Pairadice is heading South

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
A bit late to the chain marking comments, but for the purpose of remarking the chain in future years, you can wrap a single heavy strand of copper wire around one side of a link at the measured points of the chain. Runs through the windlass, never rots or wears off.
Oh this is where you are hiding. Disregard my other post! Thanks for cleaning the dock. Looks like you are in the shallowest spot in the west basin!! Be careful my friend. On last chance to turn right and not left....LOL
Up at 4:15, lines cast off at 5:25. Had a real nice 2.5 knot push and got to the bar opening earlier than planned. Bar crossing was lumpy with short 3 footers, had to throttle back, as we were almost 2 hours early on Slack flood.
Now 6 miles offshore with 2 foot swell at about 11 seconds. Should arrive in Newport at about 18:30 this evening.


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Have a wonderful cruise south, will be nice to follow along. We just got back from a 3 week Desolation Sound trip and I cannot wait until we are able to do full time cruising such as yourself. Enjoy the smooth waters!
Off and running!! Have a great journey, John and Tracey.

The SF Bay/CA Delta gang will be ready for your arrival! Let me know if you want any marina help or recommendations. FlyWright will be out and about on round 2 of the @DeltaBridges trip from Aug 1 - Aug 17 starting at Village West Marina in Stockton. They will be hosting the 18th Annual Taste of the Delta. Hope you can join us along the way. If not, no worries...we'll see you when you get here.

Safe travels and light winds.
During the departure this morning the boat wakes from the charter, commercial and pleasure craft was bad. And because we were early we had a pretty lumpy ride across the bar. But it paid off in the long run because we entered Newport ahead of schedule

Arrived Newport at 18:10 almost to the min for Slack Flood, an really smooth into the entrance and under the bridge. Great day to cruise down the Oregon Coast. After we got out of the Columbia influence the sea’s were pretty calm. By Noon it was mid 70’s with small swell’s. Clear sky’s and six miles out, could see the trucks on PCH.

We traveled 113.4 NM and travel time from dock to dock was 12 hr’s 45 Min’s for an avg speed of 8.9 knots. Probably our fastest run for that kind of distance. Thanks in part to swells and light wind on our stern.

We will be staying here in Newport for a couple of days, Tuesday or Wednesday looks good for our next leg to Coos Bay.

And before I forget, Yesterday A fellow Tf’er came down to the dock and we had a few of his “Home Brew’s” on the dock and telling lie’s. Thanks again Al! (GoneFarrell)

Newport Bridge that spans the break water’s.


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Off and running!! Have a great journey, John and Tracey.

The SF Bay/CA Delta gang will be ready for your arrival! Let me know if you want any marina help or recommendations. FlyWright will be out and about on round 2 of the @DeltaBridges trip from Aug 1 - Aug 17 starting at Village West Marina in Stockton. They will be hosting the 18th Annual Taste of the Delta. Hope you can join us along the way. If not, no worries...we'll see you when you get here.

Safe travels and light winds.

Thanks Al,
As we get a bit closer, ill touch base with you guys. Were taking it slow and easy. And todays leg was a great one and hope for many more like it.
Cheer’s Buddy!
Nice day. Unless you have plans for Coos Bay, skip that one and go to Bandon. Great little town right at the docks. Coos Bay is more of a working harbor. They have fuel and a couple of guest slips. Of course always weather dependent
Had a great couple of nights in Bandon. Great town, but I drove there. Nice looking harbor...very close to town. Lots to see and do.

From the landside, I agree with your Coos Bay perspective, SeaRay.
After finally getting everything finished and the boat stocked we are ready to leave Portland tomorrow.
The major items that needed to be completed are below;
1) Complete service of main, transmission, generator.
2) Completed the install of new Summit fridge.
3) Repair/resurface of interior/exterior teak.
4) Service water maker.
5) Inspection and repainting of ground tackle.
6) Cut and wax outside.
7) Two short shakedown cruise’s to verify all systems are go.
8) Several shopping trips for food, consumables, spare parts.

We are heading down the pacific coast and plan to cruise very slowly south doing day runs for the most part. We have no set schedule and plan to only travel on very good weather days. Wont be entering Mexico until November with fairly long stops in San Francisco, Ventura, LA and San Diego.

We hope to spend the winter months cruising the Sea of Cortez before hauling out at Puerto Panasco or San Carlos/Guaymas for hurricane season and yard work.

I will try and give updates as long as we have internet. Please follow our journey here as well as the blog.

Cheers all, and look forward to meeting up with fellow TFer’s along the way, the TF Burgee will be flying off the bow.

Hey John
When you get down to Ventura let us know.
We are in the Channel Islands Harbor on a Selene 55 - Bella Luna.
We are heading down to La Paz and Sea of Cortez in November on the CUBAR.
It would be nice to have a "mini" Selene Rendezvous down there, Lucky Chucky is already over there.

Bella Luna
Hey John
When you get down to Ventura let us know.
We are in the Channel Islands Harbor on a Selene 55 - Bella Luna.
We are heading down to La Paz and Sea of Cortez in November on the CUBAR.
It would be nice to have a "mini" Selene Rendezvous down there, Lucky Chucky is already over there.

Bella Luna

Hi Rob,

We haven’t really considered the Cubar but ya never know. Thanks for reaching out to Tracey this AM. Were still a ways out from your Home port, but as we get closer we will stay in touch and definitely meet up.
Cheers, John
Nice day. Unless you have plans for Coos Bay, skip that one and go to Bandon. Great little town right at the docks. Coos Bay is more of a working harbor. They have fuel and a couple of guest slips. Of course always weather dependent

Now you and Al got me thinking. After doing a bit of research we are probably gonna shoot for Bandon instead of Coos Bay.

To be honest, last fall we drove down the coast to check out bar entrances, facilities at marina’s and town amenities. Additionally, should we have to wait out the weather, what places could entertain us if stuck for a week or more.
Coos bay has lots to offer, just a long trip into town from the marina. No real amenities close to the marina.
Bandon and Brookings were on the list to visit. And after looking over our notes from the trip we did last fall as well as Mapquest and Google earth, Bandon seems like a better choice.
Now, the weather forecast turns to crap on Thursday for a week or more, and being stuck in Coos Bay marina for a week is less appealing.

Thanks for the recommendation!
We have a house there. So semi business and pleasure. I will get my boat down to slip C6 this fall.
Hey all!
We departed Newport this morning at 05:25 and arrived here in Bandon at 18:15, total KM was 96.7 and time was 12hrs 50 mins, avg speed 7.52. Was a bit Rolly most of the way with beam sea’s of 2 footer’s about 7 seconds apart. Wind started out at 15 Plus SE and ended up at 5 SW Smooth surf entrance into the channel here in Bandon all though almost 2 hrs early, Ill take these bar entrances over the Columbia any day!
Looks like were gonna be here for a week for the weather to improve. Nice little place to act like tourist’s.

First pic is the Oregon Dunes as seen from about 4 miles out.
Second pic is the entrance to Bandon.


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Nice. We arrive via land yacht tomorrow. Great town.

Tonys Crab Shack
Bandon Brewery
Irish Pub
Billy Smoothboars
Bandon Dunes

All must tries if staying a bit. Probably others too.
That’s gonna require a few beers at the brewery, dont ya know!
So glad we decided to wait out the weather here at Bandon. Today was another windy day with gust’s from the north right into the marina 30+ knots. And will stay like this for another few days. So off to play like tourists we go.
First stop was the Farmers Market, mostly arts and crafts. But the Admiral scored on pastries and fresh bread’s and she did find another nice cutting board. From there we visited the “Washed Ashore Project”.
There mission statement is, “Washed Ashore builds and exhibits aesthetically powerfull art to educate a global audience about plastic pollution in oceans and waterways and spark positive changes in consumer habits.”
A very interesting program that even has a traveling exhibit to many spots around the US. If your ever in the Bandon port city you wont be disappointed and its free to visit. Of course donations are excepted!

Were off to try another local restaurant this evening, Maybe Italian this time.


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Trip to Brookings was a bit tiring, following seas and winds most of the way down.
Another stop for a weather window, this one may be awhile.
Ya, sorry we don’t have a lot of excitement to report. A bit of drama would be more entertaining I suppose, things like prop fell off, dog went overboard, engine problems and such.
Still a ways to go.
Met up with a nice couple on there 40 ft Nordy, they are from Canada and are heading south also. They left this morning for Cresent City, and if it wasn’t for friends coming to visit this afternoon we would be gone also.
Might be a small window tomorrow morning to get to Cresent City, after that it’s snotty weather for some time.
John, on these ocean legs, do you ever throw a fishing line out? You might just connect.:thumb:
John, on these ocean legs, do you ever throw a fishing line out? You might just connect.:thumb:

Ken, Just haven’t felt the urge yet. But we have been told that occasionally, people get lucky dragging a lure. We aren’t offshore far enough for the tuna, and at 8 knots we are probably too fast for Salmon but ya never know!
We went trolling for striped bass on Lake Greenwood. My uncle's friend hooked a carp in the back of the head. Carp like to jump when boats go by. We think he may have been on his way out of the water when the trailing lure caught him.
Short hop to Crescent City, slight weather window turned out to be sloppy seas with 4 foot following at times were right on the beam. Anyway, safe in CC and now we wait for a weather window.
Probably gonna rent a car and play like tourists. Wife wants to go see the Redwoods.
Met up with a nice couple from Canada, (Victoria) who are heading south also on there Nordy 40 (AEGIS), they may tag along with us on a car trip.
CC is a great place. I graduated high school there. Take a drive up 199. Awesome park.
Tom, in these days of "Prove it or it didn't happen" should know that you can't make a statement like that without proving it by supplying copies of the stone tablets your diploma was chipped into. :dance:
I did work in a Redwood saw mill which is where I acquired this table. Go Del Norte High!!20190725_133656.jpeg

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