proprietor of this fine establishment we’re staring in disbelief of this white boy and his pretty white girl on this side of the tracks looking for some poofda flavored vodka!!! They had every flavor of vodka EXCEPT grapefruit. So I got mango!!! I get to the car and she said MANGO....why on earth MANGO she said. And I said why on earth GRAPEFRUIT??? It was a cute little baby bottle(pint) in a proper brown paper sack!!! We get to the boat rental joint and she has to buy an ice chest and ice and mixers for our cute little mango bottle....$$$$$.

Psss.... we had a great time!!!

Pssss....we are STILL in the FLL airport...eating lunch at Chili’s and maybe a maragarita or 7...$$$$$>>
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Marty, that is the traditional way of finding a wife in Tennessee----at family reunions. It's just a culture thing.
Now that is funny! (To me at least :hide:):blush:

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