TF Gathering in SE Florida 2019

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
For those attending the evening gatherings, I will be providing the Barley Pops (beer) and will also have bottled water. Typically I bring micro brews with a leaning towards IPAs. However, I'm always open to requests. So, if stouts, porters, or PBR is your preference, please let me know by the 15th as I will be leaving by Monday.

PBA. Nope, Steve won’t be there this year. Jack prefers Bud.
I thought it was Pabst. Anyway Jack may like it but Steve doesn’t.
Info for yall. The dredging has been completed and the entrance has new markers.
Well, I took advantage of this week of good weather and left the Bahamas about 10 days ahead of schedule. I was afraid I would miss the big event if a couple of back to back fronts came through and made the Gulf Stream crossing untenable.

So I am here in Fort Pierce way ahead of schedule. Docked Scot Free at F149 this afternoon. Glad I did. Couple of months in the Bahamas means I have some deferred maintenance to take care of. Boat needs a good scrub. Maybe a little polish. Not too much so as to outshine anybody else though.

I am gonna have Greyhound take me to get my car so I will have transportation available for those who need it. Also trips to grocery, Home Depot, Walmart and West Marine as needed.
Info for yall. The dredging has been completed and the entrance has new markers.

Wifey B: Noticed that today. Beautiful day on the water so we decided to go there by boat for lunch. :)

Hope you guys just have a great great great gathering. :)
Only bad thing about F dock is you get the road grime blown on you. We were on that dock a while, boat stayed nasty looking. We are now on L floating dock with Hobo just pulling behind us today also.

Thanks for the update and while I have never had a problem it can get tight when the current is running.


The guys will all be on the floating dock with Hobo. See you soon.
Ann told me that space was tight and was going to have attendees scattered around. I had asked her to move to the dock with you guys during the event and she said she couldn’t do that.
Also, normally she said that the policy was after 10 days on the dock it would revert to a cheaper monthly rate. They don’t do that now. I had originally requested to stay here for a month but they couldn’t accommodate that so I will be here for three weeks instead.
Ernie, road grime will give me a perfect excuse. [emoji12]
Its mine also, against the bulkhead on "I" dock.

Shout hello if you see me...have decent local knwedge as its my 7th season here for usually a month.

Every day at the north side building is a happy hour gathering of regulars. Usually the lee side of the building..and a few to a dozen participants....feel free to bring you own drink and chair....lots to chit chat about.
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Irv, don't know if you look at the tides for Wednesday when we arrive. For that day the tides are peaking with an additional foot lower and tidal change over 4'. Tidal currents are going to be smoking. Low tide will be around 2:30pm.

Hi Ted

I noticed that. I’m glad I’ve got twins. Not sure what time I will plan to get to the slip but it will be close to 1430 hrs. If you arrive before me could you put a tarp over your boat so I not blinded by the reflected sunlight.

For those of you that will drive down, parking is a bi@%h! Be sure to get a temp permit from office (yellow building) as the city now gives tickets to unpermitted vehicles. We that stay live here have stickers on our vehicles.
I'm planning on arriving near Fort Pierce around 2pm and waiting for the current to stop. I have given the tarp request all the consideration it deserves. Suggest you go in ahead of me to save the sea anchor deployment.

Ted, you have a way to good memory. :)

Will you have your cooler with you for ice? My new ice maker is great but I doubt it can keep up with the drinkers this year. Hell, I would have a hard time furnishing ice to Wendy and Baker. Thanks
Upsized to the 162 quart Igloo beer cooler. I'm sure we can include a 5 gallon ice bucket within it.

For those of you that are already here. FWC is currently putting on a show in the marina! They are chasing a manatee around trying to herd it back to the boat ramp over by the manatee center. Been at it for hours now (our tax dollars at work). Manatee ambulance at ramp waiting also! Things been hit and got pretty good size booboo on it. FWC boat and wranglers on jet skis.
Ernie. Did they charge for that performance? It was a matinee so it should have been discounted.
We are amazed at the people who come here to the marina and just stand around and stare at them. I keep saying I want to put one on a smoker. We smoke with hickory back home in North East Texas.
Ernie. I grew up on the water in south beach and I have eaten manatee before, they were called sea cows in the ‘40s and ‘50s. If you check the navigational charts for the key you will sea areas called “cow pens”. These were areas that had cypress stakes driven into the sea floor about two feet apart in shallow water that captured sea cows were placed in until they were needed for food. Flagler’s railroad bridge to the keys was built on sea cow protein.
Yea,we knew that about that fact. We tell it to folks staring at them and they look at us like we crazy. Read they were brought to Florida for food for the Chinese railroad workers. Wonder if they taste like chicken???
My great grandfather ran a schooner delivering supplies for Flagler’s railroad bridge. He dug out hurricane harbor on Key Biscayne when a hurricane was coming with his dredge. He would take pure fresh water from the Miami River where Ft. Dallas was.
Fortunately or unfortunately the Admiral arranged a trip for us during the TF gathering week and therefore Ann and I will have to miss "the gathering" this year. We wish all safe trips to and from Ft Pierce and great food, drinks and conversations. God willing we will see you in 2020.
We'll miss you, Allan and Ann. I was looking forward to seeing your new boat. Hopefully you guys can join in the fun in 2020.
We'll miss you, Allan and Ann. I was looking forward to seeing your new boat. Hopefully you guys can join in the fun in 2020.

Thanks Don, we may get to Ft Pierce sometime in early March and if we do we will let you know and perhaps have a visit. Cheers!
... parking is a bi@%h! ....

We're staying at the Marriott Saturday night. I've assumed their normal parking policy is in place. Guess I'll call them just in case.
No problem at the's downtown in the marina area that is tough, especially Sat, 0900-1400.

Best to study a map of the area... so once there and no place to pull can just head to the next likely parking area.

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