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For Sale: ** SOLD ** Monk 40 Project boat

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jul 3, 2012
I have a Monk "Tahiti" 40 trawler for sale. 40' LOA, 13'8" beam,3'9" darft. She has a single 160Hp Perkins Diesel with low hours and Westerbeke 5 Kw genset. This is a 2 cabin, 2 head, galley up arrangement with two berths in the aft cabin. The galley is to port and includes a refrigerator(no Freezer) with a AdlerBarbour refrigeration unit.
She has a single 16K btu Ac which is not working at this time.
Decks are sound and never had teak overlay.
Cabin tops and sides were cored and the aft and main cabin tops have soft spots.
Hull is solid glass not cored.
500 gallons fuel capacity in 2 fiberglass tanks with inspection ports.
200 gallons water in two Stainless Steel tanks. I am told port tank leaks, I will repair and update on that.
She has hydraulic steering with no signs of leaks.
She also has a shaft seal, not a stuffing box.
She is on the hard and available for inspection in Fort Pierce, Florida.
Asking $20K
Pictures of boat

Here are pictures of the interior of the boat to give you an idea of the layout. The couch in the main saloon is free standing and can be positioned on the aft bulkhead facing forward.


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I have recently retired and we are currently looking for a Trawler for extended cruising. I am very familiar with boats and can make almost any repairs. You have listed your boat as a project boat and stated that it has soft spots in both upper decks and the AC is not working. We would like to know a little more about the boat...when was it last operated in the water, what it would take to get her ready for a trip to North Fl., electronics, etc. before we plan a trip to South Fl. to inspect her. Thanks, Jim and Kim
On Ebay

Thank you for posting that. I did not think to do so.

I have been working on the boat removing all the old corroded, non- functioning "seacocks" (gate valves) and replacing them with proper bronze seacocks and new PVC board backing blocks.
Both heads had to be removed to get at the seacocks. I also removed most of the rotten work under them in prep to reinstalling them.

Main Engine: Turns over easily with a wrench. I have learned from dockmates of PO(who passed) that he had scoped the cylinders and determined there was no corrosion or scoring. He also had the injectors rebuilt and installed with new injector lines. I have shop manuals for the engine.
Generator: Also turns over freely. I discovered that the exhaust elbow had corroded off, which explains why I found a new one with gasket on the boat.

AC: Brother of PO states that the AC had a slow leak which his brother was unable to find. I see that the compressor has recently been replaced.

Running Gear; We cleaned the running gear. Prop and strut seem to be in good condition. Prop shaft has surface pitting to a depth of 1/32 or so. I have not gotten around to checking the shaft seal. How ever the boat was in the water when I took ownership. I spent the night on her and the pump ran maybe twice during the night. She has a very small bilge so it seems that the shaft seal is not leaking.

Fuel tanks are half full.

I have been concentrating on doing the work necessary to launch her again, that is why I concentrated on the thruhulls first.

Please fell free to call 561-255-2561. Charles
Hull has pretty lines from first photo. Looks like a good find for someone.
Boat Location

Yes the boat is located at the Riverside Marina on the North side of the buildings and across the access drive from the building. She is parked bow out so you can not see the name from the drive.

I was on the boat yesterday and checked the engine hour gauge. It reads 4609 hrs and there is a note stating that the engine was rebuilt at 4131 Hrs.
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