Searching for our first mid-30s Trawler!

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Veteran Member
Aug 20, 2020
Hi All - Just joined and love the content! Been searching for what we consider a "big" boat for years (40'-50'ish). But we really put the search into high gear a year ago and have decided we don't need that much space. (Not going to "live" aboard... just "vacation" aboard. :) A buddy once said - if you can't easily take the boat out for a two-hour cruise... the boat is too big. LOL! So... we are focusing on the 30's (something under 40'). As for me... when other kids were reading Hot Rod and Sports Illustrated... I was reading Motor Boating & Sailing! LOL! And I'm blessed to have a wife fully "on-board" with the idea. Please excuse the millions of questions I'm sure to have as the search continues! Peace, Prayers, and Fair Winds! Pete
Hi All - Just joined and love the content!....Please excuse the millions of questions I'm sure to have as the search continues! Peace, Prayers, and Fair Winds! Pete

Welcome to TF. I'm sure your will find, literally, millions of answers to your millions of questions - or pretty close to it... :)
Welcome. Check other threads as this has been coved before. But since I have a boat a 2cents left after a summer of repairs here ya go. Make a list of what you think you want, what type of boating you will do, for how long at a time, how many folks will be with you most of the time, budget and how adept are you to fix/repair issues. From there you can start the hunt.
This forum is great for feedback and support so don’t hesitate to post questions but ultimately it’s going to be your boat. Enjoy
Hi All - Thanks for the hearty welcome! Yes... we (my wife and I) have put pen to paper and spent time on different types of boats... hence the focus on a trawler and our decision to "down size" our needs. The searching gets easier as the focus gets narrower. Less wasted time on "well that might work"... :) Peace - Pete
Welcome Aboard! It is refreshing reading a post where the has realistic, modest expectations. I get tired of reading posts from first time boaters saying they are looking for a 50+ K.K. to do the Loop in. Or someone ready to spend a couple million on a first boat.

I'll give you my standard advice. Buy fairly close to home, get on boats, talk to owners, make a few lists and finally, GO FOR IT.

Welcome to Trawler Forum. We take a two hour cruise almost every weekend.:)
Welcome. where is your city?
Hi OldDan - I'm in Central Florida... and I frequently ask how I ended up living in the center of a state surrounded by water on three sides!?!? :banghead: But - on the plus side... this gives us three coasts to search for a boat! And we can basically buy anywhere on the FL coast and get her back to within one hour of us... even 20 minutes if on the St. Johns! :) Not to mention - three coasts to travel before deciding if making a "bigger" trip is for us. (I.E. East Coast USA... or more!) But... as they say "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step" and all that. :) The key is to get started! We are trying like heck to get started! LOL! Been searching forever... been really serious for a year. Gotten close a few times... but not yet! (Always another bus coming down the street.) Peace, Prayers, and Fair Winds! - Pete
Check out the American Tugs in Stuart.
They come in all sizes and colors too.
Beautiful boats! As I mentioned... when I was young and impressionable... lol :) ...I was reading about the then "new" trawlers of the late 70s - early 80s (i.e. GB, MT, Albin, etc.) so that's our focus right now. :) Peace - Pete
I'm glad I looked at the Mainship 390. I looked at several before finding the one I purchased. I've been pleased and would recommend this boat. I choose a single engine so the engine room was not so jam-packed. After reading up on the various engine choices I chose the Yanmar single 370. Many things I'm able to work on myself. I would say the Mainship is a medium quality vessel, and fairly affordable. As the captain said, who helped me bring the boat up from Georgetown South Carolina, it's a great couples boat.

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