Retired and cruising alone

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Awesome trip! I'm glad you made is safely across the GOA. I'd love to be part of the get together in June, but we're hoping to head North in about 10 days (Gads,:eek: there's LOTS of stuff to do before then), first San Juans for Shrimp, then North to Glacier Bay, then leisurely trip back to Port Orchard. Haven't decided if we're heading to SOC this year, or next . . . Fair winds and following seas!:thumb::D
That’s awesome. Glad you did it.

(And I did volunteer to help you with that leg on the topic you posted; I guess it went unanswered since as you state you wanted to go solo!)

I’m in BC boating now myself. Came up from the US on Friday.
Kevin, glad you're retired, well underway, and everything is going well. There was never a doubt in my mind that you would do this well.

Safe travels!

Having been here a couple of decades (ignore the avatar join date as it is actually a rejoin date), I have come to accept that almost anything I post will have some left-field answers. I too felt as you did after some catty crap, and absented myself for a good long time, but I realize that there are really only a single-digit percent of posts I ever read here with serious intent to affront another person - those t__ds soon floated off. I like the community here, even with its few warts. So do stick around and give us the benefit of your experiences.

I have made solo crossings of big water (but am not silly enough to cross oceans) in my trawler, but was not as smart as you were to check here beforehand. :)
Yep! :)

My time to go exploring will be seattle south.


After twenty years in Alaska, I get hurrying south (more east, actually:rolleyes:), but I can't imagine not lingering in BC. Prince Rupert, Nanaimo, Ganges, some of my best boat memories, hell, some of my best memories, period.

Boatless as we are, we are looking at BC Ferry schedules for this summer.

Smell the roses, my friend.
Don't have any suggestions on crossing as a solo person as my husband and I are new to the whole cruising full time lifestyle and some days even with two it seems daunting.

Just wanted to chime in and say I hope you post your adventures. My husband and I are planning on doing SE Alaska as our summer cruise this year.. looking forward to it. We hope to make in down to Mexico within the next two years. Had thought about doing it this fall, but not sure if we want to finish up some projects and cruise the Pacific NW more before leaving the area. Once we get to warmer waters we may not come back.

Hope you find some solutions that work for you.. think it's amazing that you are just doing it.
Although others have made various suggestions re. single handing safety, I will mention another one that I think is important. Have your epirb located down by the floor. In the unlikely event you need emergency assistance (stroke, broken leg, etc.) you will not likely be able to stand to trigger the device.

Last month I single handed from San Carlos , Sonora down to LaPaz. Only about 300 sea miles. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. In two weeks from today I will be single handing from Anacortes up to Glacier Bay. I have made this trip multiple times but was always the cruise captain for guests. I am looking forward to the simplicity of not having to care for the entertainment and feeding of others, however much I like their company.

I also suggest you not rush south too fast because the best cruising is in the Inside Passage.

Richard P
My pickup is right now waiting for me in Tacoma so I am making a quick run to recover my truck.

Congratulations on your retirement and for starting to enjoy it right from the start. Was wondering why the rapid pace.

After twenty years in Alaska, I get hurrying south (more east, actually:rolleyes:), but I can't imagine not lingering in BC. Prince Rupert, Nanaimo, Ganges, some of my best boat memories, hell, some of my best memories, period...

Ganges. Cuban cigars. Had to smoke them all before we left because of course they weren't legal at home. If one was maybe misplaced as we were smoking them all, that was purely accidental. On the other hand, I remember the marina guy had a little attitude. According to my membership info at the time, they offered a BoatUS discount for transient slips. I held out my card and asked if the discount applied. He looked at me and said -- "Do you know what country you're in?" Canada. "Exactly."

'Nuff said. Guess I don't get a discount.
I'm retired and boat solo (wife loves her job, apparently more than me). But I recently installed an AIS transponder so that she can have some idea of my location. But AIS information doesn't seem as complete as the link in post #1. When I go to an AIS tracking site (like Vessel Finder), I can find Dos Peces, but nothing very recent and nothing like the information in the link ( It looks like that is a better site for actually following a vessel?
I followed (and accompanied) a friend bringing his Nordic Tug North, he used In Reach, which showed the travel track and marked out the miles traveled as well as the location. I like following it much better than the system Kevin is using, the only caveat being I like the real time photo (apparent real time) of conditions and location of the system Kevin is using. Seeing him tied to the dock is cool!

Single handing for Alaskans is often reality, because we work odd days (shifts) of sometimes weeks on and off, and no one else shares the same schedule. Often our friends have jobs, marriages, and families that conflict with bringing them along. So we do it alone!
I'm retired and boat solo (wife loves her job, apparently more than me). But I recently installed an AIS transponder so that she can have some idea of my location. But AIS information doesn't seem as complete as the link in post #1. When I go to an AIS tracking site (like Vessel Finder), I can find Dos Peces, but nothing very recent and nothing like the information in the link ( It looks like that is a better site for actually following a vessel?
AIS for tracking ashore is of limited value as you've discovered. The reasons are that your AIS transmitter must be in range of a shore based reciever. And often times those are hobyist or other non-offical recievers that then upload to web sites such as Marine Traffic or Vessel Finder. The effect is delays and missing data. Satellite AIS can get around these limits.

Spot is a good option. So is Garmin inReach. Look at them both and compare plans and specs. I'm an inReach user so have some comments there. If you want someone, in your case your wife, to have unlimited tracking then sign up for the professional plan with unlimited track points. Otherwise setting your track interval very fine will result in overage$$$. The pro plans are more expensive but offer the option to suspend and restart for far less $$ than the other plans. Useful if you are a seasonal cruiser.

inReach is two way communication. It takes some practice to use well. It's text only and a bit cumbersome unless you use the Earthmate phone app. There is also two way inReach to inReach comms. I don't know what Spot offers for two way comms.

inReach has an SOS function if you get in trouble out of VHF and or Cell range and don't pack an EPIRB or PLB. Again, I don't know what Spot offers.
Congrats on getting across the Gulf of Alaska!

You won't see us heading north...we liked the Sea of Cortez so much that we decided to leave the boat at Marina Puerto Escondido for the summer. Turns out, winter in shorts and T-shirts is pretty nice! We'll be back down sometime in the fall and hope to meet in person...I think we'll haul out in La Paz in October or November.

Enjoy your journey, so much to see and do, good on you for doing it!
Another solo boater here… congratulations on retirement and the start of a great journey! Yep, I’ve seen those comments too (in another forum)….

One person even told me that nobody should
cruise alone (without qualification as to distance or location) and that I should sell my boat if I didn’t have crew!!

So many assumptions in there….:-(

You stated you are experienced and so I assume are more than competent to plan and carry out this journey. I hope you will keep us posted !
Doug I have to respect your tenacity and plan. Soloing distances is certainly not for everyone and can be quite risky when things and timing go wrong. I hope you have a good radar unit with a contact alarm and is loud.

Good luck
Atta boy Kevin!

Almost blew Dr Pepper outta my nose when I saw the pic with the MX Courtesy flag on the bow. Too Cool, but dont wear it out before you actually get there.

:rofl: Yeah, that was subtle and very funny! :thumb::socool::rofl:

Wave to Kevin...


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Let's set it up! Just need some times and dates...and I may have just the place to meet up :D

Kevin said he would be at Dock Street Marina in Tacoma the last week of June. I'm up for that.
Good job kevin. The wife and i are enjoying watching your progress. Post tonight when you get in. It looks like it may be about dark?
Dos Peces and Tanglewood crossed paths and had a nice chat on VHF at the south end of Wrangle Narrows earlier today. Pictures to follow this evening….

It was fantastic chatting!!!


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Today I am in Ketchikan Alaska, enjoying a nice day relaxing while the wind blows.

I have been riding my bike around town and having a grand time of it!

Thanks for all the great comments guys!


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I wonder if he is going to keep that Mexican flag flying when entering the US? :socool::rofl:


You do understand that he is in the US, don't you?:facepalm:
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I wonder if he is going to keep that Mexican flag flying when entering the US? :socool::rofl:


We went through that issue when cruising in Turkey, on a German registered boat with only Canadians aboard.

At the stern, a proper, full sized German flag
At the Starboard spreader, an appropriately smaller Turkish Courtesy flag.
Below the Turkey flag, on the Starboard flag halyard, a Canadian Flag.

When our French Son-in-Law is aboard, I fly a French Tricolour on the Starboard flag halyard.

Kevin can keep his Mexican flag where it is. While passing through BC, a Canadian courtesy flag on the Starboard flag halyard,
US flag at the stern.

On entering the lower 48 US, down comes the Canadian courtesy flag, to be saved for some much later return trip. The Flag at the bow shouldn't offend anyone in the US, so should stay there to indicate where Kevin is going.

On entering Mexico, he may want to elevate the Courtesy flag a bit, or not, depending on local custom.

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