Taking the Plunge

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Don't know what happen, but found this on the south Florida craigslist tonight.
This makes me sad after reading how happy and excited he was about this venture.

I called Barry who is the listed boat broker. He said that George and wife are fine. I asked if they were to purchase another boat and he replied yes; they are moving up in size. Seems all is OK. However I'm surprised we do not hear from George. Will say that Barry was not too talkative soon as told him I was not a buyer.
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I called Barry who is the listed boat broker. He said that George and wife are fine. I asked if they were to purchase another boat and he replied yes; they are moving up in size. Seems all is OK. However I'm surprised we do not hear from George. Will say that Barry was not to talkative soon as told him I was not a buyer.

Thank you for the update. I found this ad this morning and it says selling for health reasons? Strange he just quit posting in mid-stream? Anyway, I hope he and his wife are ok and still living their dream. I did enjoy reading about his journey!
1981 Californian LRC Trawler Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com
Art, thanks for checking. Good to ear they are ok.
Art, thanks for checking. Good to ear they are ok.


However... boat broker must be careful what is said on a cold call such as I did. As I recall George's problem was his back. Hope that and anything other is in manageable condition.
The broker could have been honest and said he was getting out of boating rather than making up a story about moving up to a bigger boat.
I`ve a vague recall Fr. George got into an argument with someone on TF, could be faulty recall but don`t think so, he remained his polite positive self but posting became less and less...
I also followed the adventures of Fr. George vicariously.Looked forward to latest developments. Hope all works out well for them both.(and their dog).
The broker could have been honest and said he was getting out of boating rather than making up a story about moving up to a bigger boat.

I take a person's statement pretty much as is... unless things are proven otherwise. Especially in something this trivial to all concerned. ;)

I hope George and Betty Jo are moving up in size!
I`ve a vague recall Fr. George got into an argument with someone on TF, could be faulty recall but don`t think so, he remained his polite positive self but posting became less and less...

All I can say to that premise... is:

Dear George and Betty Joe - Whole lot more here on TF think you two are Great... than one who may not. SOOOO - come back aboard! We miss ya!!
I had the pleasure of actually meeting Mr. frg shortly after he purchased his boat. A VERY fine fellow and an equally fine Admiral. I miss him as well.

Be well Mr. frg...
I hate to hear that. After reading this thread, his excitement was contagious! If anyone has an update please let us know.

I hate to hear that too
I'm new to the forum after long while lurking, I had noticed that some people chime in and then they seem to drop off the face
I too sent numerous Private Messages to one of a member of Grand Banks section I didn't get a reply
Is there any other way to contact members aside of Private Message?
So how did Fr G's thread get hi jacked so bad.

I would really like to know what happened to our friend....
So how did Fr G's thread get hi jacked so bad.

I would really like to know what happened to our friend....

Hard to hijack a thread when the OP seems to have disappeared. Many wish he and Betty Jo would return to TF and post. :ermm:

Via phone call I made... I was told by a boat broker, who was "evidentially" representing his and Betty's boat for sale - and who told me that the couple were "looking to up size", that they are fine. Sounds a bit fishy [pun intended] to me; this length of no-post doesn't fit his persona. :facepalm:

I have spoken in length on phone with George helping him understand making the deal to purchase a used boat. He became great contributor to TF. Those two folks had been having the time of their lives and posting much about their new-boating adventures. :thumb:

Till... suddenly... no more posts at all. :confused:

I'm worried for them! Hope all is OK. :popcorn:
Members come and go. I recall him being the subject of controversy/criticism before his posting tailed off, we do lose people that way.
Congratulations, I am taking the plunge as except I already bought the boat a month ago, Albin 43. closing on my house on 10/16 ! Then some projects over the winter in MD before following the sun as they say.
I needed this

we love the water, boats and the sand. More importantly, we want to be free. Free to choose, free to explore, free to fall and get up again!

We began planning almost two years ago. We paid off everything and starting getting rid of stuff. Finally, we are actually going.

And, if i may just say this to others that read these forms day after day with a gleam in their eye, "do not wait!!! Go small and go now" my friends, time is ticking away. Get up and get going before it is too late". Don't waste another minute in that cubicle waiting for some day. Gird your loins and get moving!

You don't need everything the tv tells you to buy. You don't need to have every detail worked out. All you need is faith and the will to go. The rest will all follow after.

And, what if you go and decide its not for you? At least at the end of your life you will not look back longingly asking "what if...". I already have a pocket full of those and nobody wants 'em.

thank you!
Moderator attention?

Would it be possible to help out a former forum member by copying the craigslist ad above to the classifieds thread, along with a couple of other posts to help identify the boat?
Thanks, John Sage
I tonight [sent email and left ph msg] trying again to make contact with Fr George and Betty Jo. See post 646 regarding my last try in October 2017.

Hope I get a reply this time. I like those two!
Excited for you! The best part is the camaraderie of fellow cruisers.
We've been living on our trawler since 2005, previously on a sailboat, cruising mostly FL, Gulf Coast, Bahamas, some East Coast and North, and have made so many friends along the way. If we can help in anyway, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're currently in the Chesapeake but will be back in FL this fall. Hope to see you on the water.
Excited for you! The best part is the camaraderie of fellow cruisers.
We've been living on our trawler since 2005, previously on a sailboat, cruising mostly FL, Gulf Coast, Bahamas, some East Coast and North, and have made so many friends along the way. If we can help in anyway, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're currently in the Chesapeake but will be back in FL this fall. Hope to see you on the water.

Thanks... Wow, wood boat, built 2005 - a fairly new woody, congrats!
To All:

I have become considerably concerned for George and Betty Jo's wellbeing. Several items are amiss that have come to light over the last year or so. Before Friar George’s sudden silence he and I had established a good relationship; as he had also done with others on TF. Regarding my ongoing research… Following these statements is the email I yesterday afternoon sent to... Michelle Della Vega [a broker – I guess?] from the address on the CL ad link, that was originally shown in “Donsan” post #650: https://treasure.craigslist.org/boa/...596701854.html

Funny things are that: In the ad the statement is made – We have lived aboard her for over three years and enjoyed traveling to the Bahamas and up and down the ICW.” And… the add origin is from Port St. Lucie Fl. However, person on phone evidently selling the boat “Michelle Della Vega” is in Grand Prairie TX.

Why would a “broker” in Grand Prairie TX be listing a boat that’s in Port St. Lucie FL… on a Craigslist ad? In Yachtworld maybe… but on CL??? And, even though I have tried to reestablish communications with George and Betty Jo [see my post #646 during 10/17] there has been no follow-through, return call or email result at all.

If anyone feels like jumping in to clear up this riddle about two good persons who had successfully become newbie-boaters and honored contributors on Trawler Forum… please do so. My several tries and many months of attempts to reestablish contact with Fr. George and Betty Jo have to date come to naught!

Next here a copy of the inquiry email I sent yesterday, whose contents are explained above. Will be interesting to see if I get return email or phone call [I left msg on Michelle Della Vega’s phone] from person who placed the CL ad. Be even much better if George or Betty Jo gets back in touch with me, others on TF… or maybe posts something on TF for us all to read.

Something just does not smell right... about all that has happened and is now occurring regarding Friar George and Betty Jo... and their boat!


From: Art [mailto:grtmastr@pacbell.net]
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 4:10 PM
'r94nz-6596701854@sale.craigslist.org' <r94nz-6596701854@sale.craigslist.org>
'Art' <grtmastr@pacbell.net>
Subject: George and Betty Jo's Boat: "Ten Knots"

Dear Michelle Della Vega
(214) 682-2403

Having a bit of background with George; I am seriously looking to make contact with George and Betty Jo. I have a family member interested in their Boat “Ten Knots”. Please have George give me a call or send his phone number to my email address: grtmastr@pacbell.net I’ll call him.



415 488 4044
Do it...best decision my wife and I have ever made. Going on 2 years and love every minute of it. Just be prepared and you should be fine! Good luck

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