Steadying sail design/rigging?

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I didn't try to be cavalier in any's just that you have a boat pretty well outside the norm for many of us and discussing those eccentricities are not easy for me.... lots of practical experience without the technical background to be sure I am getting my points across. I did have to teach stability in captain's licensing courses...but again they were geared toward operations and not really design.

I started thinking about the tank removal but again...that could be a lot of work and not really needed to accomplish what you want/need.

That's really the main reason a quick eval by a set of eyes that actually does this stuff for full may cost up front but save in the long run and give alternatives better than people like me that understand basics but only enough to be best guesses.

At some point it really depends on how much you love the boat but genuinely dislike it's rolling and how much would you spend to keep the boat and solve the problem.
At some point it really depends on how much you love the boat but genuinely dislike it's rolling and how much would you spend to keep the boat and solve the problem.

That is correct. Luckily, I do not have to make this decision very soon. If I decide to sell the boat, it will not happen for another 10 years. So, plenty of time to search for solutions.
To me, all of your messages are pure education. I appreciate any clues and thoughts, since I do not know anything about design. Moreover, I am learning about my boat as I fix things and start new projects. Luckily, as a retired person, I have plenty of time.....
Yes, I certainly will involve a NA for major steps.
As of now, I am just learning about the options. I have no plans to sail anywhere anytime soon, so I am safe in the marina for now. Once the options are narrowed down and the budget is available, I will work with a NA and follow the recommendations.

The keel tanks are completely full with diesel now, so I just leave them alone. Who knows, the NA I will hire might recommend to completely remove them, and/or remove the air tank at the stern, as well. This way, the original hull shape could be restored almost, just as BR designed this motorsailer originally.
The changes to the original BR design were made by an NA to try and somewhat compensate for the diversions made, like the large steel superstructure and large engine, from the original BR design. As I remember, it's been a long time, before the changes the boats behavior and lack of stability was thought to be dangerous. Any thought of being able to go back to something close to the original design I'd think would have to include a very hard look at that superstructure, which is the root of the problem. I'm guessing that won't be acceptable. Maybe you can find a different NA with a different take on an answer, you're basically trying to fit a much bigger hull under that house, but it won't be easy.
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