PNW to Mexico, Panama Canal, and Florida, on our way at last!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nice! Recommend the Channel Islands over Catalina if you end up stopping (though we love Catalina, and it'll be relatively quiet this time of year).

I thought Avalon might be a nice diversion for us. One of our crew is a little crunched for time, and as we started a few days late due to Wx, and it looks like we may have to lay up prior to San Francisco due to sea state, we probably may not be able to dawdle much in the Channel Islands
How are the paravanes performing? Easy enough to deploy and pull back in?

Are all the charging systems and the Victron bits and pieces cooperating with each other? You’ve got a great setup there, likely as good as any on TF. Nice work.

BTW Laura, keep Scott in check so he doesn’t get dreams like that Nordhavn 68 owner who got busted in the east coast. You guys are amazing, safe travels.

Tom, the paravanes are doing great. We deployed them as soon as we cleared Tatoosh Island by Cape Flattery, and they've been in the entire time. Just pulled one up as we made the turn around Cape Mendicino and have the seas almost directly astern. May pull up the stbd one soon as well.

The electronics are behaving nicely, however when underway, the engine powers a 12kw generator via hydraulics, so the solar cells don't have anything to do.

We are having problems with the AIS though, but that's going to stay that way until we can get some parts.

Didn't hear about the Nordhavn 68
BTW - we're tied up at the San Diego Harbor Guest Dock. It's $1.25/ft/nt with 30A hookup and water. It's about a mile to the nearest chandlery (San Diego Marine Exchange) and some smaller restaurants. Nearest grocery store (Ralph's) is a mile further. If you decide to stop at the SD Guest Dock (vs a yacht club), register and make a reservation at You also have to make a reservation for the anchorages in the area. SD is pretty tightly controlled, but in a fairly good way.

I just snapped the attached picture of Weebles. The place can get a bit noisy with bellowing sea lions.

View attachment 142053View attachment 142054

Peter, thanks for the info, but we already have reservations at Fiddler's Cove on Coronado Island. Farther to the nearest chandlery, but still should be nice.

When is Weebles leaving San Diego to head back to Ensenada? Will you be waiting for the HaHa to depart? Or join up with them from Ensenada?
When is Weebles leaving San Diego to head back to Ensenada? Will you be waiting for the HaHa to depart? Or join up with them from Ensenada?

We are headed back to Ensenada Sunday, day after tomorrow. We will not return north, but will take the bus to San Diego for Ha-Ha Skipper's Meeting on Sunday October 29th and take the bus back home to Ensenada. The Ha Ha Fleet leaves San Diego the next day, Monday Oct 30th. We'll leave the same day I suppose. We're still a bit up in the air - the Ha Ha legs are pretty long (over-nighters - first leg is 275 nms) so if our third crew bails, we may just hop down and let the fleet get ahead of us.

Taking a time out

We're heading into Bodega Bay/Harbor this morning. The waves offshore were 4', 8 sec out of the West, with swells of 3', 6 seconds out of the West and another set, 2' 11 seconds out of the Southwest. Winds are forecast to be 6 kts out of the NW, but there are whitecaps all around, with the tops of the waves blowing off. When the waves, swells combine, it gets, well, "sporty".
I had a long discussion with my daughter about the difference between "unsafe:eek:", and "uncomfortable:mad:". We're in the uncomfortable stage right now, with wave conditions expected to build to 7-8 feet over the next two days, tapering off by Thursday or early Friday the 15th.
We're going to sit for a bit and see what Bodega Harbor has to offer us, or maybe just anchor out in Bodega Bay for a few days.
You know what they say, "The most dangerous thing on a boat is a schedule!"
Although we had originally anticipated arriving in San Diego around 15-16 Sep, we planned on it taking as long as till the end of September . . . . Looks now that it will be closer to 20 Sep.
On the west side of the bay is a good crab sandwich shop. On the East side of the bay and up the hill is nice mini market.
When you say anchor out in Bodega Bay. If you mean the bay outside the harbor you won't find much shelter. If you mean the inner harbor it's very shallow. Best to get space at Spud Point Marina.

There are two seafood places on the west side. The smaller one has in my opinion very good chowder.

The walk to "town" on the east side can be a bit long if you're bringing supplies back. We tied the RIB up at Porto Bodega Marina and Park for our grocery run. The office was reluctant, perhaps downright surly, about tieing up there but in the end let us use their dock for a hour.

Walking up from Porto Bodega we passed a line of derelict boats on the hard. One was named "Bad Habits" When coupled with the "For Sale" sign on it's transom. Well, I wish I could sell my bad habits.
Ray, we're hoping to get a slip at Spud Point, but apparently the office is closed today and tomorrow. We'll go in and see what we can figure out! We don't need any supplies, but the restaurants would be nice! I spied the Crab Shack out, as well as GinoChiro's in "town" already!
Ray, that is the correct number, but just an answering machine saying they're closed Sat and Sun. We came, hailed the marina, and met the Ranger at the fuel dock who squared us away!
Ate lunch at "Fishermans Cove. We had fish tacos, and the were excellent, albeit pretty pricey.
Ate lunch at "Fishermans Cove. We had fish tacos, and the were excellent, albeit pretty pricey.

which is probably the main reason you are OTW to Mexico:)
Ate lunch at "Fishermans Cove. We had fish tacos, and the were excellent, albeit pretty pricey.
If you like fish tacos, are you in for a treat when you get to Ensenada.....and ceviche tostadas.

How are the paravanes performing? Easy enough to deploy and pull back in?

Are all the charging systems and the Victron bits and pieces cooperating with each other? You’ve got a great setup there, likely as good as any on TF. Nice work.

BTW Laura, keep Scott in check so he doesn’t get dreams like that Nordhavn 68 owner who got busted in the east coast. You guys are amazing, safe travels.

The paravanes worked like a dream. Wasn't sure until we pulled them in going into Bodega Harbor and boy what a difference they make. I find them easy enough to deploy.. but then I'm just watching the helm, adjusting the speed and keeping an eye on Scot (okay that one's a little bit hard). But I think Scot would say they are okay to deploy too.

Everything is working good with Victron... I do like those blue toys we have collected quite a few on the boat. Makes living on the hook quite pleasant.

I don't know about keeping Scot in check.. but thank goodness those things aren't his cup of tea. We are really enjoying this whole living board a boat thing so are hoping to do it for many years to come! Thanks
If you like fish tacos, are you in for a treat when you get to Ensenada.....and ceviche tostadas.


Oh I love fish tacos...hope we actually get our own fish at some point and can make own some. But I'll be looking forward to Ensenada in the meantime!
September 11 . . . . . Still in Bodega Harbor marina . . . . . Waves offshore are forecast to be in the 7', 7 second range. Not what we really want to venture out into. This is where, even though "safe", is venturing into the uncomfortable range, especially for overnight passage, so we'll be staying here for another night, honestly, probably a few more days, looking at the weather forecasts . . . . darn it.
One of your photos showed your anhorc and it looked like a Bruce type. If it is, leave it in SF and buy a Rocna or similar. The winds in the Sea of Cortez are occasionally very strong, i.e. 50 k or more, and a Bruce is known to pop out when winds get too strong. I have done that experiment and wouldn't want to repeat it. Anchoring in the sheltered coves of the PNW is quite different than the SOC.

Enjoy your passage.
Nice we made the the trip from Tacoma left on August 6 we were in the fog most of the way still had a good trip we stayed a couple of days in San Diego because of Hillary but we are tied up inlay Ensenada cruise port Marina highly recommended we will head to Puerto Vallarta as soon as hurricane season is over middle to end of October safe travels maybe we will see you there
One of your photos showed your anhorc and it looked like a Bruce type. If it is, leave it in SF and buy a Rocna or similar. The winds in the Sea of Cortez are occasionally very strong, i.e. 50 k or more, and a Bruce is known to pop out when winds get too strong. I have done that experiment and wouldn't want to repeat it. Anchoring in the sheltered coves of the PNW is quite different than the SOC.

Enjoy your passage.

Actually, the anchor is a 105lb Mantus M-1, with 350' of 1/2" chain. That held us in Ocean Falls, BC in 65 to 70mph winds with only a 3:1 scope in 90' of water:dance:
Actually, the anchor is a 105lb Mantus M-1, with 350' of 1/2" chain. That held us in Ocean Falls, BC in 65 to 70mph winds with only a 3:1 scope in 90' of water:dance:

that setup will hold anywhere. WOW!
Scott, if the best we can come up is to unknowingly comment on your anchor, let’s do a deeper dive. How is the Gardner and constant speed prop performing?I’d guess you have critical spares onboard for that part of the vessel such that calls to England would be minimized?

The Gardner that was installed on Chris’s new Al build drew some negative comments on TF from those uninformed about Gardners. Several TFites suggested that multi million new build have the Gardner removed. And yet here you and many others are traveling the world pushing their vessels forward.

Safe travels and enjoy the tacos and cervaza.
Actually, the anchor is a 105lb Mantus M-1, with 350' of 1/2" chain. That held us in Ocean Falls, BC in 65 to 70mph winds with only a 3:1 scope in 90' of water:dance:

that setup will hold anywhere. WOW!

So you had about 50 feet chain left to deploy, any line after that? I hear it gets deep out 12 miles from shore. :D
So you had about 50 feet chain left to deploy, any line after that? I hear it gets deep out 12 miles from shore. :D

Yeah that's a mic drop ground tackle setup!

In the channel islands you can anchor in 90 feet and run aground when the wind shifts! Good to have a lot of chain here.
So you had about 50 feet chain left to deploy, any line after that? I hear it gets deep out 12 miles from shore. :D

Steve, the 350' of 1/2" chain is secured on the inside of the chain locker with 25' of 3/4" three strand nylon, so that it will run over the anchor roller and be able to be cut away quickly if the need arises. We also have 440' of new 3/4" three strand nylon available already spliced to a shackle to attach to the 1/2" chain, or another rode of 3/4" 3 strand, 300' long, also spliced to a shackle as well.

Won't be too much use 12 miles offshore, but I don't plan on anchoring 12 miles offshore!:D
Scott, if the best we can come up is to unknowingly comment on your anchor, let’s do a deeper dive. How is the Gardner and constant speed prop performing?I’d guess you have critical spares onboard for that part of the vessel such that calls to England would be minimized?

The Gardner that was installed on Chris’s new Al build drew some negative comments on TF from those uninformed about Gardners. Several TFites suggested that multi million new build have the Gardner removed. And yet here you and many others are traveling the world pushing their vessels forward.

Safe travels and enjoy the tacos and cervaza.


Problems encountered thus far:

  • we had a small fuel seep from the secondary fuel filter on the Gardner which was addressed by replacing the filter and gasket
  • topped off the oil by a quart after running for 100.6 hours straight from Neah Bay to Bodega Harbor.
  • I have an annoying hydraulic leak from the vicinity of the hydraulic motor driving the 12kw generator as well. It is contained, and not excessive, but I want to get to the bottom of it.
  • bronze pin attaching engine fuel shutoff cable to linkage in the ER came out, replaced with SS bolt and nylok nut
  • Intermittent connection in port running light corrected
  • The tuna have been smarter than we are so far . . . This last item has been really disappointing! We're wondering if the "singing" of the paravane cables are keeping the fish away
Other than those items, we haven't had any issues in the

  • 120.1 hrs and 787.2 nm since leaving Port Orchard.
  • we've averaged 6.55 kts
  • burning around 325 gallons so far (that's a rough estimate using levels in the site gauges)
  • so about 2.75 gph or 2.42 nautical miles/gallon
  • The Hundested CPP has performed flawlessly
On another note, we dropped off our third crew member (our daughter) at the airport in San Francisco this morning. Then we spent several hours in Muir Woods (coastal redwoods). I highly recommend a visit if you get the chance! Then park and the trees are amazing. Then, on Peter's (MV Weebles) recommendation we dropped by Point Reyes Cheese Homestead Farm on CA route 1 for some cheese. We had hoped for a tour, but only the store was open.
Then I went metal detecting for a couple of hours on Doran Beach . . . . That darn beach is one of the cleanest beaches I've metal detected! Found the normal bottle caps, pop tops, and clad coin, some tent pegs, carabiner, and sand shovel, but that was all. No Spanish doublooms, or Roman coins, or cell phones, rings, or anything . . . . . . very disappointing . . . . I'd better keep my day job . . . oh, wait, I'm retired!:dance:

Plan on turning in the rental car Thursday, and leave Thursday afternoon, or possibly Friday morning when the seas calm down. More later . . . .

Problems encountered thus far:

  • we had a small fuel seep from the secondary fuel filter on the Gardner which was addressed by replacing the filter and gasket
  • topped off the oil by a quart after running for 100.6 hours straight from Neah Bay to Bodega Harbor.
  • I have an annoying hydraulic leak from the vicinity of the hydraulic motor driving the 12kw generator as well. It is contained, and not excessive, but I want to get to the bottom of it.
  • bronze pin attaching engine fuel shutoff cable to linkage in the ER came out, replaced with SS bolt and nylok nut
  • Intermittent connection in port running light corrected
  • The tuna have been smarter than we are so far . . . This last item has been really disappointing! We're wondering if the "singing" of the paravane cables are keeping the fish away
Other than those items, we haven't had any issues in the

  • 120.1 hrs and 787.2 nm since leaving Port Orchard.
  • we've averaged 6.55 kts
  • burning around 325 gallons so far (that's a rough estimate using levels in the site gauges)
  • so about 2.75 gph or 2.42 nautical miles/gallon
  • The Hundested CPP has performed flawlessly
On another note, we dropped off our third crew member (our daughter) at the airport in San Francisco this morning. Then we spent several hours in Muir Woods (coastal redwoods). I highly recommend a visit if you get the chance! Then park and the trees are amazing. Then, on Peter's (MV Weebles) recommendation we dropped by Point Reyes Cheese Homestead Farm on CA route 1 for some cheese. We had hoped for a tour, but only the store was open.
Then I went metal detecting for a couple of hours on Doran Beach . . . . That darn beach is one of the cleanest beaches I've metal detected! Found the normal bottle caps, pop tops, and clad coin, some tent pegs, carabiner, and sand shovel, but that was all. No Spanish doublooms, or Roman coins, or cell phones, rings, or anything . . . . . . very disappointing . . . . I'd better keep my day job . . . oh, wait, I'm retired!:dance:

Plan on turning in the rental car Thursday, and leave Thursday afternoon, or possibly Friday morning when the seas calm down. More later . . . .

If you want some wonderful cheese, our (Kathy's ) family cheesery is Nicasio Valley Cheese in Noicasio, CA- right next door to Skywalker Ranch! Founded by her uncle Will LaFranchi and still family run, it's a great story of the American Dream- and fantastic cheese!
Then I went metal detecting for a couple of hours on Doran Beach . . . . That darn beach is one of the cleanest beaches I've metal detected! Found the normal bottle caps, pop tops, and clad coin, some tent pegs, carabiner, and sand shovel, but that was all. No Spanish doublooms, or Roman coins, or cell phones, rings, or anything . . . . . . very disappointing . . . . I'd better keep my day job . . . oh, wait, I'm retired!:dance:

Plan on turning in the rental car Thursday, and leave Thursday afternoon, or possibly Friday morning when the seas calm down. More later . . . .

Have you seen “The Detectorists”? Very funny TV series.
The sky is getting light and it's quiet here. Probably for the last time in a few days. I'm the only one up even the cats looked at me and rolled over as I got up at 5 after laying there for a half hour. But I do enjoy the peace of the morning and if I can't sleep, I should enjoy the sunrise. Hoping for a great day on the water. Thanks for the well wishes... hope to meet a few of you on the water some where down the way... Laura

Caroline and I will be heading down in October. We're in Port Townsend now adding LiFePo4, new chargers, controllers and solar too. Three years of cruising in Alaska done, it's time for a warmer winter for a chang. See you along the way.
We're back enroute again. We departed Bodega Harbor this morning at around 0850, enroute to Santa Cruz Island. Bail outs are Half Moon Bay (currently abeam, and Morro Bay. Winds out of the South around 15, gusting to 20 or so. Seas are 3 - 4 feet off the stbd quarter, with occasional swell out of the west that makes it a little bumpier. We're chugging along around 6.5kts sog. Visibility is around 6 - 8 miles with haze. We were dodging commercial traffic off of San Francisco, but not as much as we anticipated. I've got first watch this evening, Laura takes over at 2200 and then me again around 0400, or earlier if she gets tired.
Lots of whales today:thumb:, but no dolphins:mad:.

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